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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
16 May 2014, 13:10
Oh silly me Carie! X
Yeh i think Friday Fotos wd be a laugh! X :cool:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
16 May 2014, 14:56
Friday fotos. Now that's a good title @Candicemarie and I can't shop looking at your lovely face.
Mine was my skirt. I will get onto that little concept, and have it up and running by next Friday. Maybe a different subject each week or a colour, or selfie poses.

Anyhow I'm here to proclaim that I've survived until now on an oxo. Been having a light lunch recently on fast days but today I had a mad moment and decided to go almost zero until dinner. Looks like it may be an early dinner but I've still got it.

Yipeeeeee. Can't wait for weigh in tomorrow. :starving: :victory:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
16 May 2014, 15:05
Well done buddy! Friday Fotes eh? Hmm interesting :confused:

I'm like you, I haven't eaten a crumb yet and am looking most forward to my fish pie tonight (courtesy of my lovely friends M&S...what would I do without them). I guess I should have gone for my cottage pie today seeing as how tomorrow I'm having fish n chip pie. I might try and avoid breakfast tomorrow...I'll see how I feel :confused:

Its going to be a long old night isn't it.

By the way, Mark Kermode has recommend Godzilla so if anyone fancies seeing a BIG film this weekend, thats the one to its got Brian Cranstone in...great actor!

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 May 2014, 07:46
Well I have to post in here how please I am with my weight...but I won't go on about it. I'm going to skip breakfast so I'll be able to enjoy lunch.

Am feeling rather nervous about the FA Cup today. I SO want Arsenal to win. They need some silverware desperately :neutral:

Anyway, how is my buddy today? Has that two pound come off this morning?

Bean :grin:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 May 2014, 11:20
Congratulation dear buddy. I'm so happy for you. 10 something you've done very well and deserve it.
I on the other hand have got stuck on 12.7. Fat 37.4. Never mind, there's always next week i suppose. I'm off to get hubs birthday pressure tidy whilst he is playing golf, I want to bet him an indoor/ outdoor raclette. It's like a little electric BBQ. He loves BBQ ing do it's just up his street, so I will be trawling the busy garden centers this afternoon.
My tummy is very empty and I will weigh again just before I eat just incase.!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 May 2014, 11:23
Worth trying again later x :like:
Dont forget,can be inches not pounds. Sometimes off strange places! X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 May 2014, 18:21
My gorgeous skater skirt.
Today's purchase 25% off in Dorothy perks
New dress

So I've started to take more pics of myself lately.
Is it a sign that I'm feeling good about my body? All size 14. It's an expensive business this weight loss malarkey but you know what. I'm enjoying the shopping like never before. The bank of Oates may say something else.
I now declare that I will not buy another item until I'm a size 12 or have reached my new goal of 11.11. That's a lot some of you may be thinking but Carorees advised me that my fat percentage should be around 30% giving me a weight of 11.11 or 75kg
So here I go. Stuck on 12.7 for the past two weeks but I tend to lose maintain lose. So there's hope for me to get a few more pounds off before my Hols with hubs on May 29th.

Hope you're having a good day and enjoyed your pie beany (10 something)
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 May 2014, 18:43
I like yr buys and i like that youre enjoying buying! I am living vicariously ! :razz:
Lovely colour bag,scarf goes great, i like yr summery dress..looks pretty and comfy too.
You really have a nice curvy in and out waist now dont you! :like: well done,you deserve to enjoy shopping..break the bank of Oates,just have fun! X
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
17 May 2014, 21:12
Oh wow Oatesy, how exciting to be able to buy new smaller outfits. I still can't really buy smaller tops because of my Flippin big boobs...would love to have a figure like yours!

Anyway, as lovely as those outfits look, it would've bean nice to see your face too

Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 May 2014, 14:07
Hello Bean. I guess you're still on cloud nine re arsenal win. Not much to report really. Been to see @Madcatladyand seen her babies, had a cuddle.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 May 2014, 16:52
Couldnt you just cuddle them to bits! Thanks for the pics Carie x
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
18 May 2014, 21:32
Oh aren't they cute! Bless their little cotton socks :)

Can't really celebrate Arsenal's win on my own...and on a blimmin fast day. Still, tomorrow I'm taking my aunt to see Godzilla in 3D :shock: and I'm going to have some ice cream...oh yes, chocolate too :wink:

Pleased with Candy because I think she may very well have come up with a great name for my shop.

Hope you have a great day at work tomorrow Oates. Was just looking at your photos again. You really are super slim aren't you. Well done

Bean :smile:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 May 2014, 10:26
Oh what?! Where's my buddy?

Well as I type this my second application of pink is sitting on my head. Hmm not sure I should have done it just before my trip out...but at least its the cinema so I'll be in darkness most of the time :confused:

Thanks to Candy I can officially announce my new shop:

Little Shop of Hollywood

Thanks Candy

Bean :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 May 2014, 12:20
Fantastic name. Well done candy.

Ahhhh thanks for that compliment bean. I still wish I was 11 something. But Im feeling confident in my skin otherwise there would be no piccys.

We watched the other Godzilla last night. As may be going to see new one. I don't believe it. I just like kid films now. It's been 18 yrs of Pixar Disney etc etc. I laugh at horrors, I don't fry at Rom coms. I'm just weird aren't I. Plus we have a posh 3D telly which I hate wearing the glasses for. Mmmmm anyway I fell asleep two nights running now. I think it's the hay fever pills which I started on Friday.
Will catch you later and have a great day, choc Ice cream included.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
19 May 2014, 12:40
Well I finally went pink :shock:

Bean :pig2:
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