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Well I usually weigh on a Friday but as we are off to Manchester early tomorrow for a wedding and I weigh daily anyway I am claiming the pound loss I've seen today! Because of the weekend away I'm also doing a back to back fast to try to limit the damage although yesterday's fast wasn't brilliant - as I was giving blood I had to have something to eat before I went (bowl of yoghurt with honey) and I then had some nibbles in the evening instead of dinner. Anyway I seem to have survived it unscathed! Haven't exercised this week as my back has been playing up - hoping it will sort itself out. Must admit I felt a bit smug last night when a mutual friend asked another friend who has been doing SW for ages how much she's lost (two stone) and I said "Oh, I'll be catching you up, I've lost over one and a half!". Still, best not be like that I suppose or karma might make me gain a shedload this weekend.........
dumb question time (i often ask those unashamedly)


a new term?

and is it related to using 5:2

just that its not a term i think used before till now
hi buddies..

@debsand @rebelsue2

how's it all going for you both?
Hi there,
Still taking turns around the scenci tent, and going nowhere. One failed fast day so far, but otherwise going ok. Cut down drastically on teh refined carbs so we will see if that helps at all. Feeling a bit frustrated TBH. Hope you guys are going better than me!
Debs wrote: Hi there,
Still taking turns around the scenci tent, and going nowhere. One failed fast day so far, but otherwise going ok. Cut down drastically on teh refined carbs so we will see if that helps at all. Feeling a bit frustrated TBH. Hope you guys are going better than me!

Refined carbs reduction sound like a plan Debs!
Confession time @auriga. Have not fasted since I got home this time last week. Might have a go tomorrow. :shock:
Hello both!

I've had an ok week, eating seems a bit more under control. Exercise has been less as i've overused my jogging muscles and taking a week off, which is usually good for my weight loss! (muscles seem to love to hold onto the water!) I seen a lower number flash briefly on the scales yesterday! But then it bouced back up!

So i'm hoping a good fast today and I might finally be able to move down another lb or so!

My losses are averaging 0.5lb a week now, but they come in chunks, nothing for 4 weeks then 2 lbs, nothing for 3 weeks, then 1.5lbs....

I've mananged to cut out a lot of sugar and carbs again this week so I feel much better and more in control :) still taking longer than i'd like, but I did get a great before/after shot the other night! And that helped :)

@Debs, hope you feel a bit better soon! everyone gets that motivation slump when nothing seems to be happening, but you've done so well!
@Juliana.Rivers how are you getting on?
YAY! I see my fasting buddy @clairemariehas gone orange. So pleased for you :victory:
rawkaren wrote: Confession time @auriga. Have not fasted since I got home this time last week. Might have a go tomorrow. :shock:

Hello buddy.....sometimes we just have to recharge the old battery instead.....I think all that flying about and coping with new things Karen has been bound to sidetrack you. It was probably quite a relief to be home and I do hope your hubby is OK now, so enjoy your break. :victory: Good luck @rawkaren.
Thank you@Lil. I am very happy. I am pretty much now back to the point when I stopped 52. Onward to 25-30 more pounds! I was just thinking to where I was a year ago. If I feel fat today imagine how fat I was back then. And I am keeping my fingers crossed for your successful weigh in on Monday.
@rebelsue2 yes carbs can be the big enemy when it comes to losing weight.

I had an invitation to a meal out last night and as it was a eat anything and as much as you want it was too hard to resist. 3 full plates plus dessert (all 4 of them).

today trying to be careful as Libra trend weight went up by one notch to 70.7 when its been 70.6 all week. so clearly the additional feast day this week caused it but im not worried as i feel in control and can see a clear cause and effect with what i eat or my activity levels and whats on the scales. That control is enough for me to keep positively spirited all the way.

If im not back to 70.6 by say Monday I only have myself to blame and i know ill need to have 3 good fast days next week to repair my eating week i call it. not sure if an eating week is some kind of refeeding thing they talk about here so maybe it will be back down quicker than expected
Good morning@clairemarieWell I have had a gain of 0.6lb today :frown: However my % fat has gone down and my waist has stayed down at 35" si not all bad. We went to see a ballet last night. Because it started at 7pm and my husband had 2 private pupils ,the second at 5.30, we had our main meal at 2.45 and then had something to eat when we got home around 9.30pm. That was later than I would normally have eaten on a Sunday evening so might have some bearing. Still that is where I am - just have to keep going
Happy Monday @Lil! I don't see a problem. As you say you had a late night meal. Quite sure if you decided to step on the scale tomorrow you will have a different result. I like the ritual weekly weigh in myself because weight does bounce around by day and time so in the long run one consistent day is a better picture of a loss. You are a very good 52er for life and your tracker shows it.
@clairemarie For dinner tonight I am planning a Tiger prawn curry from the Lavender and Lovage website. This is one of our regulars. It comes at 155 cals a portion for 4 but we share it. I have mine with 150gm cauliflower rice so 355 cals in total and hubby has regular rice.
I am now heading out into the garden to do some more weeding - see you later
Poor@Lilstuck with the weeding. Pretend those weeds are fat cells! Prawns(shrimp) sound very nice. You always plan very nice dinners. Started Coronation St this weekend at the jan13 start point. I already don't like that Gail lady, and have seen my old friend Joan from Doc Martin, and Trevor well he is an idiot isn't he.

I have nothing planned for dinner yet. I am trying to go the day with nothing. Visited 'carbdom' this weekend which was very enjoyable.
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