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Fasting today?

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No, exactly (sorry I seem to have duplicated that message!)

I'm imagining you now, on a wire dangling from the ceiling (Mission Impossible style) trying to put the food back without anyone being the wiser

Good luck!

Bean :wink: :shock:
I've been fasting today too
My first day!
Going really well, I was actually so busy at work I didn't have time to eat much anyway so that worked out quite well. Felt a bit shakey mid morning, but other than that feel fine. Had a Campbell's country ladle whole grain pasta minestrone soup for dinner just now ( 200cal) - tasty.
Not feeling overly hungry.
I'm on call tonight so might get call out overnight, hopefully that will go ok
nursebean wrote: No, exactly (sorry I seem to have duplicated that message!)

I'm imagining you now, on a wire dangling from the ceiling (Mission Impossible style) trying to put the food back without anyone being the wiser

Good luck!

Bean :wink: :shock:

If only I had 1000 or so minions to carry off all my colleagues, relocate all the furniture so I can replace the goodies without getting off my chair and then put everything back as it was again.
Will these do?
I'm in today (Monday is a popular fast day isn't is?)

I went a bit over my TDEE yesterday so really need it today, although think I was around 2000 calories down through the whole week. Put on 3lbs yesterday just from the weekend so looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in, which will hopefully be lower again!
First fast of the week and I really was looking forward to it. Even more looking forward tonight's meal which will be petite crimson lentils and bacon soup which should be very filling. I love the pinkish color of it. Don't have a clue about how it will taste how I never ate that kind of lentils, always the lentilles du Puy (green) or the brown ones.

Does anybody know the difference in the taste ?
Got rid of my disgruntlement at lack of weight loss on my blog so starting this fast day in a more positive frame of mind. Have had breakfast and planned this evening's meal. OH gone shopping and is picking up celery and red pepper. Sun is shining so will go over to allotment later with new blueberry bush I bought yesterday as well as strawberry plants. Seed potatoes need chitting (need to find out exactly how to do that!) and onion sets need storing in frost free place. And then my wardrobe needs a huge clear out. So that should keep me busy, hold the hunger pangs at bay and give me a good sense of achievement by the time I sit down to eat again. Good luck everyone and keep smiling. :grin:
Count me in for my first fast of the week. Good Luck Everyone. :clover: :smile:
I've failed on my last few Monday fasts due to there being too many goodies in the fridge but I'm determined to do it today as I'm struggling to get off a plateau. I deliberately didn't go food shopping over the weekend to limit the amount of temptations in the house.
I'm not sure if I'm in or out today tbh.

I woke up planning to be in, but for some reason I'm struggling a lot today and I've already had a small bowl of mixed nuts and pumpkin seeds. I have no idea what the calorie count for that would be but I suspect it wont be particularly low.

This is my 3rd fast and it's harder than the last 2 (I lost 8lbs last week) so I'm wondering if my body is rebelling slightly given how overweight I am.

So I'm trying to be in but in reality I'm kinda just hovering, lol.

Good luck to you all.
In for my usual Monday fast. I didn't go to the gym though, as I had a rough night and seem to have got a cold. :curse:

So still in bed working on the computer but thinking I need to get up soon or my back will complain!

Had a lovely weekend celebrating wedding anniversary, so needing a repair day now.

Good luck everyone, wishing you a successful fast! :clover: :heart:
Happy anniversary Lizzieh. I wasn't celebrating anything but still really overdid the eating and drinking at the weekend, so I am in and hopefully my fast today will repair some of the damage. Happy fasting everyone :-)
I am in today..
As time goes on it gets less and less of a hardship..
Its just routine now.
Wow Gail......8lbs last week????? Brilliant!

Put the kettle on & have a drink whenever you are hungry - usually does the trick...

You have made a flying start - the first few weeks take a bit of getting used to, but you will soon slip into a routine that works for you.

Good luck & keep posting!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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