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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Apr 2014, 22:06
Yes. CM. All sorted now, just need a cobalt blue bag. Looks different on me doesn't it. A bit more filled out lol. I'd love to see @carorees in something like it as her figure is far slimmer than mine, but she doesn't seem to know it yet !!!!!!!and I'm still waiting for her to do the big reveal.
I'd better go now, before I get into trouble. Lol
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
11 Apr 2014, 22:17
You looked very trim in it rather than filled it out Carie x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Apr 2014, 09:17
Not a lot to say at the moment.
Interior design today and more shopping.......
Managed to side step brekkie again. Woo
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Apr 2014, 16:39
Well @madcatlady how do you fancy a day out in Crondal?
You might just get that award of most meet ups in forum. Anyone else up for it?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
12 Apr 2014, 16:58
Definitely - and if it's the one in Hampshire (?) we can go to the spa in Wokingham on the way!! :grin: :grin: Maybe @WestLondonChick might venture out of the big smoke to join us too! :oops:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
13 Apr 2014, 16:32
My mum is an apple shape. Got to keep this fasting up otherwise I will be too.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
13 Apr 2014, 18:02
Yes Crondall is in Hampshire... Well on the border of Hampshire and Surrey.

Great news! Arsenal are in the FA Cup Final! They play Hull, my brother-in-law''s team (he's from Hull). So there's my sister supporting Arsenal and Ben Hull. Oh dear! :shock:

Oops, timed this badly. Just going to get my first...and only...meal of the day!

Bye for now

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
13 Apr 2014, 22:09
So I've been as good as I can considering my mum is a self confessed feeder. Wine, homemade cakes, bacon. Sausage. Tomatoes. Egg, toast and mushroom for brunch. Roast lamb, tatties, yorkshires, cabbage and cauliflower.
That was just the meals plus a few shortbread biscuits.
PLUS NO SCALES .......Non at all. Thank god.

But I only see my mum about four times a year. When she comes down south she is visiting so many people I have to book a slot. But this year we have the big family wedding so will see her in July next. I can see so much of me and my daughter in her baking, laughing sense of humour. Tomorrow I will be finishing off her paintings will upload a pic,
Nite all.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Apr 2014, 09:11
Thanks for the tag @Madcatlady :heart:

Hi lovely ladies, just seen this - when and where and I'll try to come along too as long as I haven't got any pre-planned commitment for that date or am I so late I've missed it? :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Apr 2014, 15:58
Hello Bean. Where have you bean.
Busy with your ebaying I hope.

This is what I've been up to the last couple of days.

Oh Heck...........step dads lost his false teeth. Better go look.

Yes westie @WestLondonchick it's a goer.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Apr 2014, 16:13
They look good. Did you make them yourself?

Yes, I've bean pretty busy with eBay, trying to make my millions...and failing miserable. Once I've sold my own stuff I need to get down to the nitty gritty of buying and selling at a profit. I just can't find the right sort of niche. I'm leaning towards toys, but it's such a big market that I'll have to narrow it down...and that's the tricky part!

So are you having a good time with your mum, Oatesy? I guess you have to make the most of your time together when you only see each other 4 times a year. I must say, that list of food you wrote out...Man Alive! That just sounds delishous. I feel quite hungry today, despite the fact that I've just eaten a Victoria Sandwich cake from M&S (where else?) with cream in it. Oh boy, it's pretty wonderful I can tell you.

Feeling pretty much like a zombie now so just gonna watch Pointless and try hard to stop thinking about toys to sell :shock:

Is it nice not having to worry about fasting Oates? I must say I'm getting rather excited about Sunday. HUGE chocolate egg? Here I come :grin:

Bean :smile:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
14 Apr 2014, 16:21
Hello there, yes I did do them myself. And me and mum hung them too. It was hilarious, working out where the wall isn't too wobbly (100yr old house) then making sure they were level, using my spirit level app ! Then spacing them out.
I copied her curtains, used leftover paint from in the room. Canvases from hobby store. Job done. I could do them all day, it's so therapeutic. We have them all over my house too. Never buy pics.

Hey that could be a good business, :?: mind you I did end up using my eye makeup brush. Lol

I am looking forward to getting home and starting my ultra low carb pre weekend hit.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
15 Apr 2014, 08:03
When are you coming home Oatesy?

I'm starting to think I won't be able to reach my Easter Challenge goal. I keep going up and down but today I weigh 11:4 (most disappointing). Its ok, because I know it'll go down again tomorrow. I think I may have to skip breakfasts for a while and see if that helps. I really want to reach my Easter goal weight on Sunday. I was gonna say I've worked hard for it, but I really find this way of eating so easy! The only think I'm worried about is my 2-week holiday. I haven't bean away for 2 weeks since 1994 I heaven knows how much weight I'll put on. I think I'll have to try and skip breakfast whilst away just so I can enjoy the little"extras" that Cornwall has to offer...Cream Tea anyone?!!

Thats the trouble with me. My weight loss is always so fragile. It just takes a couple of days of eating normally for it all to come back...and some. Not this time, though. This is the real deal! (still think I'll need a boob job though :wink: )

Anyway, enough of my rambling. I hope you have a great day. At least the sun is shining again today!

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
15 Apr 2014, 08:14
I am driving home today Beany.
Will stop off for brunch on the m6 toll.

Our weight is very fragile isn't it. I haven't seen scales since last Wednesday. :cry:

Will the reduction be on the nhs or will you have to pay. I've known three gals who've had it done. Then again I know three gals who've had an enlargement too,

So I will catch you later, then dreaded weigh in tomorrow morning. Tomorrow will be the start of ultra low carbs for a wee while. Got to get that Ketosis kicked in.

My not eating chocolate hasn't gone as well as planned. I still haven't had a "bar" of chocolate, but I have had the odd square. Then there's the low cal hot choc on fast days.
Do you think your loss has been aided by "no chocolate"
Anyhow, well done you !!

Ok got to pack up and get my but moving.
See you on the flip side. ie doooon south. :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
15 Apr 2014, 08:22
Oh I didn't realise you were coming back so soon! Have a good journey...keep safe! And good luck with the weigh in tomorrow (fingers crossed).

Sadly, my reduction will be paid for by myself! I'm going to leave it until I've got to 9:7 and then go for it. Now that I'm beginning to feel better I really am going to make a new life for myself! Its all rather exciting really, isn't it!

I'm not sure about the chocolate. I guess not eating it has made a difference. When I think about it, we used to eat Kit-Kats with our cup of tea practically every day. Sunday I shall enjoy myself and munch on a chocolate egg (or two!) but I'm not going to go crazy. I've got to hold on to this wonderful weight loss...if its the last thing I do! Thats the beauty of daily weighing. Keeps you on your toes!

Anyway, will chat again when you return. Have a good trip!

Bean :starving: :heart:
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