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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Well I appear to have lost 2lbs this week by some means! I haven't been very good yesterday and today though, so better watch out if I want to avoid a gain next week I expect. Maybe @WendyDarling's choccy has magic powers! :lol:
Well done @madcatlady that's very very good indeed. That's nearly a whole kilo lol. Referring to your other post about not knowing kgs!
Good Morning to my fasting buddy @clairemarieGood weigh in for me this morning - I have lost 0.8 lb which is above average for me. No gadding this weekend. We did have a roast dinner yesterday - we had it at 2pm . I only had 1/2 a grapefruit and 2 figs for breakfast and then a fresh artichoke, 1/2 a bagel with mashed avocado and ham and an orange for supper so not too bad overall.
The weather has been good here so I have been out in the garden a bit cutting back all the perennials and clearing the beds ready for some compost. We've got a big garden and I am a bit of a fair weather gardener. I've probably done a bit over 10% so way to go.
Haven't decided what to do for dinner tonight. Hubby does the shopping. He bought some meatballs so may do those with a tomato and veggie sauce and shiratake noodles.
Hope you're feeling positive today
Morning @Lil. Monday again and another weekend of ridiculous eating. I am glad we are checking in with each other on fast days because it makes me more accountable. This Monday, fastday, my plan as always is to not eat until dinner. Made chicken picatta Saturday and I have a small cutlet left. I plan on having that together with veg for dinner. Sunday was St Patricks Day which is a big deal around here and I made the traditional corned beef and cabbage(not traditional in Ireland). Fasting was so much easier the first time around. Have you ever taken a break from 52?...well that's funny we are posting at same time!
No Claire apart from when on holiday an a bit of a let up over christmas both times I have stuck with it. After years of failing with every diet I tried this suits me and I plan to try and do it longterm so I tell myself every Monday and Wednesday this is the way it is going to be get on with it
Good for you@Lil. Isn't that the same loss as last week? You are still losing that's fantastic! I used to have a beautiful garden and enjoyed it so much. Now just pots and window boxes. I don't bother with starting seeds just buy the babies. I like to mix greens and herbs with the flowers. And I have a strawberry jar.

I am trying to get into the mindset of livelong 52. I am still begrudging it though.
No it was 0.2lb last week @clairemarieso maybe a bit of catch up this week and then static again next week - that's how it seems to go for me
Prior to starting 5:2 I had been generally trying to cut down on portion size especially carbs so small portions of potatoes, rice pasta etc and more lean protein and veg. Since starting 5:2 I have just carried on what was normal for me on my non fast days.I do seem to be eating very little bread these days. I also seem to 'pick' less and also seem to get a 'full up stop eating signal 'in my brain that I never had before.But to answer your question I count calories obsessively on fast days but don't count at all the rest of the time.
I am debating with myself about fasting m/w/f for awhile. My reasoning is to get more control of my feast days.
I can see your reasoning but 3 days a week would seem too hard for me. If you do do it I think you should make sure you do have a nice meal on your fasting days as I think you are quite hard on yourself
Tee hee! Not hard on myself just dishonest with myself. I have no idea what my calorie consumption is on the feast days. I have had 5 very good fasts days so no problem there yet hardly any loss. I feel that after several months of reckless abandon my body should have been shocked by the fasts and reacted accordingly. I guess I will have to resort to a food diary for a bit to see if I am eating close to my TDEE on feast days. Hate doing that because I do not want to be a slave to calorie counting but if it reins me in than it will be worth it.
Just have to share that I appear to have shed another pound, which brings me to 1.5 stone - woo hoo! I'm struggling to keep up with the idea of what I now weigh after being stuck at my horrible starting weight for so long! :lol:
Hi @Auriga. Fasting Monday today for me. I had a good fast on Saturday and hoping to ADF this week as I travel back to the UK on Thursday and want to feel good. How are you doing?

@auriga. Reporting in to confirm another fast completed!
@clairemarieHow's it going your end. I am feeling particularly hungry this afternoon. Just having a hot salty drink - hoping that will settle me. I found some curly kale in the fridge that needs using so have cancelled the meatballs for tonight and going with bacon steak and vegetables . Only about an hour and a half till dinner time for me!
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