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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
23 Jan 2014, 18:28
@MountainMyst ! Was only wondering about you earlier x
Glad to see you but sorry you're having a bad time..try to keep maintaining if you can..damage limitation is always better than nothing!
Dont worry about name,its just my forum name,not my real name! Call me anything ( but don't call me late for dinner!) :grin: :lol:
Last day or two,i have bad pain and tenderness in arms and hands..haven't had that for a long time so a bit disconsolate about its return...
Hugs to you and daughter xx
Re: fasting and CFS
23 Jan 2014, 19:17
Hi CandiceMarie, oh, so sorry to hear that you are having visits from old symptoms, I hate it when things you thought were gone and they show up again. sure hope it's a short visit!

yeah, I'm not really worried about the weight, I expected with the steroids, stress and not fasting to gain this week. so far ok, so I'm really pleased.

well, gotta run, need to start supper. I'll try not to call you late. :) hugs Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
23 Jan 2014, 19:50
Big soft hugs to you Candice and Phyllis. Let's get our brains together and if we screw our eyes tightly enough then tomorrow will be a good day for us all...won't it?

Actually tomorrow is the penultimate session of my course. Last week was a really full-on session (to be honest I think they treat us all as though we're normal. Getting us to do stuff in groups and then talking to us for 2 hours. Sounds easy but it's so hard). The last session was all about ways to keep positive thoughts..."Mindfulness" (have you heard of it?) anyway, I'm in two minds whether to go tomorrow. I like practical help but get fed up with the cognitive side of things. Plus, tomorrow, I have to drive there because my dad has popped over to visit my sister in .Canada. Just not sure I'll have the energy to make it and yet I don't want to give in...doh!

On a positive note I'm currently "enjoying" being on the EOD diet and daily weighing. It's preventing me from comfort far!!

Bean :heart: .
Re: fasting and CFS
23 Jan 2014, 21:11
@nursebean you have to think how will you be after driving and going thru the will that affect your weekend /next week..?
Will you only just be recovering and then its time for yr last session?
Got to weigh it up versus what you get out of the course..which isnt that much from what youve said..
Any way they could just send you some handouts? Save you going in? How has the attendance of the class been as a whole? You could get a book on CBT from the library or read online a out it without wearing yrself out. Group situations can be useful but they are not ideal forpeeps with CFS..
My daughter is trying to finish her degree and its such a struggle ..the travelling and being in noisy crowded situations is probably as difficult as the studying/ essays/etc
" mindfulness" seems to be the latest buzz word but am deffo a fan of trying to live in the moment..think this illness has taught me to be hppy with being rather than having to always be doing
Good on you with the EOD! XX
Had to smile about yr Dad " popping to Canada!"xx
Re: fasting and CFS
23 Jan 2014, 22:10
Thanks @Candicemarie those are very wise words. I'm still not sure what I'll do (so indecisive these days!) but I think I might just save myself up for the last session...hey ho!

I do sympathise with your daughter. It must be so hard doing a degree. Ooph just the thought of it. Hope she's not going to make herself worse...poor thing

Anyway, I'll keep you posted on tomorrow's "will she?, won't she?" saga. Oh what fun it all is!

Bean :heart:
Re: fasting and CFS
23 Jan 2014, 22:31
Oh, I don't pop in here very often, something that I will change because you girls need a lot of support and this why the rest of us are still here. I used to insist on being present when assessments were being done on behalf of my mother and I know how stressful it can be. The outcome is crucial and if just one fact gets muddled it can all go down the drain. I went as far as a tribunal on my mothers behalf as she was unable to speak for herself and everyone else, whilst very nice and kind, were only really interested in saving government money, something I didn't care a hoot about as my mother had contributed all her life and now it was her turn to get something back and if it killed me then I was going to get the best I could for her, and I did, I won! she was unaware but it at least I felt I had fought for her and succeeded. I wish you all,well in your struggles, God knows it isn't easy but I hope you get to where you should be and are not trampled by the awful the system in place these days, hugs and love to every one of you.

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: fasting and CFS
29 Jan 2014, 14:09
How are my cfs faster friends doing? Hope everyone's getting some good days x
Any news yet @nursebean.? And your course?
@Ballerina thanks for your kind words x :like:
Re: fasting and CFS
29 Jan 2014, 17:17
I just wanted to send my best wishes to all of you who are having to deal with this horrendous illness. I hadn't realised how much it affected your lives on a daily basis but, having read the whole of this thread, it has given me a little insight. Many thanks for posting!
Re: fasting and CFS
29 Jan 2014, 19:04
Thank you so much @Ballerina for sharing that. I'm glad the outcome was so good for your mum. It's awful how much you have to fight for things isn't it. Thanks also to you @StowgateResident for your kind words.

Well I'm actually very pleased today. I got a letter saying my benefits have been increased. Not sure if it relates to my recent assessment because I would have thought it was too soon, but I'm definitely NOT complaining :-)

As for my course @Candicemarie I DID go to my CFS course last week, I just didn't want to miss anything! Anyway, I'm glad I made the mammoth effort to get there as people were more chatty. The depressing thing was that we are the last CFS group they are going to take, since Hampshire NHS have made cuts and won't be doing any more courses for people like us. This week will be the last week, so we'll find out where we go from here.

How is everyone anyway?

Bean xx
Re: fasting and CFS
29 Jan 2014, 19:17
Hope hope hope the letter means things will continue as normal - but with a weekly increase! Fingers tight crossed x
Glad you made it to the course,hope you weren't too poleaxed after the mammoth effort! X
Glad also you did the course before they all stop :0(
Re: fasting and CFS
29 Jan 2014, 19:27
Yes, thanks Candice I AM glad to have made it through their last course because there's certainly some helpful tools to use to try and get through each day. I don't know about you but I find pacing rather frustrating. It's not easy limiting yourself to, say, 15 mins to do a 'high energy" task...hey ho!

How are you at the moment? xx
Re: fasting and CFS
29 Jan 2014, 20:25
I' m sleeping better lately,thanks Bean, but not feeling refreshed by it..have a lot of nightmares and very busy dreams's frustrating isnt it coz the mind and spirit are willing but the body lets us down...
Suppose its a good lesson in patience :0(
Re: fasting and CFS
29 Jan 2014, 20:30
A prime example of poor pacing? Me, this week. I ordered a calendar and diary through Photobox and had to complete them in a month so as to get the special offer. Well, I HAD to finish them this week because I've been too unwell to do it before. I just pushed through and in the last couple of days have completed them. Actually, I'm pretty pleased with myself...but exhausted!

Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight Candice

Bean xx
Re: fasting and CFS
01 Feb 2014, 13:03
Happy weekend CfS fasters! x
Been for a walk to try to liven myself up but boy was it cold
Glad of the exercise gave me a lift.
exhausted now,after trying to catch up with posts on here! Brain fog makes it so hard to read.
Just wanted to leave some hugs for you all and best wishes for a good weekend
and a happy healthier feelgood february! xox
Re: fasting and CFS
01 Feb 2014, 13:10
Hey @Candicemarie you beat me to it! Just wanted to wish my fellow fasting CFSers (blimey try saying that when you've had some of Karen and Deb's wine (without them knowing :) )

Just wanted to let you know that I finished my course yesterday (terrible aches and pains afterwards but seem to have gone off a bit today). I think the best thing to come out of the course was meeting people who experience the same things. I took everyone's email addresses and we're going to meet up in a month's time so that's just brilliant!

Anyway, hope you've warmed up now Candice and I wish everyone a great weekend!

Bean :smile:
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