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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Jun 2014, 06:08
Nice to hear and witness all this running/exercising :) In my own situation there's a lot of work in the last weeks before summer vacation hits Denmark, which is why I'm not so active on the forum as usual.
Running wise I'm in a not-so-defined marathon training for Berlin Marathon at Sep 28th.
I'm experimenting with different shoes and have tried three pairs/models, but now I'm happy with a pair of Skechers Go Bionic2 with zero heel drop. I tried Nike Free 3.0 but it has 4 mm heel drop and is too "wobbly" and I don't get to feel the ground properly. I also tried New Balance Minimus which is quite good, only too narrow for my feet.
Usually I run in Five Fingers, but the increased mileage is too hard on my feet at the moment, which had me go looking for some more cushioned alternatives.
I'd like to share a positive story with you:
Second time I took up running again was 13 years ago, weighing 15 kg (some 30-32 pounds) more than I do now, and I found some routes in a nearby forest. One of them is 9.2-something K and I ran that many times as my incredibly long run. That's how I felt about it. I really had to muster willpower to do "the long one". But I did and got better. As the times went below 55 minutes I started fantasizing about one day running the route and cracking 45 minutes. Well, life happened and I quit running after a while. The following years I ran very inconsistently, each time thinking "Now I picked up running again for real". But I hadn't until two years ago where I challenged myself to run a half marathon again. I also changed from cushioned running shoes to a more barefoot style, I really don't know why, but I was intrigued by it and the book "Born to run" was a great inspiration.
Anyway, the day before yesterday I ran the route at 44:11, well below the old 45 minute dream :victory:
So maybe there is a life after 50 - *grin*
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Jun 2014, 06:51
It's really good to hear from you all! I'm so pleased that there are so many people still running.
@barbarita I started running a couple of years ago as a 5k 'lone wolf' too, then last September I joined a club and now train with them most of the time. I find it more fun and motivating - the club has some very good runners but it is very sociable too. I progressed to 10k and half marathons pretty quickly having seen that it was possible (I'd never have dared running on my own).
@brougham50 mins is excellent for your first 10k!
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Jun 2014, 08:33
Hi there everyone, I'm a runner too, just not a very good one. But I do want to thank you all for making me realise running and fasting is possible. I'm not sure I would have been brave enough to give it a go without this thread motivating me. I just run up a hill and backdown again really. I don't know how far it is, just that it takes about 45-55 minutes depending if I'm taking the scenic route or the quick n dirty. And that I puff a lot and feel proud afterwards. I really should figure out how to track the miles...
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Jun 2014, 12:29
Hi @Roglow there are loads of apps out there that will help you to find out how long your run is. I have used in the past. There may well be better options out there and I am sure the others will jump in and let you know.

Fasting and running takes some juggling, but once you adapt things then you will be fine.
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Jun 2014, 12:39
I run in a lot of places without reception so I use an old nike+ wristband and shoe sensor to track my mileage.
Re: Are there any runners here?
19 Jun 2014, 17:24
Hi @Roglow - nice to see you here! It doesn't matter how good a runner you are, or how often you stop, you are still running and going faster than everyone else sitting on the couch. The important thing is to enjoy it! Fasting and exercise is no problem once you have worked out what suits you. I wouldn't do a race on a fast day, but have never had a problem doing even long runs (90+ mins) on a fast day, but I don't like running the day after fasting without eating first.
There are so many gadgets available for tracking your distance and speed now in a whole range of costs. And phone apps, which have been mentioned too.
@MaryAnn I sympathise with you about the heat. I've just come back from a 10k run in a temp of 24°C and that was much too hot for me! I try and stick to running on footpaths in the shade in hot weather, I'm lucky as we have plenty around here. Much easier than pounding hot tarmac!
Re: Are there any runners here?
22 Jun 2014, 06:07
I've done two runs in two days. I just don't feel right. I made sure I had ion replacement drinks and drank lots of water, but still very exhausted. I might switch to running in the gym. The treadmill is dreadfully boring, but better than heat stroke!
Re: Are there any runners here?
22 Jun 2014, 07:58
Some advice needed.

I haven't run seriously for several months. Got to week 5 of C25K twice. I now have a charity 5k run booked for 20th July . So my question is do I step back a few weeks and re start the training? Or see how far I can go independently.
I go to aerobics classes 4-5 times a week so physically fit but not a long distance runner at present. Plus I use a treadmill which is boring, but no distractions.

I managed 12-13 mins run, hamstring got tight and I was sweating like a good un.. Plenty of time to build it up again.
Re: Are there any runners here?
22 Jun 2014, 16:23
After a lengthy break from running, it's best to restart at a shorter distance, then work back up. Rule of thumb is a 10% increase per week. Try taking a shorter stride (and quicker step rate) to help that hamstring.
Re: Are there any runners here?
22 Jun 2014, 19:10
I haven't posted on this thread for ages. I did the C25K and have progressed to running 5k 3 x a week and 10k once a week (due to time constraints!) and have now entered my first half marathon in October! So looking forward to it! :grin:
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Jun 2014, 07:55
Hi there and thanks for your welcome and suggestions on how to track my mileage. I do quite a bit of my run off road (the most fun part) so might investigate the Nike wristband option. Its cold and dark here in NZ right now so hoping some stats will keep me motivated. Love your comment about running faster than those on the couch Franglaise - nicely put and very kind.

And go you Chicvic on the October half marathon - feeling a tad motivated to enter something myself now... Hmm
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Jun 2014, 12:43
I had prepared myself well this week. My previous runs have allowed me to sort all of my kit out and my trainers were now fully ‘broken in’. I had purchased the laminated Parkrun barcodes and bought an armband wallet to carry them and my car keys in. I also ensured that I was well hydrated for a few days prior to the run and was up early enough to have something to eat before setting off in the morning.

I positioned myself well in the pack behind the start line and my playlist was fully revised and ready to go.

The race went really well. I paced it as I wanted and I managed to keep myself under sufficient pressure to guarantee a new PB. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the miles floated quickly by. It was a great run and an enjoyable experience.

However, when I got my time texted to me, I was a meagre 3 seconds faster this week. A new PB by 0.00187%. Hmmmm…..

Loved the event though. :grin:
Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Jun 2014, 13:26
I'd have to use scientific notation to relate my percentage miss. 5 seconds short of a new PB.

Next Saturday however, I intend to crush it.
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 Jun 2014, 10:25
Running shoes... what's in your closet ?

Just thought i'd throw it out there, I think it's time for a new pair, current shoes have 400 miles on them. I'm on my third pair of New Balance M1340 stability shoes but open to try something new.
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 Jun 2014, 18:08
On my second pair of Saucony Kinvara 3's after a long series of racing flats. Soon to be moving to Kinvara 4. These are light 4mm drop shoes with minor cushioning.
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