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Alexandra wrote: Hi

I was just reading up. My normal weigh in day is Thursday, so I was going to report in every Thursday. Should be ok or?

No problemo Alexandra. whichever day suits. and ONce a week to report in is great. only 12 weigh ins needed.
swisscal wrote: Hello everyone :smile:
*61 here reporting my first weigh in.
I started last week weighing 76.4 kg and decided to try 4.3 to give myself a kick start. After my second fast I decided (probably stupidly! :doh: ) to weigh myself to see if an extra fast day is worth it and to my absolute delight I had lost 1.2kg! I then went on to do my third fast of the week but imagine my horror when the day after this the scales showed a gain of 600g! :shock: So in total I have lost 600g this week bringing my weight to 75.8kg which is really good I know, but I shouldn't have looked after the second fast - won't be doing that again!! This is the first time I've tried 4.3 and I spent most of the week feeling hungry so I think I'm going to stick to 5.2ing from now on. I've managed to walk three times (5k) this week but didn't manage to stick to only drinking wine on a Saturday, blew it on Thursday as we had dinner out!! Probably the reason for the 600g weight gain on Saturday!!! Oh well!! Onwards and downwards.

Start weight: 76.4kg
Week 1: 75.8kg Loss 0.6kg
Goal: 71.4kg

thanks @swisscalfor reporting in. Yes, if 4:3 is difficult, 5:2 is fine particularly if the 2 fast days are really "good ones"
barbarita wrote: No 17 here for end of week 1 update

Weight 06/10/14 121 lbs 1 lb down and within maintenance band - on target.

Wheat free all week thanks to a tea shop having gluten-free coffee and walnut cake. I am sticking to the spirit of Wheat Belly, not just the letter, so I am not substituting other grains, or going mad with sugary high GI ersatz wheat products. The more people who ask for gluten-free though, the more it will help those who really are gluten intolerant find places they can eat.

Well done to you @barbarita! I caught the Wheat Belly episode on Dr Oz on TV on the weekend. Thought it had merit but completely being free of wheat is scary. I guess like sugar if i cut it then thats still beneficial do you think?
Kmaree wrote: #87 Reporting in today with 1kg loss. 101kg now - double figures here I come!
Didn't do any real exercise this week as had a bad cold all week - hopefully do better next week on that note.

@Kmareewow.. 1kg loss. thats fabulous!
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
Gosia wrote: Good Morning All, #68 checking in for the Week 1 Christmas Challenge Update:
starting weight: 140.9lb (63.9kg) - current weight: 140.1lb (63.5kg)
weight loss goal: 6lb (2.72kg) - lost thus far: 0.8lb (0.36kg)
method: 5:2 on Mon & Thur and lots of daily walking - my Fitbit registering daily step counts of 21K steps. All this walking takes me out of the kitchen and away from food, right?
All is well so far, hope everyone is staying motivated!

Good on you on your loss thus far @Gosia
Its a bit quieter in here than I expected but maybe everyone is just revving up! Weirdest thing happened to me tonight.. Sister says arent you having some ice cream too and got out a tiny bowl. Ate it and just realised what i did. talk about being on auto pilot. was a teeny bowl but im not supposed to eat anything like that. Was at the end of a stressful work day so i blame that.

@Juliana.Rivers I can't say enough how I relate.... The "tiny" bowl being the operative word, really! Whenever I indulge, with full awareness, or none whatsoever, I make it the point to take the smallest vessel that food can be contained in. Here in, excuse my French, "the big ass-America" the small size is the L in the Euro standard, but I found that the "kid" size is just enough to get what one needs in terms of taste , and simultaneously, in size. Be it the end of a stressful work day or not, we can "taste" food without guilt and this is exactly what you have done. Hope the tiny ice cream bowl was perfectly delicious. Hugs. Gosia
It certainly was delicious @Gosia
Hello!! #48 here :lol:
Wow, 4 whole pages of posts since my last one to read :bugeyes: !
So, I'm half way through my trip to Jordan and we are all having a wonderful time!
I want to check in a few details but I'll be brief as I also want to catch up on the threads while I have decent WiFi!!
Firstly, I've woken up all fat eyed and with headache this morning as last night I cried myself to sleep after hearing the news that a friend back in the UK sadly lost her battle with cancer and she passed away in her sleep Monday night. Its hard being so far away from family and friends to be able to grieve with everyone together.......
More positively, I have maintained my fast plan, and fasted on Monday and will also fast today and also Friday. This is great for me as after hearing the sad news, old me would have though #£%& this! And just eaten lots of whatever I liked as my old attitude would have been 'life is too short to worry about simple stuff like should or shouldn't I eat'....... But that way of thinking is not helpful to me and my goals of actually trying to get myself HEALTHIER by getting to a more appropriate weight for me.
While on my holiday, I have also downloaded the book 'how to have your cake and skinny jeans....' Which I read about on this forum and am really enjoying it. With reading it, it has also meant I've had more carbs than I initially said I would in my 'Xmas goal' post on food days as the book talks about not denying yourself anything. I'll see how I feel about this in the coming weeks and my weight loss progress!
I also discovered today that there are 2 webpages/forums dedicated to 'the fast diet'...... This one (fast day) and a more original looking one (the fast diet) - I'd been searching for AAAAGES for my thread to post on!!!!! Does anyone know if they are run by the same people or not?
Officially, my end of week 1 weigh in would be tomorrow (Thursday, following a fast day) but in the absence of my scales I will have to wait till end of week 2 to weigh in. Hope that's OK :geek:
OK,.... That's my update. Liquid fasting today and looking forward to a lovely Arabic breakfast in the morning :)
weigh in for 8 October. start weight 10.13, today's weight 10.12 so 1 lb loss.
Hi, #38 finally joining in. I have just come back from 4 weeks away and was surprised to find I am exactly the same weight as when I went away. I did manage a couple of half hearted fast and was a bit careful not to over indulge, especially as my normal daily gym sessions were missing.

So my current weight is 136lbs and I would like to set my challenge goal at 130lbs, which is also my final goal. I then want to maintain. That means a 6lbs weight loss for the challenge. I think this should be doable, but is takes a while for me to restart losing when I return to the gym, the whole fat muscle ratio thing kicks in.

I don't think I am adding any extras as I don't want to restrict anything and feel bad, especially as I am nearing maintenance.

Thank you for running this challenge and good luck to everyone. I should be reporting in weekly from now on, hopefully on Saturdays.
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
barbarita wrote: No 17 here for end of week 1 update

Weight 06/10/14 121 lbs 1 lb down and within maintenance band - on target.

Wheat free all week thanks to a tea shop having gluten-free coffee and walnut cake. I am sticking to the spirit of Wheat Belly, not just the letter, so I am not substituting other grains, or going mad with sugary high GI ersatz wheat products. The more people who ask for gluten-free though, the more it will help those who really are gluten intolerant find places they can eat.

Well done to you @barbarita! I caught the Wheat Belly episode on Dr Oz on TV on the weekend. Thought it had merit but completely being free of wheat is scary. I guess like sugar if i cut it then thats still beneficial do you think?

I did a sugar-free month a while back and since then I eat very little added sugar (obviously the coffee and walnut cake! and similar out-and-about occasional treats, and 85% chocolate, and that is about it). I am doing the wheat challenge as I see the same thing happening in the long term. For instance instead of buying quiche I will find a good low carb pastry recipe and make my own, but may still have quiche, battered fish etc in restaurants.
I will post my weight stats tomorrow as am fasting (well more like a low cal 16:8, will need energy for body attack later). Doing well on my other goals, no booze in October so far & hit my calorie burning target too.
My 1st weigh in & I've lost 3 3/4lb & down 1 on BMI! :victory: onwards & downwards!
Gill wrote: Hi, #38 finally joining in. I have just come back from 4 weeks away and was surprised to find I am exactly the same weight as when I went away. I did manage a couple of half hearted fast and was a bit careful not to over indulge, especially as my normal daily gym sessions were missing.

So my current weight is 136lbs and I would like to set my challenge goal at 130lbs, which is also my final goal. I then want to maintain. That means a 6lbs weight loss for the challenge. I think this should be doable, but is takes a while for me to restart losing when I return to the gym, the whole fat muscle ratio thing kicks in.

I don't think I am adding any extras as I don't want to restrict anything and feel bad, especially as I am nearing maintenance.

Thank you for running this challenge and good luck to everyone. I should be reporting in weekly from now on, hopefully on Saturdays.

That's exciting @Gillbeing in the "last leg" to the finishing line!!!! so many here want to follow you (including me but having trouble budging the extra kilo I gained in last few months.
juliebulie10 wrote: Hello!! #48 here :lol:
Wow, 4 whole pages of posts since my last one to read :bugeyes:
I also discovered today that there are 2 webpages/forums dedicated to 'the fast diet'...... This one (fast day) and a more original looking one (the fast diet) - I'd been searching for AAAAGES for my thread to post on!!!!! Does anyone know if they are run by the same people or not?
Officially, my end of week 1 weigh in would be tomorrow (Thursday, following a fast day) but in the absence of my scales I will have to wait till end of week 2 to weigh in. Hope that's OK :geek:

Yes, weighing- in on week 2 end is fine.
No, the 2 forums, this one and the "other one" are created and managed by different people. This one is the best of course
I have only been in the other for about 2 seconds. This one is run by the lovely @Moogie
#10 reporting in - I'm 4lb down on last week - not 4 "new pounds" though so will suspend celebrations until that happens! Have managed to stay off the alcohol this week and compensated for some big meals by not eating anything else that day. Exercised Sun, Mon, again tonight and hopefully tomorrow.
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