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Re: Are there any runners here?
12 Jun 2014, 09:36
Ouch! How did you manage to do that @Melanie Cheeks?
Re: Are there any runners here?
12 Jun 2014, 10:16
I also look at the HealthUnlocked C25k website and picked up the link below from another poster. Have done day 1 this morning (and found out how tight my hamstring are) ... challenge/
Doing lots of different exercises whilst on my hols as the rental house has a lovely large terrace (walking lunges no problem) which is shaded first thing, overlooks the sea and is private (I really want to live here). Have a really nice 5k route to the next village, so a choice of where to pick up the morning baguette, and when the tide is right a great run along the beach to the lighthouse and back. With luck I'll end my holiday in reasonable shape to start the half training.

Good Luck for Sunday @Franglaise. Sorry to hear about your ankle @MelanieCheeks hope the rehab goes well.
Re: Are there any runners here?
12 Jun 2014, 20:19
@Melanie Cheeks I hope you have a swift recovery. Swimming sounds great exercise - I was recommended water jogging as an alternative form of exercise if/when I have my knee op done.
Thanks for your good wishes @MaryAnn - I'm looking forward to it. It is more of a trail so I'm not looking for doing a good time. A couple of guys in the club did the Lac Guerledan trail (around the lake, 76kms) last weekend. I'd really like to do that next year. It is far less intensive than road running. With nicer scenery!

Has anyone UK based noticed that the newspapers this evening are full of negative anti jogging comments (how bad it is for you etc) following the comment by Rik Mayall's wife that his untimely death occored after his regular morning run?
Re: Are there any runners here?
15 Jun 2014, 20:08
Did my first trail run toda, 23kms 2h05 so a lot more than my half marathon road time but far more enjoyable to run. I could have easily carried on for another 23. I like the soft terrain, the mud and jumping over ditches and it is a lot less violent on the knees!
Re: Are there any runners here?
17 Jun 2014, 11:56
It's very quiet on here now. I hope it is because everyone is out and about; running for miles in the sunshine.
Re: Are there any runners here?
17 Jun 2014, 13:01
Well, I ran 4 miles in the sunshine on Sunday, after running Ipswich parkrun on Saturday (in 24:30 - how is your sub-25 coming along Simon?), which is unusual because I seldom run on consecutive days now. Hips are sore, but are sore most of the time anyway.
My current target is to get back to 70% age-grade, MrsPete is getting very close and has beaten me in percentage for the last couple of weeks, this week is back to our home run, on tarmac which should be worth half a minute or so...

Update: Despite perfect conditions, home run was actually 10 seconds slower which came as a surprise. Most of my old adversaries passed me, but fortunately my kids & MrsPete did not. Another new parkrun next week, who knows what will happen there?...
Re: Are there any runners here?
17 Jun 2014, 15:58
I'm doing ok thanks.
I got flattened by a virus for a couple of weeks so that has set me back slightly. I did the Bolton parkrun two weeks ago and recorded a gently run 29:27 in torrential rain. Last week I did the Worsley Wood parkrun in 26:36 which I hope to reduce again this week. Next week I hope to be back on familiar Heaton Park territory where I am hoping to break the 25 minute barrier. Fingers crossed.
The one thing I can say at the moment is that although my times are not yet as good as I want, I am really enjoying my training and Parkruns.
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Jun 2014, 05:45
It's a shame that this forum has become so quiet as therewere some new runners around a couple of months ago and I thought things would get busier, not quieter! @Simon Egan Good luck with breaking the 25 minute barrier next week.
@CreakyPete Is there nothing you can do for your hip pain? I've decided not to go ahead with my knee op because having run 3 half marathons in as many months with no problem and no real pain, I don't want to take the risk at the moment (or have 2 months in the summer without being able to run).
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Jun 2014, 07:54
hello all

@Franglaise - i'm around, I read this thread but I don't contribute as much. All of you are doing fab, your times are all WAY faster than mine!

But, my injury is slowly showing signs of improvement, and I've managed to move up to 4-5k runs instead of 2-3k that I've been at for a few months. SO happy with that!

I'm doing some walk/run intervals in order to increase the distance without putting too much extra pressure on my leg and i'm so hoping that I can get to a ParkRun before the end of summer and aim to run the whole thing. It won't be fast, but looking at my local times I won't be last either! :grin:

Just not pushing too hard, as I know that can take me right back to the start, but you're all doing fab!
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Jun 2014, 09:41
@Franglaise: Ibuprofen and rest help a bit, but unfortunately resting is not making me quicker! There will be the option of a hip replacement eventually, I suppose, but that will be the end of my running career and there is no way they are bad enough to justify all the downtime that a big operation would cause. Running in straight lines is not too bad, it's twisting that hurts, especially when climbing where my range of movement has become quite reduced. Diet does not seem to make a difference but being light must help.
Cycling seems the best compromise, decent duration and some panting on the hills, but is starting to cause stiffness/pain after the ride.
I think you are right to put off your knee operation, for the same reasons as me. Good luck in your next challenges!
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Jun 2014, 13:24
@Franglaise, I check this thread sometimes too. I run the same 4.8km route most Sundays, aiming to improve my time, but have no aspirations to go any further. I also do twice a week a 2-3km warm-up on the treadmill at the gym, before my own HIT workout but I wouldn't call myself a proper 'runner'. I like the diversity of weights, kettle bells and other exercises too much to focus on running alone.

On the treadmill I do one minute bursts at higher speed and I must say that this seems to have made the Sunday run a bit easier and quicker. Or is that because I run more regularly? I do enjoy it more, that's for sure. On the other hand I am concerned to read about all the injuries. @Creakypete, I admire your persistence despite your pain.
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Jun 2014, 14:53
I have mostly been a lone wolf type runner doing weekly halfs, training runs. But was asked to join in for a formal 10k run this last weekend. I must say that having other runners of different levels of ability does make it interesting. Overall it pushed my pace and I had to throttle back at points for fear of hitting a serious wall. Especially out of starting gate, having much younger runners around me, a minute into it and I looked down at my watch and saw my ave pace was something not sustainable for me ! Further into the race I passed some and some passed me but my pace leveled off to something a little faster than my ave pace for the half. Ended up with 50:09. I liked the experience and hope to do some more 10k.
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Jun 2014, 15:00
I might call myself a runner on the basis of having got to the stage of jogging 5k non stop. I am a lone wolf though, as I am usually during my rambles. Jogging is slowly getting faster, I am aiming for under 35 minutes. Will report back if and when this happens :lol:
Re: Are there any runners here?
18 Jun 2014, 15:49
Finally got my run on the beach on Monday. Wasn't quite as I'd hoped as the sand in places was soft and I sank into it and then for a long stretch the camber was quite severe and there were long patches of boulders. Covered 6k then did another 3 on the road. Didn't run Tuesday as calves felt tight towards the back of my knees, so just exercised and stretched. Wasn't able to run yesterday morning as we were meeting friends, went out for food and ended up with mild food poisoning (not that it felt mild at a the time!!!) so resting today as very tired and hydrating. Hopefully tomorrow will be better as it will be my last chance to run on French soil this year and I have found a rather nice 5k circuit.
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Jun 2014, 00:34
it's gotten hot and humid in Okinawa, so running outside is hard. I've been keeping up quite well with HIIT and weights, but not getting much running in, even on the treadmill. I did come back from the UK with a nasty cold, but now I have no excuse. I'm glad to see so many of you are keeping it up!
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