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Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Feb 2014, 07:07
@Winsome So sorry, I didn't mean to teach you to suck eggs! Of course a running magazine programme is the best one to follow and as you have already done half marathons you know what you are talking about!
I wish I could slow down for my jogging warm ups and long runs. I know I'm not going to improve my time while jogging at 10kms per hour which is what I'm doing. ALso the extra 2 kgs I've put on are making me feel heavier than usual. At least the weather forecast is good for Sunday morning!
5:2 didn't work for me in January at all and I'm 2kgs above target weight. I don't think the 2kgs is all muscle either :frown:
Re: Are there any runners here?
14 Feb 2014, 10:47
Franglaise, I really didn't mind your concern :smile: Far better that someone expresses concern that might prevent a problem, than assumes the other is well informed.

I'd like to think that with age comes wisdom... Certainly I am listening to my body more. At the beginning of the programme I repeated some of the weeks because I didn't feel ready to move on, or I had skipped some sessions. I have a feeling that I might be repeating next week as well - this is an easier week but next week has me gulping :shock:

Like you, I really struggle to go slowly. I always think that maybe some of that for me is self-consciousness, kind of 'just because I'm overweight doesn't mean I am a total snail' :confused:
Re: Are there any runners here?
15 Feb 2014, 13:02
Hi all, nice to see you are managing OK without me! Good luck on Sunday Susan, the wind might not be so bad...
I did parkrun last week in 25:46, almost my worst ever, and 30:54 today after running two miles as well as I could (not very) then waiting for MrsPete to catch up so we could finish together on her 100th run.

I have done 130 now but am seriously thinking that this might have been my last, but maybe a decent time away from running and better weather in the spring will get me back to it...
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Feb 2014, 01:50
Well another 3.5 minutes off my 10k PB, but I fell short of getting in under 1h. Next time I hope.
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Feb 2014, 10:39
Well done MaryAnn :like:
Re: Are there any runners here?
16 Feb 2014, 17:18
I'm just getting worse and worse. First 10km at end November 46m28s and next 3 all under 46, this morning's race 47m 20s - there were quite a lot of hills and wind but still! I blame that extra 2kgs I've put on for my ever worsening times!
Re: Are there any runners here?
17 Feb 2014, 00:00
Ganbatte, Susan. Hills and wind are tough! (If it's any consolation, you're still *so* much faster than me!)
Re: Are there any runners here?
17 Feb 2014, 01:45
I'm feeling really funny today. I felt like this after the half-marathon, too. Kind of lightheaded and my lungs feel funny--a bit like bronchitis. And I'm really really tired, even after a good sleep. Maybe this is normal after a race, but I've never experienced it before. Perhaps it is because what was limiting me before in races was the impact on my knees but now it is more about fitness.
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Feb 2014, 22:11
Saw this on Pinterest. Love the sentiment and can really relate, sadly. I positively LOATHE slogan t-shirts, but could hang it on a wall I suppose lol.
Re: Are there any runners here?
26 Feb 2014, 02:39
haha. that's awesome, and I can totally relate!
Re: Are there any runners here?
01 Mar 2014, 06:44
Good Morning runners,

I'm back running after some injury problems last year and general wet-weather-wimpishness.

parkrun for me back at Maidstone which I still consider my Home run even though it's no longer the closest.
Re: Are there any runners here?
01 Mar 2014, 07:13
Welcome back!

Please be back with how it went and take care :like:
Re: Are there any runners here?
01 Mar 2014, 08:08
Having suffered an extreme lack of Mojo last week, this morning I woke early and actually fancying a run :like:

A brisk 6k later (well, brisk due to the wind on the sea front rather than my pace) has seen me place 2nd and 3rd on the fitbit leader board :grin: A lofty position never likely to be seen again :lol:

It felt good to get back out there.

Good luck with your parkrun Sian!
Re: Are there any runners here?
01 Mar 2014, 11:10
29:51 AND I had to stop to re-tie a shoe lace!

I'm a very happy bunny today :lol:

@Winsome I love running by the sea and envy you
Re: Are there any runners here?
01 Mar 2014, 12:53
Well done on your park run Sian! And good for you Winsome, getting out there again. i did 15km yesterday in the strong wing and horizontal rain. Can't say it was the most enjoyable run but the physical and mental high I get from running, even in those conditions, makes it worth it.
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