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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
17 Feb 2014, 18:12
Marshmallow hugs to you all

Bean :sleepy:
Re: fasting and CFS
17 Feb 2014, 20:00
hugs to you Beany!!! Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
18 Feb 2014, 09:26
Morning everyone (and what a wet one it is!)

Just wanted to let you know that I went to the doctors this morning and she said she'd received a letter saying that as I am now in the "Support Group" of my employment allowance, they no longer require medical certificates. So it looks as though my assessment went well. I just wonder now how often I have to see my doctor seeing as how there's not a lot she can do. Do you guys have to pay regular visits to your GP?

Anyway, I'm a relieved Bean

Bean :starving: :smile:
Re: fasting and CFS
18 Feb 2014, 09:37
Ohhhh i hope so Bean! Fingers x'd! I went past the Medical Assessment place yesterday,where i used to have those horrid medicals,and my stomach turned over... :frown:
This morning i was wondering about you and yr recent assessment but didnt want to ask again in case it just made you feel worse! That sounds very positive doesnt it! Am almost sure if they dont need to see more certificates,they are satisfied with yr assessment.

I have blood tests re thyroid etc plus need regular monitoring of bp ..all this can be done by the practice i dont see GP unless something comes up from tests which indicate seeing Doc...
For example a few months back my blood tests showed i was massively Vit d deficient so had to see GP for prescription
Other than that, i dont see doctor as,like you say, little they can do now, until and unless they come up with some medication for us. X
Re: fasting and CFS
19 Feb 2014, 11:59
Hi folks x hope yr day going well...I was out yesterday,just some shopping for an hour with my before was out a couple of hours seeing a friend of a friend.
Today feel like have been kicked from pillar to post,and very tired tho slept well last 2 nights.So frustrating as wd love to go out again today..just to have a coffee at a new place thats opened..but am still in pjs and about to go for a liedown after doing some stretching exercises.
Grateful for all progress made ( and for the outings yday and monday) but grrrrrr i lose patience sometimes......Looks like i have a date with the radio this afternoon,maybe listen to the afternoon play! Then a walk round the block if i can..its a nice bright day and will blow the cobwebs away..They're filming here again today so perhaps i could get a bit of ' extra' work! X
~ have a lovely day ~ xx ~
Re: fasting and CFS
20 Feb 2014, 15:36
Hi my fast friends, hope you are having a great day! Bean sounds like great news about the support. yea no more physicals! sounds really hopeful. I have to see the doctor about every three to four months generally, but that is to manage my hypertension and asthma more than the M.E. I'm getting old enough that I'm about to be an old age pensioner, so won't need more medical evaluations for my disability. :)

CandiceMarie, the rose is lovely, thank you so much for brightening our day. glad you had a chance for some outings, sorry you are paying the price for it. hope you were up to the walk around the block and that the sun was out for you. Did you get to be in the film??

I got a letter that says my biopsies were atypical, so have to go back to the doc for a "deep shave" which doesn't sound like fun at all. LOL. basically just a larger biopsy. it's scheduled for March 10th, so I'll have time to get healed from the last one, just in time to do it all again. :( am finishing up the physical therapy thankfully.

sending everyone a gentle hug and wishes for great days ahead. Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
20 Feb 2014, 16:29
Oh @Candicemariesorry I don't know why I missed your message yesterday. Thank you for the's beautiful! Glad you've managed to get out and about meeting friends. Just a shame it takes such a toll on you, though. How are you feeling today?

Hi @Mountain sorry to hear you've got to have another biopsy. Poor you xx

Don't know why but I'm watching James Martin home Comforts and he's just made carbonara from scratch. Why did I watch that on a fast day? Why?!

Hugs to all in the marshmallow tent

Bean xx
Re: fasting and CFS
21 Feb 2014, 13:17
Hello my little Marsh- Mellows! Lets stay mellow,it uses up less energy!

Oh gosh @MountainMyst deep shave,do they have to call it that?! :confused: thinking of you x
@Nursebean i love the name,marshmallow tent! :like:

Got those horrid "pins being stuck down finger nails "pains / numbness and tingling today..
..but wanted to ask if any of you guys are noise sensitive?
I' m making my appearance at the Liverpool meet short but sweet - reluctantly - coz i am noise sensitive..i can actually take quite loud noise,e.g., music these days ( thank goodness, i missed my music a lot when i just cdnt listen) but i still can't take it when there are a few noises going on makes me want to burst into tears! Silly old moo!
Also,if someone rings me on their mobile while theyre walking along,i cant stand that either..coz can hear their voice,also footsteps, background sounds, the fact they're huffing and puffing a bit as they walk and talk..
Soz to go on ...have fab weekend everyone,as gentle and sweet as a marshmallow! X :heart:
Re: fasting and CFS
21 Feb 2014, 16:18
Oh good glad you liked the marshmallow reference @Candicemarie I get the feeling we're on the same wave length you and I!

Hope your meet up goes well next week and doesn't take too much of a toll on you. I know what you mean about noise. At Christmas we went to a new garden centre for a coffee and it was SO loud in there that it literally wiped me out for a couple of days.

Feeling pretty tired today but at least I've now ordered my hair dye stripper. I've no idea what colour I'll end up because my re growth is grey. D'you think iIll end up completely grey...or gingery? Hmm only time will tell I guess!

Well hope you have a great evening marshmallowers(?)

Bean :sleepy:
Re: fasting and CFS
26 Feb 2014, 08:50
How are you doing after your meet Candy @Candicemarie? Hope you're ok xx

I just wanted to share my good fortune. I've had a couple of days now where I've felt much more human; I've been able to walk my pooches for 70 mins and last night prepared two meals (just sandwiches) plus my dogs' dinners. I feel I'm making good progress! I know it's only bean a couple of days but I have to have hope.

Hope my fellows you are all doing ok! Marshmallow hugs are coming your way

Bean :starving: xx
Re: fasting and CFS
26 Feb 2014, 12:15
Hi Bean sooo good to hear you're doing good! , :clover: :clover:

Build on that progress and don't go wild- i know what temptation it is to rush round on a high but all you do is end up exhausted again..remember that magic P word..Pacing ! Do 80% of what you can do and don't forget rest periods

My adrenaline has been running madly since finding out DD is coming home to roost with mind is just racing... ( i need to put into practice what ive just typed above)
Plus last night had too much sugar and am only just beginning to realise how really bad it is for health.
And of course,as every week,not sleeping or sleeping but not deeply with nightmares or " busy Dreams" doesnt help

As for our get together, i think the enjoyment of it recompenses for any grottiness afterwards!

Marshy hugs Beano ! And to MM and gang xxx

Ps what an awful combination..beans,candy and marshmallows! :confused:
Re: fasting and CFS
26 Feb 2014, 16:51
Oh dear! I should have listened to the P word. Mind you, I thought I had. I walked the girls for 40 mins, had a coffee when home (having fed the girls) and then went and 'rested' on my bed listening to my fave radio show, Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo (they're so cheering, I just love them). Anyway, still in good vein, I folded some fitted sheets which have been lying around for me to do for ages, put some clothes away...and now! Now I am shattered...totally and utterly...doh!

Maybe I should do a infinity and beyond! I'm sure today will be better...won't it?

Are you ok after yesterday's meetup?

Bean :starving: :heart:
Re: fasting and CFS
27 Feb 2014, 10:03
Hi all, just wanted to pop in and say hello.

I'm in a bit of a crash today and all I've managed is a bath which has left me feeling like I've been run over by a steam roller!
Plus I'm behind on my vitamin B12 injections so it's a double whammy on the exhaustion side.
Hope you are all managing today, nice to see we aren't alone :-)
Re: fasting and CFS
27 Feb 2014, 15:05
Hi everyone, I'm so sorry I keep disappearing. I finished my physical therapy so that should allow me to be able to post more often. physical exertion seriously decreases my brain power.

Bean, that pacing thing is one of the hardest to learn. we all want to celebrate that "good" day by doing everything we haven't been able to do. hope you have recovered from your good day. :)

CandiceMarie, I do relate to the pins and needles pain. sure hope you were able to enjoy your meet up. noise absolutely overloads my system. it makes it really hard to socialize. hope you are having a good day.

Hi madferrit, LOVE the name! glad you checked in. don't you hate it when a bath wears you out??? washing my hair is the worst. holding my arms up is so tiring, and I have a lot of hair so it takes a while.
do you find the B12 helps? mine is low normal, so I don't need it, but some people do find it helps them, even when they are normal.

sending you all a big hug and wishes for a great day. Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
27 Feb 2014, 19:56
Hope that improves for you@MountainMyst and it will..
I recall how taking a shower would take up the whole morning..and then i'd have to go to longer that bad..progress may be slow but hopefully we'll all get there in the end xox :heart:
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