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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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Yes@Lil that is the beauty of the plan, live your life just fast 2x. I just thought if you were looking for better weight loss that is a place you might cut. What's for dinner tonight? Today I am trying a little different approach. Made salad of greens and tomato topped with half can tuna and small spoon mayo. I will eat for lunch and again for dinner. Tuna in total 60 cals, mayo 100, greens 20,plum tomato 25. Grand total 205 for the day! Maybe the protein will keep me from thinking about food.
That doesn't seem much for the whole day @clairemarieI am going to do the chicken parmigiano - cooked with aubergine -? eggplant to you - tomatoes and a little low fat mozzarella cheese on top. I may have a few new potatoes with it and 2 extra veg - green beans and 'as yet to be decided' I will do a jackey potato for hubby. The aubergines are softening in the oven as I write
Oops! I miscalculated the tuna@Lil. Whole can of tuna is 120cls. So that changes total to 265. Fish is very low cal but high in protein. I'm thinking 26gr protein isn't too high but enough to help me feel full. Kind of hoping that this will be the fast day plan from now on.
@Lilit is 3pm the beginning of the 'witching hour'. Glad to report after the tuna at noon I am steady and not afraid.
Glad you've come up with a plan that suits you @clairemarie We've just eaten - very tasty but the aubergine didn't seem cooked enough to me so will have to jig recipe if I do it again. My kitchen scales decided to die just as I was dishing up causing a minor tantrum on my part. Hubby found an old set of balance sales in the shed and saved the day. I'm calmer now I have eaten. Just going to go on line to look for some new ones.
@Lil a scale seems like such a good idea. Do you use the other five days as well?
@clairemarieI use them when I am cooking but on fast days I weigh everything unless I am using a recipe that is calorie counted. I tend to trust the calories given for recipes which may be a mistake. Just found out that the ones that have just broken had a 15 year manufactures warranty but who knows where the receipt is!I have ordered some new ones which weigh down to 1g the current ones were in 2g increments.
@clairemarie Here is a link to what I cooked tonight. If you try it I should cook the aubergines a bit more. Next time I might try dry frying in a griddle pan. That's what I do when I make moussaka
I do like eggplant parmigiano but its breaded and fried and cheese etc. otherwise I do not care for eggplant. I enjoy chicken cutlet with sauce and cheese. I purchased a Misto bottle and fill with olive oil. Just spritz the pan and brown thin cutlet and top with tomato sauce and some cheese, add a tad of water to the pan and put cover on to melt cheese...Call the Midwives season three will be starting here March 30!
Hi @spanner

Oh butter bean stew sounds lovely. I'm just through the door from work. How is 4:3 going so far?

Today ten colleagues and I went for welcome lunch with a new member of staff. Here is where we lunched I was TRES good - Thai beef salad. Beef was very absent but wow it was full of chilli, water please............... :doh:

I'm about to cook an omelette to build in my protein today and lots of peppery rocket and salad.

Love The Lakes :smile: , it was my playground for camping and having fun in my late teens early 20's - till I parachuted London. We have spent many happy times there with family since, we always celebrate big occasions there - so a great place for your birthday!

I need to remember tomorrow is fast Thursday - everyday seems like a fast day, these days. So I shall eat a small amount of good carbs this weekend - think I need some.

Meanwhile, I am a very busy working beanie...... :shock:

Catch you in the morning for your morning post.

lizbean :heart: :clover:
5pm@Liland no hunger in sight. I am having a fantastic fast day. I feel lighter already. Googled Hairybikers recipes and found a few recipes, London_unattached is good as well. Made a fantastic meal last week of haddock poached in garlic butter lemon and white wine. Wish I could eat that every night of the week!
Hey @Debs, did you know your avatar is a bit distorted in shape. its this image ... d9e3b6.gif but an avatar should be square. If you dont know how to fix, let me know and i can adjust it for you and send it to you. Just need you to post the original pics in here of the 3 frames.
@LilI think its your goodnight time now have a good day at work tomorrow. Had the second half of tuna salad and feel stuffed. Phew a stress free fast day! Check in Friday for the weigh in(fingers crossed)
@clairemarie Yes I'm just off. Will be having my cocoa - that has become a bit of a regular feature with me. So glad you're having a good day at last. Fingers crossed for Friday
Morning @Lizbean

Feels odd not to fast today but glad to already have two days under my belt. Was hungry last night when I was trying to get to sleep but this morning not really bothered about food so will skip brekkie and pack some fruit to nibble on at work when I get peckish.

Afternoon off for me and have a walk planned with a friend followed by a roast dinner so will probably have quite a few calories later but my aim is to fill up on the garlic chicken and veggies with maybe 1 or 2 roast potatoes.....My friend is recovering from a hip replacement so wont be the fastest walk but being out and about in the fresh air will be lovely (until it rains!)

Hope your day is speedy

Love Spanner x
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