But I find that most days, I'm doing a bit of a window anyway; I seldom eat breakfast anymore, and often don't eat (we're talking normal days here) till mid-afternoon. May I ask, how many calories "breaks" the fast/begins the window? Five? Ten? Fifty? Do some of you have tea or coffee with milk during your non-eating time?
Even though they've debunked the whole "eating at night causes weight gain," and that the usual association is caused by what most people tend to snack on, I probably still eat too late. As a night owl (cannot sleep before midnight; when I wasn't working, my "normal" bedtime was about 4am), I don't really want dinner till 9 or 10pm, sometimes even later.
So, how do y'all reconcile an eating window with eating when hungry, if you aren't hungry during the window, but may/will be later? I am trying NOT to eat "prospectively" (in anticipation of hunger) anymore...