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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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To all buddy pairs/groups

This is the thread for chatting to each other if you don't have your own thread.

I have split the chat between existing buddies from the thread for people to find a buddy because the posts asking to buddy up were getting lost among the chat.

Hope that's OK with everyone!
Hi @WestLondonChick - glad you had a good weekend.

My mobile is in the car hubby has taken to work today - doh!

I fasted yesterday and hooray - the scales this morning showed me back at my pre-wedding weight so I feel I am back on track and will fast again tomorrow and Friday - hopefully might shift a pound that way!

Take care and speak soon xxx

:oops: :heart:
That's fantastic @Madcatlady :heart:

Well done on that - you're doing great :victory: :victory:

I would like to fast 3 times this week but today is my first one - maybe I'll join you and do my second tomorrow and third on Friday to give myself a boost! I've never done 2 together but I might give it a try as a one off so I can fit the three in. :shock:

Hape you're having a nice day :cool: :heart: :heart:
I've done back to backs before and been OK but wouldn't recommend exercising!

You can do it if you put your mind to it (and I can provide the moral support!)
Thanks @Madcatlady :heart:

And I'll definitely need your support tomorrow if I start to waiver - haven't felt at all hungry today so the only meal I am going to have is dinner and then fingers crossed I'll be able to fast again until a light dinner tomorrow evening. It's put my mind at rest now that you've said you've done back to back ones and been okay as I wasn't sure if they were allowed or not :like: :heart:
Well done @madcatlady that'll be all that humping yesterday. !!! :grin:
Madcatlady wrote: Not been in touch with my buddy @WestLondonChick for a couple of days - a record for us - hope all is well!

I'm still a bit miffed that my gain from last week is still hanging around - might have to try to exercise it away........

Good to see my other fasting matey @Carieoates today if only briefly and meet her ridiculously pretty daughter!

Just ordered myself some fake tan as I had been thinking of using a sunbed but saw this fake tan on someone and it was quite convincing so worth a try (and cheaper and less ageing!)

You can borrow her whenever you want some mess to clear up @madcatlady
Good morning @clairemarieLooks like we've moved into a new tent!Very bad sleeping again last night. :bugeyes: The problem on a Tuesday is that my mind is buzzing after the quiz but I do enjoy going. So far this morning I have managed to change my blood donation appointment and negotiate a very good new deal with Virgin for our TV,broadband and phone - including more sport for my husband. It's sunny but fresh here . I may go out and do a bit of ladylike gardening - nothing muddy - before aqua. For dinner tonight we are going to have venison burgers - 159 cals each so one for me and 2 for him. I will make a tomato/veggie sauce and have mine with courgette spaghetti and real pasta for hubby. Depending how calorific the sauce is I may add another veg. I am trying to keep under 450 on fast days now as my TDEE has gone dowm :frown:
Hello busy Lady@Lil, you certainly have accomplished a lot this beautiful morning. Curious if you have seen a sleep specialist? Have you ever been accused of attention deficit disorder? I ask this because many adults as well as children have this issue. Grandson has it and he has sleep issues similar to yours. Goes off to sleep just fine but lies awake during the night. Well just food for thought.

As always I really want to do a 24 hour liquid fast. I am rarely successful though. I do nicely with my tuna deal and it comes in at approx. 250cal for the day. But in the back of my mind wasn't one of the points of 52 to be very low protein on fast days to give the body a rest from it? Let me know your thoughts.
I wouldn't have thought there was that much protein in 2oz tuna @clairemarieI thought the health benefits were from the overall calorie restriction putting your body into repair mode. The tweaking of food types are added refinements. At 250 cals you are pretty low so I wouldn't worry.
I'm sure my sleep problems are menopause related. Before that I was a very good sleeper. Often when I wake I am really sweaty so I don't know if that is what wakes me. I seem to be managing on the amount of sleep I get. I am definitely thinking of trying the CBT - maybe tweaking going to bed or getting up times
Not sure what I feel at the moment - gone from happy at a loss on the scales this morning to downright peed off having been scammed for over £900 for a non-existent TV...........the lesson is not to let hubby internet shop!

So cross I can't do anything productive but on the upside I haven't raided the cupboards/fridge!

:frown: :cry: :curse:
NOOOO. So sorry about that. Get the card provider onto it. Then sack the husband.
Hi @rawkaren I am back on-line after my break and decided to join the maintainers in their tent now, as at 56k I may just be where I am supposed to be....I have not given up trying to lose a little more though, as I may need the room to manoeuvre!
How are you doing Karen? :heart:
The moral of the story is

a) do not let husband shop online
b) do not believe anyone who says they are having problems with Paypal/credit card payments and ask for a bank transfer
c)do not beat yourself up when these things occur - I am supposed to be a fraud investigator and didn't smell the proverbial rat
@Lil menopause takes forever, 10 year process. I went thru flashes day and night and then it subsided for two years only to rear its ugly head this past winter. I have not taken anything to control it. I have heard that blackcoash,or licorish root supplements are very helpful. I find at night a nice cold pillow(cotton only) settles things right down and I'm right back off to sleep.

It is noon right now and have only liquid. I have the tuna on reserve if necessary. I have resigned myself that the loses will be slow. And that's ok because I feel better health and energy wise on this wol. I need to be smarter on my feast days in terms of stupid eating. Again not that I am hungry just the brain saying it would be pleasurable.

I am guessing you are preparing/eating dinner right now. Bon appetite!
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