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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Good morning to my new fasting buddy@clairemarie I was up earlier than usual for a Monday as I had to take my daughter to the airport. As I was up I have been to an aqua aerobics class. If you are up yet I hope you are ready for another good fast day like you had last Friday. :angel:
I had my weekly weigh in this morning and have had the biggest loss for some time of 0.8 lb. Enough to actually show a discernible downward turn on my tracker :grin:
Edited. Just looked at my tracker and my loss is actually 1.2lb :-D :-D :-D !
Tonight I am planning a new supper dish of chicken and fennel, until then only clear fluids
Yes @callyanna, on the east coast next to a national park. Tassie Devils too! We can build ourselves a little environmentally friendly house! Visitors welcome!!
@@LilGood afternoon, Buddy Lil. Not sure I know how to do the tag thing so let me know the trick :wink: Good for you on your 1.2lb and especially since you had a feasty weekend. My weigh in is on Fridays. I will have a few cups of coffee with a slash of 2% sans sugar. Don't use it anymore. Then clear green teas. Planned on having a tuna stuffed tomato for dinner but it is so cold today that I probably will want something warm. I made a pot of chicken and barley//lentil soup last week in the freezer so I might take that out. Noon til 3pm is my hungry time so I am going to try to keep busy.
Hi @clairemarieAs regards the tag - if you go to the full editor version you will see 'tag' in one of the boxes above - select that and put my name in the middle of the 2 'tag's
Fortunately I did not have a 'feasty' weekend. The mince pies went off to the hen do with my daughter. That said quite a few came back last night and she has gone back to Berlin now but I won't be looking at them today!
Soup sounds a good idea for a cold day - did you calorie count it when you made it? ( I said I was going to keep you on the straight and narrow!) Do you cook separately for the rest of your family? There is only me and hubby at home so I cook the same for both - he sometimes has extra potatoes with his and he has some cheese and biscuits later. He reckons we get nicer meals on my fast days!
Keep strong for the rest of your day!
@@LilNo cal count on the soup but it is homemade so no funny stuff in it. A few bits of chicken in its own cooking broth, some lentils and barley, onion, carrot, celery, kale. Seasonings include bay leaf, s&p, dill. My portion will be a cup and one half. I don't think this will be over 500 calories. Today is -7c. so have stick to the warm stuff. No temptations yet :smile: As for the family I cook mainly for my grandson as my daughter sticks her nose up at anything remotely healthy. I made a butternut squash lasagna over the week end so my grandson will have that and a salad for dinner. I will hide in my room while he eats lol.
Ooh -7c. Your soup sounds just the ticket. I haven't quite sorted out the time difference yet - I think you may be in the midst of your 'hungry time' Strength buddy! It's 5.30pm here - I'm going to start cooking soon
@LilYes its my hungry time and I am sipping on black tea. What is your hungry time strategy?
YAY for the tagging ! I just have a drink - often just water or sugar free squash and it helps the feeling to go. Sometimes , like today, 1/2 a stock cube in hot water - I think the salt can help. On one of the FB groups there used to be someone who just put a crystal of sea salt on his tongue
@Lil Thanks for the tip! Half way through the fastday and I am feeling thinner already. My grandson will be home from school soon and will be ravenous so we shall see if my willpower holds out.
@Debs! River frontage with platypus and a swimming hole, next to a National Park!
Doesn't get much better....
And what are Tasmanian Devils like? Do they look a bit like otters? ( never seen one) and why are they devils? :razz: x
You stick at it@clairemarie! I am going out shortly to a women's group I belong to. No cheating while I am not looking! I will try and check in with you when I get back - around 11pm my time
Thank you Lil for your support. Doing homework with my little guy right now while sipping a cinnamon spiked coffee. Enjoy your meeting. Have a good night!

For you candicemarie!! Devils supposedly due to the bloodcurdling noises they make when feeding. They are the size of a small dog, all jaws and neck, they can climb trees and chew through bone. Very cute though!!
Morning @Debs.. beautiful autumn morning in Sydney, lovely cool breeze coming through my office window.. my two favourite seasons are Autumn and Spring though i slightly prefer Autumn. I only realised it was Autumn on Sunday!!! Feb went so fast.

anyhow today is Tuesday and its a fasting day.. and it's going to be a "good fast day".. i say "good" because you can have a fast day and slip up a bit but im making it a good one. want that purple line in the right direction!
Good morning! Still dark and flyblown here at 5.45am, but should be a lovely sunrise. I fasted yesterday and slipped up a bit so the scaled haven't been kind this morning so I ignore them!!
You have to be in the right mindset some days don't you?
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