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skinnyli wrote: Hello....
Am new to fasting watched the Horizon documentary and then did some research. Nothing else was working despite all my best efforts and I did do this in my younger years without realizing all the health benefits so I thought why not. This has been the best decision yet been doing 4:3 for 4 weeks now and on Sat was under 60kgs but had a bad weekend so am up again but I love chocs and now I can eat them without getting fat. Best of all I have no more joint pain :cool: . You are all such an inspiration and reading your posts helped me to do this ......... :like:

skinnyli I added you to the "looking for a buddy" thread now. post152560.html#p152560

all the best on your journey!
hi r@ebelsue2 and @debs
*waves* back
I had a bit of a less frequent posting phase in past two months but getting back into it now, partially stirred on by sis re=aquainting herself with fasting... and i'm trying to be a bit of a mentor for her. today is fast day and we are making a small chicken veg soup for dinner and she has already made the fresh stock (with little chicken drumsticks and wings and the usual stock additions in the pressure cooker) ! oh how i love the smell of boiled chicken (something from our past I guess) but imust not be tempted to eat any of it as i try to have my first small meal at 2pm at the earliest on a fast day.

With my little new phase with sis and OH, i'm hoping to focus again on fasting but its too cold to daily weigh this year! the graph was looking in the wrong direction for a while but i'm seeing 70's not 71's again which is a good thing.

For you not gaining but not losing is definitely a better thing than gaining so stay positive. so together lets reinvigorate our attention to fasting and we should see some good results.

how are you @debs.?
Good stuff Juliana seems we're both in a similar position again! You'll get back to the 69's soon! :)

I'm happy I've not gained, but hoping for some scale movement, actually after my first fast I was the lowest I've been in months, so fingers crossed it stays on the way down!

Glad you've got some fasting support. I tend to watch my housemate eat a lot! But since I've been gluten free I'm totally used to watching others eat! So it doesn't bother me! Hope your soup was good :)
Hi @clairemarie Are you fasting today - not sure if you're right back into it. Fortunately my day seems to be going a bit easier that Monday. The forecast was for rain all day so I had planned some indoor jobs. As it happens we have had almost no rain but I did do some sewing. Just back from aqua. The class had been cancelled but I didn't get the message - I think the answer phone may have been full. Anyway not all was lost as they had made the session into a 50+ session and there were only 2 of us in! They let me have a belt so I did a bit of aquajog ( which is my new favourite exercise ) and had a nice peaceful swim. I think I will go and sit in the garden now - it will probably start raining - and finish my book for book club tomorrow.
For dinner we are having meatballs - shop bought at 58 cals each ( I will have 4) which we will have with a tomato and veg sauce and shiratake noodles for me and pasta for hubby
@Afternoon @Lil, sounds like you are having a nice day. I am fasting again today. Monday went well with small lunch and dinner. Today I will try and make it to dinner. I am growing some chard and read a nice recipe this morning. Sauted chard in evoo with orange peel. Comes in at 60 cals. Not sure on the protein yet. Fish or chicken would be nice.

It's a beautiful summer day here so I am sitting out in the garden knitting. Still working on nieces wedding gift.

I am determined now to lose that nasty 30 pounds. Self discipline is all it will take. Plan; weigh in on Mon, fast Mon/wed 24hr, minimal carbs the rest of the week. Thinking; exercise.

Yikes, it is now pouring rain! Talk later
Hi @Lilhow is your fastday going? Guessing your probably sitting down to dinner right now, enjoy the meatballs. I made some orange mint ice tisane halfed with lemon sparkling water to sip on throughout the day. So far so good. Got a fantastic deal at the supermarket today. Six lamb loin chops for 3.49. Internet calories counts vary for one small chop so I will guess at 200cals plus a side of chard with orange peel at 60 cals. Sounds like a fastday meal to me.
Hi @clairemarie Yes we've just eaten. In fact I had so much I've left a bit to have later. IWhat I made was more like a veggie stew than a sauce. Came in at 124 cals each - Chris didn't have all of his - it can go into my bnext leftovers soup.
Your chard sounds nice. How much space do you have for growing veg at your new home?
We grow fruit - currants, blueberries and mulberries and I put in a few beetroot but I mainly grow flowers.
Are you still close to Boston?
With your new regime we will be weighing in on the same day which will be good. A monday weigh in helps a little to keep you on the straight and narrow over the weekend!
@Lil just finished dinner grilled lamb/broccoli/chard. I would rate the chard orange recipes 3 out of 10. Oh well nothing ventured nothing gained. I am an hour and half outside Boston. This area is sleepy suburbia/country. Three veggy/orchard farm very nearby. Some sheep/pig/beef as well. All are on a very small scale but I find it reassuring that small farms still exist. Lovin the fresh picked veg for sure even though its a little higher than supermarket.
My landlord only likes grass and minimal flowers in front of house. She does not like to garden but would rather impress the neighbor.Ummm. I have very productive containers. Keeps me in greens, strawberries and herbs with a sprinkling of flowers. Still working part time?
@clairemarie Just been out to see the space station - good view tonight. I've just had some almond milk cocoa - 1st time for a while and now I'm off to bed. I am still working 2 days a week but various factors make it likely that I may have to give up in December. Just been catchinh up on Corrie - bit of a backlog after my holiday. I think we've got a bit of a wait till rob gets his come uppance! Enjoy the rest of your evening
rebelsue2 wrote: Good stuff Juliana seems we're both in a similar position again! You'll get back to the 69's soon! :)

I'm happy I've not gained, but hoping for some scale movement, actually after my first fast I was the lowest I've been in months, so fingers crossed it stays on the way down!

Glad you've got some fasting support. I tend to watch my housemate eat a lot! But since I've been gluten free I'm totally used to watching others eat! So it doesn't bother me! Hope your soup was good :)

The soup was divine! Its been a while since i had chicken noodle soup. I added some hot chilli for extra zing.

chicken-noodle-soup.jpg (46.19 KiB) Viewed 284 times
This is a bump and a shout out to anyone who wants a fasting buddy. @sarahg. There you go Sarah just introduce yourself and someone will hopefully come along and buddy up with you.
Good luck and look at all of that lovely stuff @rawkaren has armed you with. :starving:
I would love a buddy to keep me motivated
I did this last year to lose a few kilos and after a few months reached a weight I was hsppy with.gave up,fasting but maintained for awhile and then it all cane back
Started back on 5/2 4/3 a few weeks ago and managed to gain half a kilo
Even my husband says he can't believe it
I am mid fifties ,very short .only want to lose a few kilos
I gave dieted all my life(and am sick of it)
I do a lot of yoga and pilates so am strong ....maybe my extra weight is muscle:)
Anyway I am about to give up
Have been doing low carb but still no change and it makes me feel tired and irritable
Sorry to sound so negative .i think I am usually quite a happy positive person but just feeling fed up that my weight is now 4kilos more than I would like instead of just two
Morning @clairemarie are you in today? How did your weigh in go? I lost 0.2lb. I seem to be on a bit of a plateau at the moment but I have had 2 holidays in July so at least things haven't gone too awry. I'm still not back down to my lowest point but with a fairly clear month in August hopefully I can get things going in the right direction before my next break in September. I've been to aquajog this morning. The women only swimming session which normally follows has been replaced by a fun session during the school holidays which is a bit frustrating. Weather a bit unsettled here at the moment. We have had some rain which the garden desperately needed but escaped the worst of the remnants on hurricane bertha which hit southern england worse I think. We have rain predicted for this afternoon but the weather forecast has been very unreliable recently. Hubby is getting a bit stir crazy during the school holidays so we may try and find an indoor activity .
I think I'm going to do a pork loin this evening - I will marinade it in soy and ginger , seal in in a dry frying pan and finish it off in the oven.
Good afternoon @Lil warm and sunny here with rain coming Tuesday evening into Wednesday. I am disappointed on Wed forecast because I was going to take my grandson to the beach with picnic for his birthday. Plan B ? Perhaps it's time to paint the kitchen(indoor activity)? I am sad to say I am up 2lbs this week. :frown: Despite two good fasts I gorged on sweets after getting turned down on yet another job! This is not good for the ego. I am fasting today and plan on a salad with grilled chick breast.
Hi @clairemarie Sorry to hear about the job situation. I have a sweet tooth and understand what can happen. Still you need to keep strong and carry on. I think your weather forecasts are probably more reliable that ours. Because we are such a small island the weather is very variable. They were predicting rain for this afternoon but none has appeared yet. I have just spent some time typing out my list of calories which had got very tatty. I think I will go out now and give my pots a feed. I'll leave the sewing till this evening. I have a dress i am taking in under the arms a bit and another that I want to remove the zip from. I find dresses with zips down the side hard to reach so I usually take them out and just pull the dress over my head - bit of a squeeze over the boobs sometimes!
Enjoy the sun while it lasts and I will speak to you later
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