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Hey @spanner

Thanks spanner, I have had a good Tuesday too - exceptionally busy at work - I only have breakfast at weekends (life pattern since a child - though 52 might push me off that in the future?) as I never feel able to eat before 11am. Tuna salad for lunch and roasted chicken breast and asparagus wrapped in parma ham with steamed pak choi and roasted chicory.

Spanner and Lizbeans Good Day No2 - :smile: that's great news, well done! I have certainly found fasting Monday and Thursday helps me be good on non fasting days during the week - which means weekends are relaxed within reason. While others make use of changing fast days to suit their life style, for me so far - 10 weeks, it seems to be important to keep to a routine. Something like being re-educated - re-learning the boundaries. Bit like the planetary boundaries we are pushing and need to reorganise, err, sorry work stuff is protruding! Shut up Lizbean!

I love hummus, it's ages since I made it (additional garlic) - so I'll put it on my list, thanks for that.

Spanner and Lizbean's Good Day No3 - :smile: I'm off to make my lunch: mung beans with - beetroot, toms, spring onions, cucumber, feta, a few capers and anchovy, petit poise and a wiz dressing of fresh herbs, ground almonds,lemon, garlic and olive oil. For dinner my daughter is cooking fresh tuna with her own surprise? She is a great cook.

I have started our Good Day report in - it's only Monday to Thursday when we can make it - I thought it might help - if it's not helpful we can take the banner down and find the right route.

Wishing you Good Day No3
Lizbean XX
@Lizbean love the sound of your lunch. Might have to be as creative and kind to myself today as you
Hi @gillmary- thanks - I'm in a good place, being more creative and thoughtful about what I cook and eat. That includes not grabbing too many carbs. :wink:
gillymary wrote: @Juliana.Rivers the fasting five some are official @Jo05 now on board with us, just giving you the update ...we"re off and away woo hoo

post 1 now updated. you go girls
Good morning to my fasting buddy @clairemarieLooks like it should be a bit warmer out for you today! I usually go to a pub quiz on a Tuesday evening which involves a couple of drinks and usually a few crisps (chips?) None of my team mates were available last night so I had an evening in front of the TV. I had a bit of a run in with a bag of hunza apricots - I do love dried fruit and if you crack open the stone the kernal is like a small almond. I think the calories taken were probably offset by what I would have had at the pub. When I looked up the calorie count of the apricots I found they are a super food - the people of Hunza ( I didn't know it was a country) live to a ripe old age and never get cancer apparently so not all bad. I have had my cup of tea with skimmed milk, now having a cup of sugar free lemon squash with added cider vinegar and benefiber - this is my normal routine for a fast day morning.
I am planning to do the Hairy Bikers spanish chicken for dinner tonight - this is a regular fast day meal for us and is really nice.
'Speak' to you later
Lizbean wrote:

Spanner and Lizbean's Good Day No3 - :smile: I'm off to make my lunch: mung beans with - beetroot, toms, spring onions, cucumber, feta, a few capers and anchovy, petit poise and a wiz dressing of fresh herbs, ground almonds,lemon, garlic and olive oil. For dinner my daughter is cooking fresh tuna with her own surprise? She is a great cook.

Okay well my Good Day No3 is not as super healthy as your but so far so good. Had a veggie cuppa soup about 11am and have just literally eaten the remains of my hummus but today with red pepper and sugarsnaps. I also have a little snackbox with some cheddar cubes and pineapple in for late afternoon as I think evening meal will be late today. For dinner I am going to make the chorizo and butterbean stew posted up by someone last year, it was one of my staple dinners last year and have just remembered it. It doesn't sound very healthy but the teeny amount of chorizo means excellent flavour and about 200kcal per potion.

I have started our Good Day report in - it's only Monday to Thursday when we can make it - I thought it might help - if it's not helpful we can take the banner down and find the right route.

I like the banner, I was going to start Good day No4 but I haven't thought about tomorrows food yet!!!

I am very impressed at your efforts @Lizbean I must be more exciting with my salads and vegetable options. Are you actually a vegetarian?

Spanner xxx
Morning@Lilyes the weather was wonderful yesterday and mild today. Tomorrow the temps will plummet again with a low of 10 degrees and an ice storm is expected. Slowly but surely spring will arrive. There is an old farmers saying in this part of the US, don't plant until the leaves of an oak are the size of a titmouse ear. As much as I love walking in a falling snow by March I get very depressed. I will shake it off but winter is very long. My plan for the day is to exercise as much restraint as possible. I want to concentrate on lots of pure water and a small soup for dinner. I have to cleanse all that sugar out of my system. I know I will feel so much better. Glad you enjoyed your apricots. I am not a snacker. It is rare that I have chips etc in the house. I feel sorry for my grandson but they are not good for him either. Yesterday he made a present of a coffee roll to me. I gave him money to purchase a book at a fair in school and he stopped at a coffeeshop on the way home. I couldn't say no, right? :wink:
I keep missing you buddy of mine! How are you doing @rawkaren? I have been ADF-ing this week and no weight loss! :confused:
Just about to try on a swimsuit that came by courier today, I ordered it back in November 2013....must have been hopeful then because it's a size 10 UK and I was a size 12 at a squeeze at the time! I hope it fits. I bought it for our holiday to France in June, we've hired a gite with a company we always use in the Perigord. I am really looking forward to it.
It's a lovely sunny day today...if a little cold. Have a great day Karen. :victory:
What is a coffee roll @clairemarie? I remember somewhere you saying you exercise with kettlebells. Do you do that at home? I had a brief skirmish with them at the gym ( not going to the gym at the moment) but found them difficult. I know a lot of people really like them
WE are in a very settled spell of weather at the moment. It was cold and misty this morning but is warm and sunny now - I may take my 1/2 oxo cube in water out into the garden
@Lil it is a sweet roll with cinnamon and icing. It was so sweet of him to treat me like that. He also took me out to dinner one night with his savings. You should of seen the look on his face when it was time to pay! Having a cup of ginger tea right now. I am defrosting lentil soup for dinner. As I write I am looking at the kettlebells on the bedroom floor...I watched quite a few youtube video's before I got the hang of it. I like the Halo the best as it is easy to do yet does target the upper ab area.
@Lilwatched a program over week end about an exercise program called T Tap. Dvd too expensive for me but have found a few on youtube. The emphasis is on working muscles at both insertion points to lengthen and create more density rather than building the muscle belly. I just have to make myself do it.
Is that like tap dancing Claire. At the moment most of my exercise is water based as I have had a problem with my feet that means impact is very painful. My feet have improved enormously recently with physio and helped by not carrying so much weight around I expect but I do love swimming. If money was no object I would love a heated swimming pool at home - with a nice young man to take care of it!! I also love dancing and now my feet are better have been wondering about trying salsa
Laughing and smiling@Lil. A cabana boy would be nice. Water exercise is great no impact exercise. Check out you tube,in subject line T Tap. It is low impact no jumping etc. developed by a physio. Basically you stand, do pelvic tilt keeping joints aligned and do specific movements. I have been doing the arm sequence to target triceps and I definitely feel it. I will update on effectiveness. You shamed me into kettlebells today so I did 20 reps of Halo. Feel it 360 degrees around the core.
Well done with the kettlebells @claire marie :clap: :clap: :clap:
I feel like I have muscles instead of marshmellow@Lil. A little exercise reminds them to wake up I guess. It is nearing the 3pm mark and I am getting anxious. I do not feel physically hungry but mindfully nervous. I have kept a diary since last April regarding my weight loss journey. So I reread it this afternoon. There was an entry about carbs and how they call to me constantly even though I do not feel physically hungry. So funny that this is how I am feeling today. I recorded twice my full body measurements just because. For sure the diary proves that my stomach explodes with simple carbs. I measured my waist today at 38.5 inches while two weeks ago it was 41inches,pre 52 47inches(omg). In my diary last July I measured at 38inches. So there you go my first journey with 52. I am looking forward to my second journey.
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