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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Hi there! Fasted successfully yesterday for the first time in a few days and feel slightly back in control. I will see how I go today and will leave it as long as possible before eating to try and tame the appetite.
We have people comeing to look at the hosue again tomorrow so tryiong not to get my hopes up, but fingers crossed.
Debs wrote: Hi there! Fasted successfully yesterday for the first time in a few days and feel slightly back in control. I will see how I go today and will leave it as long as possible before eating to try and tame the appetite.
We have people comeing to look at the hosue again tomorrow so tryiong not to get my hopes up, but fingers crossed.

Great to hear about your good fast day @debsYou certainly sound positive about things.

I had one of those indulgent meals at a restaurant.. indeed we restaurant hopped to have dessert elsewhere as the first one was just so loud. so 3 courses including a lot of pork and crackling and tiramisu for dessert. I was really expecting the outcome on scales this morning . 71.3 over a kilo more than the day before. Whilst i record it in Libra its just an aberration so no worrying at all. I know i can repair things today on my normal fasting Sunday. Must admit I have been terribly hungry today as i must have got my appetite all worked up yesterday.

Love this WOL.. how often have i said that!
Yes, that is the problem with eating a lot isn't it, you end up feeling ravenous the next day! Just seen my typing from yesterday, terrible! I obviously think a lot faster than I can type!
I am going for a low calorie effort today to try and consolidate things, and then fast again tomorrow to try and repair some damage from the previous days, and as I know I shall have a few nice meals when I go home!
@Debs what's happened to your avatar. It's gone!
Debs wrote: Yes, that is the problem with eating a lot isn't it, you end up feeling ravenous the next day! Just seen my typing from yesterday, terrible! I obviously think a lot faster than I can type!
I am going for a low calorie effort today to try and consolidate things, and then fast again tomorrow to try and repair some damage from the previous days, and as I know I shall have a few nice meals when I go home!

for the scientists in the house whats the technical reason for feeling very hungry the following day, if you ate more than normal on a feast day

11pm and still hungry.

my typing is shocking too as you probably already know and i dont capitalise my i's or words at the start of a sentence unless i go back and edit. not sure why i leave it like that most of the time
Hello @Lizbean I am back!

Phew been so busy and enjoying taking it easy now today!
Hope you enjoyed your walk yesterday, today seems to be the best weather here and I enjoyed my first morning cup of tea sat on the patio doorstep. I do love it when Spring shows its face!

Right must go do my Easter challenge update!

Speak soon buddy

Spanner xxx
Hi @spanner

Glad to hear you are having you time today after a busy few days.

I'm getting ready for the week ahead, so popping to the shops shortly to buy fresh provisions - fish, chicken, fruit, veg, salad - and tea. It's time to find new yummy recipes to some add variety. I'm also searching for the pilates class today.

Weighed myself this morning ... 135lbs and wow I have reached my Easter target :smile: the walk along the Thames must have helped, though I did not make the 11 miles due to my dodgy knee (did not want to push it too far) - we stopped off at Greenwich (the daffs were glorious) and spent a lovely afternoon browsing the market. So it was a six mile walk in the end. But I did treat myself to a rather gorgeous multi coloured silk wrap around skirt for the summer, for only £10. It fits any size!

I'll see you on the Monday fast thread later this eve - though I won't be home till around 9.30pm tomorrow as I have an evening meeting, but I'll pop in then to see how our fast day went. Err, that means taking my fast dinner to work - that's a new one. Cold cod anyone? I do like a hot dinner on fast days.

The week ahead is your week - Ms Determined! Good luck - I'm cheering you on from the sidelines. :like: Look forward to hearing how it goes - what's going well :smile: and those darn challenging moments. :confused:

Catch you later.
Lizbean xx
Morning @Lizbean

I am up and ready for Fasting and feeling good!
Enjoyed my Sunday roast yesterday even though my Yorkshire Puddings were a disaster (the dog liked them)
Unusually I have this afternoon off work so will make today more challenging - plus I have had a SOS call from a sad friend who needs cheering up so meeting for coffee - I will stay strong though and just have the coffee!!!
Hope the cold cod is not so bad - I am having garlic chicken salad tonight!!
Well done on your amazing progress so far - you are inspiring me!! :grin:

Spanner xxx
Dogs like anything Spanner :confused: Mine were particularly fond of wombat poo!!!!!

I had too many nuts (again). I shan't have dinner tonight to make up for it. Why do I do it to myself?! :bugeyes:
Debs wrote:

I had too many nuts (again). I shan't have dinner tonight to make up for it. Why do I do it to myself?! :bugeyes:

your only human @debs
How is it that Monday rolls around so quickly@Lil? No doubt you had super week end. I actually had a quiet week end with mindless eating. Watched an exercise program on the local public broadcasting station and may give it a try. It is called T Tap. If anyone is familiar give a shout out. So my plan for todays fast is not to eat. original huh? I know salad is in fridge for dinner. Planned on walking but I am not excited about it because it is snowing yet again. Tomorrow will be in the fifties though. What's your game plan?
Hi @clairemarieJust came up to send you an early morning (for you) greeting and you've beaten me to it. I've had my weigh in today - I am down 0.2lb. After a slightly excessive weekend and a better than average loss last week I am happy with that. My % fat has also gone down slightly so all good.I have already been to aquajog this morning followed by a swim. I have only recently discovered aquajog and I really like it. I haven't decided what to cook tonight - something with fish I think - I'll have a look through my 5:2 recipes shortly. The weather here was lovely yesterday - did a little bit in the garden but there is a cold wind now. Keep resolute for your fast - speak to you later
@Auriga Hi. Fast day for me today. Only did two last week. Going to try for three this week if I can.... :cool:
I am fasting today too....I thought you'd got stuck in your fashionista tent for a minute.....LOVE that blouse Karen.
How is your day going@clairemarieI've decided to cook cod roasted with parma ham and peppers ( a Hairy Dieters recipe) with celeriac chips and veg. Went into town to buy the parma ham and found a skirt and 2 tops in a charity shop.As I am starting to try on some of my warmer weather clothes quite a few of them are having to go in the charity bag. I have always thought that clothes slightly too loose were more flattering than too tight but there's too loose and TOOOO loose!! Also bought a spur of the moment new bra in the supermarket but cups too big so it will have to go back.
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