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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Mar 2014, 16:12
Yes I heard you loud and clear.
Ooooh was very busy at work today, had to re-write an enzyme practical as I couldn't get it to work. Got there in the end, but I then had loads of other stuff to clear away, then someone needed some coursework copying pronto.
And breath.
Forgot to get the lasagna out of the freezer, so who knows what I'm having, going to town I. About 15 mins to get nails did. And buy my mate a birthday pressie, and I might visit the fudge shop for that. I can have fudge can't I as long as it isn't chocolate?

Forgot to weigh again this morning. :confused: I remember why I put them into the ensuite now.!!!
And my sis is flying out to her Carribean cruise tomorrow, lucky thing. She's taking tight dresses for the first week then looser ones for the second. She'll still be lighter than me when she gets home. As I've still got those bloomin rockets in my pockets. Ciao
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Mar 2014, 18:17
I guess exercise is off the cards tonight then @Carieoates?!

Had sausages today...probably incredibly naughty...but nice! Somebody has put it in my mind to have an omelette, so think I'll do that tomorrow...but what flavour? Bacon? cheese? mushroom? Maybe all 3? Decisions, decisions!

Sadly, the heavy coat showed up today and so I wasn't able to dye my hair. Maybe I'll try tomorrow!

Hope all is well

Bean :sleepy: xx
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Mar 2014, 18:25
Hi Bean,
Here's my favourite omelette - 1 chestnut mushroom,1 spring onion,1 piece of red pepper, a bit of ham - all chopped fine, and sweated off in a frying pan with a bit of olive oil (if you cover with the plate you plan to eat off it will help the veg to sweat and warm the plate at the same time)
Beat up 2 eggs with some pepper and some mixed herbs and add them to the frying pan (take the plate off first :razz: ) once the eggs are starting to firm up at a bit of grated cheese and cook till it's melted. Simples !
Of course smoked salmon is ALWAYS nice if you are feeling like a rich Bean :smile:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Mar 2014, 18:36
Oh wow @SianS thank you SO much for that. I will give it a go. Mmmm

Bean :bowl: :plate: :plate:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Mar 2014, 18:47
That sounds nice @SianS having our own chooks we love love love egg based foods. I have mushroom omelet on Fridays these days as it's a fast day.

We've got gammon, chips and egg tonight. When hubs gets home I will get my but into that kitchen and cook it. Yes chips, done in out deep fat fryer, yes chips, yes I said CHIPS.

Sorry about your overcoat bean. Your near will have to wait won't it. I blame the lovely weather this weekend, we all went crazy and are now feeling a bit wobbly. Does it coincide with TOTM.
No exercise today. At the moment I'm Just doing jazzercise mon, weds,fri, and sat. That way my TDEE. Is still nice and high :wink:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Mar 2014, 18:56
Chips, chips, glorious chips!! Enjoy! :smile:

My TOTM is actually late...very unusual for it the beginning of the end I wonder :frown: :cry:

I like the way you say you are JUST doing Jazzercise, like 4 times a week! Seems A LOT to my little brain :bugeyes: keep up the good work

Bean :smile: :sleepy:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Mar 2014, 19:01
Bean! You beans do get frisky at times..Now expecting a little bean? :shock:
So sorry to hear about the heavy overcoat,i had it last night :confused:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Mar 2014, 19:05
Yes I was just saying in another tent that you and I have definitely bean overdoing it haven't we.

Bean :bugeyes: :sleepy:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Mar 2014, 10:39
Today's fast already feels good. Two cups of tea so far.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Mar 2014, 13:31
Glad it's going well Oatsey @Carieoates. It's turned out nice again now. The sun is out, it's just a bit chilly!

Here I am listening to my favourite Wittertainment podcast (Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo, radio 5 live...if anyone's interested...very entertaining, especially if you love films ;) ) with my bleach on my head. It feels a little hot under there so I hope I'll have hair left at the end of the process :shock:

Thanks to @SianS I am now stocked up with the required ingredients to make what sounds like a rather delicious omelette. All I have to do is work out the calories, something I never have to do with my beloved M&S meals!

Anyway, hope you're all ok today. Are you going boo getting tonight Oatesy?

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Mar 2014, 14:39
Beany, can you use my fitness pal. Of not tell me what you're having and I will work it out for you.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Mar 2014, 16:28
I think it works it at about 236 cals...pretty good, eh?! That includes: 2 eggs, 1 Spring onion, 18g red pepper, 12 g chestnut mushroom, 20 g cheese (mature Sainsburys) and I think that's it. Oh I didn't count a couple of sprays of one-cal.

Does that sound about right to you?

Bean :confused:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Mar 2014, 16:31
By the hair is now a weird gingery colour. Roll on the whiter shade tomorrow :shock:

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Mar 2014, 16:50
Great omelet, sounds lovely. I forgot I've got aubergine bake and some cold chicken to eat up. So that's my dinner sorted.
Wow @nursebean didn't recognise the new you.
Feed day tomorrow.There's going to be cake, I just know it.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
13 Mar 2014, 09:12
Oh my word! Isn't it awful! I went to bed with a white toner in, expecting to wake up with white hair...and it hasn't taken! This means I've got to go out for a coffee looking like that! I think I may have to search out some kind of hat!! :cry: :cry: :cry: Anyway, first thing today I've ordered some more bleach and another toner (different brand) and I'm just hoping it'll work this time (well as soon as it arrives which I hope will be saturday at the latest...otherwise I'll have the whole weekend looking like this :cry: :cry: )

Anyhoo onto my next Bean boob. I merrily made my omelette yesterday (and it was rather delicious @SianS. However, once I'd polished it off I realised I'd forgotten to put the ham in it. What an absolute baffoon :bugeyes:

Anyway, hope you have a good day at work today @Carieoates. Your last day of the week...hoorah!! :grin: :grin:

Bean :bugeyes:
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