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Fasting today?

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I am fasting today. Many of those who replied are ending their day. Buy it's early in the day here in Canada (8:15 am as I write). The weather is supposed to be very stormy as another late winter storm rolls in from the US. Cheers, Kate
Fast number 3 for me, just had a handful of watercress topped off cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and 2 eggs scrambled came in at 200cals :)and very nice it was too.

Drinking plently of green tea, keep a mug on the go all the time as I quite like drinking it cold.

So 200 cals for later, I have planned to have a cod in parsley sauce at 101 Cals with plenty of veg to make up the remaining 99 :)

Good luck everyone and happy fasting xxx
Weather is just awful here today! Hopefully I can distract myself with lots of coffee, tea and broth.......
I'm fasting today. Only just 8:30 a.m. here in Boston, MA. Spring is in the air, finally! Lots of green things and flowers popping up everywhere! Had my last meal at 3 p.m. yesterday and plan to have my next meal at 5-6 p.m. tonight.

I'm finding it easier to go the full 24 hours. My last meal was a huge bowl of black bean veggie chili with a few capsules of psyllium fiber. I am still feeling very full. I highly recommend beans as a pre-fast meal. Keeps your gut feeling full for many, many hours.

Weekend is on the horizon!
I am!
This week may turn into 6:1.5 as I had two slices of sourdough toast with butter & jam for breakfast today (got up V. early to queue at CAB so it was a comfort breakfast). :doh:
HOWEVER, as 5:2 is flexible I have decided to not throw the baby out with the bathwater and will fast until having a very light dinner tonight.
Good luck all - be careful out there!
This is my third fast day, but it's a hard one. I weighed myself last week after starting, so I could brag about how much I had lost in the future. Weighed myself today (I know, I shouldn't have) and I've actually put on a pound! Fuming, as I've been strict with my fasting and eaten relatively healthily on most of my other days. Hoping my body is just a bit slow, and several pounds will drop off at once over the next few weeks.
This is my second fast day, had a difficult 1st fast. So, for the first time EVER (I think) I skipped breakfast. Have brought some yogurt and berries and a hardboiled egg for when I truly get hungry. Actually feeling pretty good! It's only 9:00 AM here in KY, so have a ways to go.
After a disasterous attempt at fasting yesterday I'm here again today :oops:
I dont know why yesterday was so hard but it was! I decided I would switch to today instead & so far its got to 2pm & I haven't thought about food at all :like:
I'm just about to have a sliced up apple with a babybel cheese & I have spiced morrocan veg with quinoa for this evening with fresh raspberries & yoghurt so lets hope I can get through the day-especially as I've just booked a holiday to Portugal this morning for 3 weeks time :cool:
Weigh in tomorrow- I'm nervous I won't have lost much as I have been quite naughty on my days off. Will do some exercise tonight and hope for the best!

2pm and not eaten anything yet. 4 hours until dinner time. Minestrone Soup, a slice of wholemeal toast and an apple for dinner. Not quite sure this is 500 calories but would it matter if it was under??
My second fast today, which has been harder than the first as only working half day and whole family is at home...just had a handful of cornflakes with a banana so far and will try and hold off anything but water til dinner. :)
Oooof! I'm reeeeeally struggling today for some reason! Carrots and hummus down the hatch already and has done nothing but make me want to eat more :S

Second fast of the week was going so well until the OH just made a fried egg sandwich- my tum growled at the smell! We work from home, so am fighting the temptation so get the frying pan out and whip myself up an egg butty! Can't concentrate now... Think ill go for a walk, only 3 hours 21 mins till tea time :)
Lordy I'm bored, not much to do at work and 45mins till home time, fast going well but I'm having an "I feel fat day" which of course I am, but you know what I mean :)
Hi-de-hi campers!

I'm adopting a different approach to today's fast. I had a works lunch event to attend, so allowed myself 300 calories for the half a sandwich I'd eat there. So I did an under 100 brekfast of egg whites, spinach, ham and tomato, and I'll figure out a 100 cal supper later, probably an occasion for the zero noodles I think. I will be going to the gym before I eat - training for a half marathon and I'm due to do a 30 minute run today.

Weigh-in tomorrow!
I'm fasting today!! This is only my 3rd fast, seems like it is going well... hard to tell if I lost weight this week, it is my time of the month. :bugeyes:
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