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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
18 Mar 2014, 08:01
Enjoy it Beanybobs xxx the temptation is just to run wild..ive done that many times ...
but take - it - slowly.
I had a few months of feeling completely "normal" in 2010.Convinced i was no longer ill, i lived life fully,ignoring advice to slow down,then crashed some months down the line
If i'd taken it more slowly and steadily,who knows what might have happened, maybe i'd have a full recovery now.
Ive had several mini ' lifts' followed by relapses coz i didn't handle the lifts carefully enough.
Really don't want to rain on your parade and very pleased you feel good - long may it last - but ive had this for 18 years,there's no medication to make us better,we have to listen to each others experiences. Take every little improvement very slowly and build on it,so that you don't fall back and - fingers crossed - you could be one of the fortunate ones who gets their life back again! :like: :clover: :heart: that would be soooooo fab! X
Re: fasting and CFS
18 Mar 2014, 08:43
Aw thanks my little Candy buddy! I know you're so right, it's just incredibly difficult not to overdo it...but I will take my rests as usual and go steady! Hey, you know, if you've had good periods in the past then they're bound to come back...and this time you'll be waiting for them!

Thanks again're keeping me in check!

I wonder if being a blonde Bean is gonna change my life...completely! Fingers crossed :grin:

Bean :starving: :grin:
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Re: fasting and CFS
18 Mar 2014, 08:43
Aw thanks my little Candy buddy! I know you're so right, it's just incredibly difficult not to overdo it...but I will take my rests as usual and go steady! Hey, you know, if you've had good periods in the past then they're bound to come back...and this time you'll be waiting for them!

Thanks again're keeping me in check!

I wonder if being a blonde Bean is gonna change my life...completely! Fingers crossed :grin:

Bean :starving: :grin:
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Re: fasting and CFS
18 Mar 2014, 11:16
I IS really hard ...we have to spend so much time being patient...missing out on fun things...having to alter or abandon plans we've made,grrrrrrrrrrrr!
So when we feel well,of course we want to just go crazy!

Fortunately most of us make at least some progress over time..initially i couldn't even get out of bed to put my sick note in the postbox at the end of the road - now I' m quite active physically,but i dont have much stamina.
You're a lot younger Bean, you may well progress much much further than don't let me dampen your enthusiasm! We have to have hope..i never gave up hope that i wd return to work.
Only made it as far as doing voluntary work but the hope kept me going.

It can be a bit like one step forward two try to keep one step ahead by always always,even when you feel really good, make sure that ( for now anyway) you don't overdo things coz Boom then Bust is sooooo depressing

**** gets down,tucks soapbox under arm,and walks off **** :lol:
Re: fasting and CFS
18 Mar 2014, 15:39
Ha ha ha!! You do make me laugh Candy!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Bean :starving:
Re: fasting and CFS
20 Mar 2014, 16:01
Hi friends. big time crash here, didn't want you to think I'd forgotten you.

Beany, you young whippersnapper you. glad you are having a bit of a respite!! that's great! I echo everything Candy said. enjoy, just enjoy carefully.

Candy, love the picture of you striding off with your soap box. LOL. hope today is a great one for you.

Happy SPRING!! Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
20 Mar 2014, 16:44
Ohhhh lovely to hear from you Phyllis@MountainMyst Wish you were feeling better tho x x thinking of you xx
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Re: fasting and CFS
20 Mar 2014, 18:25
Oh sorry to hear you've crashed Phyllis. Hope you'll soon get more energy and a boost. I do try to send my good vibes...
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Re: fasting and CFS
20 Mar 2014, 23:30
Hi, thanks for the good vibes and the lovely pictures. Bean, I forgot to say how much I love your new hairdo. you look really pretty.

I think I should feel better if I can get the pain under control enough to sleep more than 3 hrs a night. lack of sleep makes my fuzzy brain even worse.

hope you are both having a good day and that you got some sunshine on this first day of spring. hugs Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
22 Mar 2014, 22:31
In a parallel universe,Candy is at her friend's 50th birthday party
In this universe,she is in bed, and trying to cheer herself up with a large gin and tonic,and a bowl of Pringles
Hope my fellow cfs ers satday night is a little more exciting xox
Re: fasting and CFS
22 Mar 2014, 23:24
CandiceMarie wrote: In a parallel universe,Candy is at her friend's 50th birthday party
In this universe,she is in bed, and trying to cheer herself up with a large gin and tonic,and a bowl of Pringles
Hope my fellow cfs ers satday night is a little more exciting xox

This has struck a very sad cord with me
Big sigh........hope tomorrow brings you sunshine , energy and laughter.
Gin and tonic, no a that's a summer time drink in my head. Along with pimms, rose and little bottles of lager.
Re: fasting and CFS
23 Mar 2014, 00:56
awwww, Candy, I'm so sorry you had to miss the party! hope the G&T and Pringles helped. sending you a big squishy hug!

my Sat. was about like most of them. spent the evening watching Midsomer Murders. :) now going to watch Last of the summer wine. boy, we live an exciting life around here. :)

sending everyone wishes for better days tomorrow. hugs Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
23 Mar 2014, 13:49
How are your pain levels today @MountainMyst ?
Thanks for yr good wishes x the g n t was a bad idea,wd have been better with a cup of tea,spirits are like poison to me really,but now and again i feel the need for a stiff drink! :lol:
Hope y'all have a groovy and good week! Take care,chummies! :like: :razz:
Re: fasting and CFS
23 Mar 2014, 14:34
Oh Candy, didn't realise you had such a bad day yesterday. Can't think what I did yesterday off hand...not a lot I'm guessing! Yes, alcohol isn't really very good for us is it...but now and again its nice to escape for a while. I had a large glass of wine today. Not suffering for it yet...but sure it won't be long.

I'm still going strong at the moment. Even wondering about what work I could do. Probably getting ahead of myself but its just so good to feel almost human...even if it is for a little while.

Hope you're all ok. Keep thinking about you all and sending my good vibes.

Bean :grin: :heart:
Re: fasting and CFS
25 Mar 2014, 14:22
Hi Candy, sorry I just got back to you. REALLY sorry the g&t affected you badly. I don't handle alcohol well either. most of my intake is a splash of Baileys or such in a cup of coffee every few months. :)
I hope you are feeling much better today. I'm doing ok. pain has dropped off a bit at night. I have a lot of pain in the evening when I'm trying to prepare supper. after about 3 pm, I'm limited to about 5 minutes standing at a time, to fix supper I have to push past that and the pain gets really bad at times.

I think I may try adding a lying down rest period in early afternoon to see if it helps with the supper prep. most of the time I just lean back in the chair.

Candy, sure hope today is better for you. hugs

Beany, I'm thrilled that your improvement is still on going!! that is WONDERFUL!! You are early in your illness, hopefully you will continue to improve. enjoy this time and try to remember to not push TOO much. sending you a big ole hug too. Phyllis
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