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Calling @clairemarie! Are you OK? Late afternoon / early evening for you. I hope you have been out and about doing nice things. I've had my dinner - I am up to 387 cals so far today. I may try your cocoa recipe later but with 150 mls almond milk. I'm off to watch last night's Call the Midwife on catch up. I'll pop back shortly to see if you need any moral support
So sorry@Lil, I was responding to your last post when my son stopped by for a visit. He and his fiancé have moved into future m-I-laws house an he is having a hard time finding his place. They are trying to save for a wedding/house of their own. I'm touched that he still confides in me. He is such a good kid and I admire the man he has become. Well, I am ashamed of myself for my weekend. The house was empty so I stayed in bed all day Sat/Sun having a Doc Martin marathon. I ate an oversized chocolate bar, a bowl of chocolate frosting etc. I hope there will be a season 7! Love Call the Midwife too but no season 3 here yet. I had lunch at noon. I am sure my hunger and lack of control stems from the sugar rush I was on over the weekend. Oh well what's done is done and I will move on. Tea and lettuce for dinner :curse:
@Lil also think your cod recipe sounds delish! I am going to keep it in mind. Cod is about 9 dollars a pound here. How is the price of fish in your area?
For my fasting buddy@Lil three messages in a row. My God my other son is skyping from Ireland...there must be something in the air today...I'll be back
Well that was quick@Lil. He is preparing for job interviews and nervous. Any way, last summer I gave old clothes to charity and bought some new. I am sorry I did that as the new summer clothes will not fit at the moment. Why is it we lose weight in the spots that are least desirable? Even though I lost 24lbs my stomach just never wants to deflate! Tomorrow is going to be warm and sunny so I will walking just as far as I can go!
Hello@clairemarieGlad you are OK and getting lots of attention from your boys. Forget about the weekend - looks like you have managed a good day today. Although the thought of lettuce for dinner when it is snowing outside doesn't sound very appealing! I don't know if you can get the Hairy Dieters books in the USA - their recipes are really tasty. You might be able to find them on line. What about cooking up some nice dinners and freezing the extra portions. For me having a nice dinner to look forward to really keeps me going. I have a collection of 5:2 recipes that I have printed off and keep in a folder. I could snd you some links maybe ( if my IT skill are up to it) if you like
I also have a belly that is reluctant to leave me! Some time till summer proper is upon us you may get into those new clothes yet.
The episode of Call the Midwife I have just seen was the last of series 3 - seems like it could be the last ever :frown:
Hi @Debs... what was I thinking on Saturday night. To have a 3 course meal like that at the German restaurant and Italian restauarant plus 2 glasses of wine and an Ice coffee.

Im now suffering the outcome of not budging from the 71's on the scales.

I might do one of my tricks which is not to weight myself till later in the morning after which I can see 200g or even 300g loss. this way my chart doesnt look so bad.

Tuesday is fast day and I promise to make it a "good one" Maybe tomorrow i will see the 70 something again.
How are you going Debs?
Well Claire I have just had a delicious cup of cocoa to your recipe but with 200 mls unsweetened almond milk added. Hopefully that will keep the hunger pangs at bay till the morning - and then we can eat ! Enjoy your dinner and I will see you here on Wednesday
@Lil enjoy your work day. Try unsweetened coconut milk only 45 calories per cup.
Hi there juliana! very happy as I'm sat at. Port Hedland airport waiting for the flight to Melbourne, hoping to get a bit of shut eye en route, although it it only a four hour flight compared to the all day effort going via Perth.
After yesterday's nut fest, or vest as my iPad insists on saying, I didn't eat last night and will fast as long as possible today so I can enjoy a curry in Melbourne when I get in. It will be roughly 2pm Perth time, so one meal for the day will be ideal! Qantas food is pretty average so I shouldn't have too many problems resisting! My weight is stuck, and won't improve while I'm on r&r but I shall be following the Auriga plan when I get back. Stubborn as a mule, me!!
Debs wrote: Hi there juliana! very happy as I'm sat at. Port Hedland airport waiting for the flight to Melbourne, hoping to get a bit of shut eye en route, although it it only a four hour flight compared to the all day effort going via Perth.
After yesterday's nut fest, or vest as my iPad insists on saying, I didn't eat last night and will fast as long as possible today so I can enjoy a curry in Melbourne when I get in. It will be roughly 2pm Perth time, so one meal for the day will be ideal! Qantas food is pretty average so I shouldn't have too many problems resisting! My weight is stuck, and won't improve while I'm on r&r but I shall be following the Auriga plan when I get back. Stubborn as a mule, me!!

What was Auriga's plan again?
Stubbornness!!! No refined carbs, heaps of veggies and not overdoing it on the treats!
Hey @lizbean
I have been so good today and I am not even fasting!! Fruit for breakfast, carrot and hummus for lunch and planning mackerel and salad for tea. If I can be good tomorrow and fast Thursday I am sure the scales will be on my side :-)
Hope you are having a good Tuesday.
Spanner xxx
Debs wrote: Stubbornness!!! No refined carbs, heaps of veggies and not overdoing it on the treats!

Yes stubbornness to the nth degree!!!!!! :grin:
Hi everyone! Almost slipped up - remembered I'm supposed to be out for lunch tomorrow so need to swap fast days which means consecutive yesterday and today. Fortunately only had 100 cal of soup at lunchtime so can get round it!

Off to make something to eat now then.

Very much appreciate all the support I get from my buddy @WestLondonChick@ and look forward to meeting her sometime!
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