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Fastonbury Glamping Grounds

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@Lil you better cross your toes too. Have a restful night and a nice day at work as well.
@Lil while I realistically did not expect a loss this week because of a lot of bad behavior, I am perplexed. I weighed this am and remain the same as last week. But my waist is at 37.5 which is a 2inch loss from last week. Where did the fat go if I still weigh the same? The other day I did notice my lower ab area was changing(no very pretty).

Be good this weekend or not.
@LilGood morning! Well here we go again fast day Monday. How did the weigh in go? I have a bit of a busy schedule this am so I will check back with you later in the day. Good luck on your fast.
Hi @clairemarie I'm a bit late on here as I went into town after aqua and have just been mooching round the shops. Firstly I think your 'stay the same' on Friday is perfectly acceptable following your big loss the week before. At least you are still orange and with a shrinking waist as well.
I lost 1lb this week. Taking into account my gain last week that is 0.4 lb down over the last fortnight - still it's going in the right direction.
I have spent quite a lot of time in the garden over the weekend but there is still lots to do. However the weather here is not predicted to be great today so I think I am going to go through my wardrobe and force my self to get rid of the things that are now too big even if they are old favourites.
1lb is very nice@Lil. I hate to part with my favorite comfy clothes too. Spring and the upcoming summer is a good incentive to update the wardrobe. Anything in bloom yet in your garden? It is daff and tulip time for you isn't it?

You seem to be very comfortable with the 24hr fastdays. Mine are anxiety ridden. It's mind over matter but I never look forward to them. Yet I know it is the best route for me to lose weight. I do not want to be a slave to calorie/point counting all the time.
I don't find them that easy @clairemarie but it's a case of mind over matter. I just decide I am going to fast and that is that. I have been quite hungry this afternoon but just keep on drinking.
The clothes sorting is hard. It is strange how some clothes in big sizes still hang OK and others don't. There are some real favorites on the reject pile and I am toying with the idea of putting them in a bag in the loft just in case..... or is that dangerous?
The daffs are staring to go over but the tulips are just coming out. I put in a load of wall flowers last autumn which are just starting. We also have several camellia bushes which are looking good this year because we haven't really had any frost. Also a magnolia tree which is looking lovely.
@Lil I would suggest you make a quilt out of them. And I can hardly wait for a bit of color around here. I think my emotions control my eating sometimes. But I AM GOING TO BE GOOD TODAY.
How's it going @clairemarie Getting near your hungry time.Do you have a plan for today? I have just eaten - fish roasted with chick peas and ginger with asparagus and spring greens - very nice.
I think I will do some ironing this evening - that will keep my hands occupied.
I am glued to Coronation St at the moment. I'm hooked. I have not been hungry today. But I ate 2oz tuna and half an apple chopped into tuna. It wasn't that I was hungry just that it seemed to work out really well a week or to ago. I hope to do full fasts in near future but I am not in the right frame of mind just yet. Some time back I made roasted chick peas for a snack item but I really didn't care for them...As for keeping the hands busy I have started the spring clean.@Lilhave a fragrant herbal tea if a yearning comes your way.
@clairemarieThe good thing anout Corrie is that it keeps going - you don't get to the end of the series. I've been watching it since about 1980 when everyone in the office I was in watched it and discussed it the next day. I like the moments of humour as well as the big story lines.
The chick peas in my dinner tonight were in a gingery tomatoey sauce but I do like roast chick peas as well.
This is what we had
I made it once before and because it is hard to split the recipe I has frozen half of the base so all I had to do this evening was add the fish - easy evening for me.
@Lilyears ago I was into General Hospital and remember my Mom watching it as she ironed when I got home from school. As you know I raised a large family so that's when I got away from day time tv. I do like a never ending story just like you hate to read the last page of a really good book. Right now I would love something nice to eat. I am not hungry physically just my mind wandering.

What's funny about your soap is where the heck do people get all the money to be in the pub etc morning noon and night! Love the characterization. And it is suspenseful which I think the English have a great knack for.
Another one done for me @clairemarieI hope you are keeping strong and that the rest of your evening goes well. Just having my cocoa then bed for me - fingers crossed for a good night's sleep. See you Wednesday
Not been in touch with my buddy @WestLondonChick for a couple of days - a record for us - hope all is well!

I'm still a bit miffed that my gain from last week is still hanging around - might have to try to exercise it away........

Good to see my other fasting matey @Carieoates today if only briefly and meet her ridiculously pretty daughter!

Just ordered myself some fake tan as I had been thinking of using a sunbed but saw this fake tan on someone and it was quite convincing so worth a try (and cheaper and less ageing!)
@Lil just a quick note in the event you log on in the middle of the night. Thanks for your support. Slowly but surely we will reach our goal.
Hi @Madcatlady :heart:

I'm back from my long weekend away now. I did the classic thing of forgetting to take my mobile charger :doh:

Hope all is well with you - I'll text in a bit too!

Has a fantastic weekend away :like: - it was so nice just to forget about work, chores, everyday hassle etc. and enjoy ourselves. I was expecting Bawtry in South Yorkshire to be a sleepy market town but it was buzzing - I even went clubbing after our pub crawl even though we bpoth looked like everyone elses' parents in there :lol: ! Am fasting today and Thursday this week to compensate for the indulging! :starving:

Have a good day :heart: :heart:
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