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Re: Are there any runners here?
04 Jan 2014, 11:29
Morning all - 24:56 for me this morning on a very splashy course. Cold, miserable but good fun and a couple of old opponents beaten. MrsPete slower than last time, 29:22, so I might just be about the same on percentage. No.2 son made it round again, just in front of his mother, looking like a drowned rat at the end...

Edit: Mrs beat me by 0.06% after all- rats!
Re: Are there any runners here?
05 Jan 2014, 18:10
Happy New Year to you Pete!
I train with the running club on Sunday mornings, 45 minute jog, then exercises then interval training with slopes on footpaths, 800m in 3 minutes 30 secs, then recoup of 2 mins x 6.
Then 25 min job back to the sports centre for stretching exercises.
No Sunday lie in here! But at least you can eat what you want without guilt for the rest of the day:-)
Fasting tomorrow, need to lose 2kgs...
Re: Are there any runners here?
05 Jan 2014, 20:18
Happy New Year to you as well Susan! I wish I could tolerate that amount of running nowadays - I have only been doing the 5km parkrun since late summer, the rest of my exercise being walking and cycling (and not been on the bike for three weeks due to the weather). Hips are holding out OK but they really resent going climbing on the indoor wall, with all the twisting and stretching. Hoping for another spell of better running when the weather warms up a bit, breathing is the limiting factor at the moment...

I suspect you have some great results ahead of you!
Re: Are there any runners here?
05 Jan 2014, 20:45
I think it is going to take at least a year of training to get below 45 mins for a 10k which is my aim. I'm 48 so too old to start doing the cross events, so will stick with 10k and half marathons as distance, with maybe some trails as I like those too. I have a delicate knee so must be careful! I hope the weather clears up soon so you can get back cycling!
Re: Are there any runners here?
06 Jan 2014, 08:12
Trail events/hill running were my favorites. Because your stride pattern is continually changing on uneven surfaces you do not get the same aches and pains at the end of a long day, and I enjoyed not having to run up every hill. Was never competitive for speed but could do long distances...
Re: Are there any runners here?
06 Jan 2014, 10:05
Morning runners!

I was at my parents this weekend, but managed to run the Portrush ParkRun. It's a toughie at the best of times, being on the beach, but this time the very high tide had just turned, leaving a very narrow pathway of soft sand - and at one stage the choice was either clamber over rocks or get feet wet! So I didnt even manage to beat my previous time for this course.

My husband is interested in the couch 2 5k programme - our local running group is starting a session tonight. But he's asked me not to come along, bless.
Re: Are there any runners here?
06 Jan 2014, 14:14
I bet your feet didn't get as wet as ours Linda!
Re: Are there any runners here?
09 Jan 2014, 15:25
They didnt get wet at all - I opted for the rocks!

I may be volunteering this weekend. It'll be my 3rd time, and so the last time I can claim 100 points. I must check when our anniversary is - I think its the start of March. So I reckon the top 3 places on the points table are unlikley to change much.
Re: Are there any runners here?
11 Jan 2014, 13:20
A much better day, and a better run for both of us today, and I even managed to keep my feet dry. 24:24 for me, a PB for 2014, and 28:57 for MrsPete. I get to beat her on percentage for once...

Anybody else managed to take advantage of the sunshine?
Re: Are there any runners here?
11 Jan 2014, 22:15
Well I set off to Telford this morning with a positive mental attitude and positioned myself in the middle of a very large crowd. Shrewsbury PR was cancelled so our average 180 attendees swelled to 273 this morning, a new PR record for us! Set off and got swept along for the first half km.... lots of shoulder jostling for position and then gradually they all shot off into the distance leaving little old me and my heavy legs plodding along. As much as the brain was willing, the body just doesn't seem to want to play at the moment and I'm afraid I did fall back into walk a few times.... for no longer than 10 paces at a time. I cracked on, being overtaken and feeling slower and slower.... then suddenly there was less than 1km to go and I found myself OVERTAKING a few people so I found a bit more in the tank and managed to make it over the finish line. Expecting a time of around 38 mins, I actually did it in 31:11.... and considering my PB is 30:24 I was rather chuffed with that. If I'd managed to keep running, I may very well have beaten my best time.... but there you go..... Next week I'll wear my stopwatch and that may well spur me on.... Perhaps I'll be feeling a bit more energetic by then too..... Apparently Bushy Park PR had a new attendance record today of 1184!!!! They had more Funnel Managers than marshalls.... and only ONE time-keeper - no pressure on THAT volunteer then!!!
Re: Are there any runners here?
12 Jan 2014, 02:09
It's sunny here in Okinawa, too. I didn't get out yesterday, but I'll get out today. It's silly to waste this sunshine!
Re: Are there any runners here?
12 Jan 2014, 07:00
5th lady home! 96 points! New PB at 26.44!!!!!

I'm cartwheeling with delight here, can you tell?
Re: Are there any runners here?
12 Jan 2014, 09:44
Congrats, MC!

I've just done my longest training run ever (15.9k) so I'm pretty happy too.
Re: Are there any runners here?
12 Jan 2014, 11:51
Ooh! Congratulations MC.... what an achievement!! AND you MaryAnn..... what a distance!!!
Re: Are there any runners here?
12 Jan 2014, 12:32
Hopping mad that I can't start running again yet.
Will re start the C25K training in a couple of weeks, it's great to see you all doing well anyway.
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