The FastDay Forum

Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
If you want to celebrate reaching a goal, or commiserate over a less productive week please use the 'Delighted or Disappointed?' forum instead.

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Hello @johns!

I don't think I've ever started a diet on any day other than a Monday! Somehow, a Monday seems like the ideal day..or in my case, the only day!

So looking forward to having you with us from Monday! I have seen such results with the BSD so far and am a big fan of it. You wonder how I have the willpower to forego treats? So do I!!!! Willpower is not something I have had, historically. In fact, I've never had any, until now. I've gone from someone who would eat everything in someone who doesn't eat until about 1pm, wouldn't dream of "cheating" or wavering from the plan and hasn't so much as sniffed a chocolate in 6 weeks! What on earth can bring such a change about? Quite simply, watching the weight drop off...can do that! I'm on a roll and I don't want to do anything to mess it up. Today, I didn't have my usual strawberries and yoghurt - I took them with me when I went into town for a catch up with my brother....but never got round to eating them. What's that about?? I barely noticed that I hadn't eaten! Not filling my face constantly has now become a way of life. Food has taken on so much less significance for me - it's nothing sort of amazing!

Must admit I've not become any more adventurous on the food front. Haven't varied my meals at all...but then, I haven't become bored of them yet. It's all a bit mindless, but I like it that way at the moment. I've spent far too long in the past thinking about food, planning food, cooking food and finally eating food. These days, I don't have any of that! Long may it continue, I say!!

Oops, I'm falling asleep whilst typing this - so will sign off now & come back tomorrow!
Oh my dayzzz!!! I got on the forum. Couldn't load the page at all yesterday, very frustrating.
Anyway, the last few days have been fine. I'm really not as good as you Hazelnut20, Yesterday it felt like I'd picked all day. I had my yoghurt and my 2 coffees in the morning. Then had to work until 5 (not happy about that). Didn't even have time to stop for a drink, my water intake was well low. Only 2 coffee and 1 small glass of water before 6 pm, not good. On getting home I had half a pot of cottage cheese and 3 mini cheddars (DD was eating them from the left over bag). I know mini cheddars are not the best choice. I was just so tired and had them. The good thing is I stopped at 3, without trying, 3 was enough. I remember when I could eat a full big bag. Had steak and veg in the evening, made DD a few chips too and had 2 of them. Why is it we crave carbs when tired? I didn't even feel hungry. Ooops, I can feel my mojo slipping. That's why it felt like I'd been picking all day. 3 mini cheddars and 2 chips, okay not so bad but I'm not supposed to have any bad carbs. Yesterdays cals were 727 and the carbs at 23. But I feel like I'm drifting from the plan. I don't know how long I can keep this up. I know it's just because I'm tired and that very small amount of carbs is nothing but I don't feel as strong (mentally) about the BSD as I did at the start of the week.

I'm trying to write everything now because I don't know if the forum will load later. I wish it would start working properly again. I can't lose you guys. There has been a few time this week when I thought the forum had gone :(

Anyway I've weighed this morning and I've lost just under 3.5lbs this week. I'm happy with this as the scale wasn't moving at all at the start of the week.

Must go now,, got to get ready for work.
Glad you'll be joining us on monday @johns. @Hazelnut20 I'm not sure we should star a new thread. I like the idea of the BSD stuff being all in one place and not lost at the back were no one will ever find it. Also not sure how all the faster will feel about more than one thread about the BSD when this is a fasting forum. I'm easy with whatever you choose to do though, I just need somewhere to chat with you guys.

Good luck tomorrow ladies,,, weight in and day one. :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:

Bye for now

Start of BSD : 178.6 lbs
Today, after 2 weeks: 169.6 lbs
9 lbs lost in 2 weeks.
9lb lost in just 2 weeks. absolutely fantastic :) :) :) thats gotta be a dress size!!
such a big well done from me & thank you for letting me be part of your journey & @hazelnut20 too.
sounds like yesterday was a bit testing for you dee but the scales were smiling today. a good nights sleep always makes a difference. 9lbs. thats really great news & so motivating.
daughter has gone in with boyfriend this morning for 8.30 so have got all the veg ready for todays meal, done the school washing & just about to jump in the shower. thought I would check in quickly while I have a moment & whilst site is working. amazing how addictive this can be. an outlet with people who understand :) so wanted to see how dee had done this week.
anyways, can hear the shower calling. have a lovely fathers day. shelley xx
Hello girls!

Am very happy to stick to this thread @justdee - my only thought on starting a new one was so it reflected that it was about the 3 of us - not just me! Understand the thinking - so we'll stay as we are & keep on writing about our experiences here.

Have sent you an email. Hope it arrives. You have had a trying time of late, so please be kind to yourself. I don't think your mojo is necessarily slipping, dear girl, I think you are tired and experiencing some cravings for carbs. They are manipulative little beasts...calling out to you like that! How well you did to contain yourself to just 3 mini Cheddars and 2 measly chips! That's positively in halo polishing territory I tell you! In no way is that the floodgate being opened..hearty congrats to you for weathering the storm so well. As you mentioned, you weren't drinking as much as you might have my bet is...those sneaky carbs saw an opportunity...& came running. Are you telling me that your total carb intake yesterday came out at just 23? If so, that is nothing short of incredible. I'm averaging about 60-odd a day & really don't feel I have much wiggle room to reduce them.

Dee - you are made of very stern stuff! You've had a blip, more accurately a mini-blip. See it for what it is, get some rest and move on! All is definitely not lost....not by a long shot!

Now put your feet up! Xx
Heartily agree with you @johns about everything you've told Dee.

9lbs is fantastic - in anyone's book!

Hope you know how much we're looking forward to celebrate your forthcoming successes on here? Go Shelley! We're here for you. Don't always care for Mondays....but tomorrow will be different! Hope today goes well for you and your daughter - will await news!

Have a good day xx
Thanks for the encouragement ladies. Me and DD are going to the beach in a minute and for a burger later. I might have a salad, don't think I could manage the bread on a burger.
I'm really happy with the weight I've lost over the last 2 weeks. I had a bit of a shock when I weighed this morning. I thought I'd lose 2lbs max, was very pleased to get under the 170's. I am finding eating like this very do-able. Just like you Hazelnut20, I too forgot to have my yoghurt this morning before going to work. I was too busy writing on here (while I could get on) and ran out of time. I don't often feel hungry or feel like giving up. I do think I need a few early nights to get me back in the zone though.
Well, I'm officially in for week 3,,,,, week 6 for @Hazelnut20,,,,, week 1 for @johns. Good luck my BSD buddys. :clover: :clover: :clover: If you need anything johns, just give us a shout, we'll do our best to help (if we can get on the forum that is :)
We'll be waiting to hear all about your day 1 tomorrow @johns and with any luck some baby news too.
All the very best Shelley :clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
@JustDee Don't you worry about the quantity of threads and this being a fasting forum. You guy are doing fabulous work and there's nothing you guys are putting in here that should be annoying anyone. Don't forget, eating windows are a legitimate form of fasting and you guys are incorporating that method into your plans. You post as many threads as you like about the BSD. It's all super helpful, super inspirational and if it sidelines anyone, that's not your fault or concern. :-) Keep up the great work!

Ok off to finish reading the newer posts. I have the attention span of a hummingbird but didn't want to forget to say that!
Oh wow - 3.5 pounds in one week! That's amazing!! You must feel very pleased :-)

Best of luck on the baby Shelley!!
And Hazelnut20 is on week 6 of 8 -- do you have any plans for what you'll be doing once week 9 hits? What does the good doctor suggest?
Thanks @Tracieknits, I am pleased but too tired to really appreciate it.

As for what happens at week 9. Lots of people carry on, I've read about someone in week 18,,, WoW!!
MM writes about that being okay if you still have weigh to lose.
I've eaten a few bad carbs this week, but find a real small amount is all I want. I'm sure the amount would creep up over time, but I don't think I'll ever eat as many carbs as I used to.
@Hazelnut20 have you had any thoughts of what will happen at week 9?
Yoo are you doing? Been thinking about you and hoping everything is OK.

It's really the wrong time for the forum to be a bit iffy! I've been checking in at various points during the day to see who's doing what....and nothing much is happening! Of course, you've got all the excitement of the impending birth and all, but 1 of the BSD is nearly under your belt - hurrah!

Anyway, dear readers...I'm bursting to tell you the results of the Week 6 weigh-in!! Only went and lost 4.8lbs I did...bringing the total to 26lbs in 6 weeks.....aagghh! Yep, 2 pounds away from losing 2 stone...yippeeeeeee! I really don't know how to describe how amazed I am at the effectiveness of what I'm doing. In reply to the question of what I am going to do once the 8 weeks is over...I would say "more of the same"! Can't see a reason to slow the process down because I am finding each day so "do-able" plus, bear in mind that in order to get into the healthy end of a BMI...I need to lose around 5 stone in total (was 15 stone 3.6lbs on May 9th). Oh and I may be flying to Mauritius for my niece's wedding in November - which is summer time there. The beached whale look is so last year....hence my thinking about getting the weight off ASAP. I only say "may" because of many of the list of which is....being really rather scared of flying...gulp...
:victory: :victory: Aww that's a brilliant result@Hazelnut20, you so deserve it. Well done hun. 4.8lbs in week 6 and 26lbs in 6 weeks is totally amazing. I love how the weigh loss doesn't slow down week by week, if you stick to the plan. Good luck for week 7,,, Wow week 7 already!!!! you go girl!!! :victory: :victory: :star: :star: :star:

I, on the other hand am not being quite as good as I could be. :-P
The chef at work is so lovely. The last 2 days he's made me lunch to take home at the end of my shift, because I always say I don't want anything to eat. A bacon baguette one day and a chicken wrap yesterday. I've been giving them to DD for lunch (she's loving it haha). Well, today I told him I shared them with DD and she said to say thank you. I shouldn't have said anything because today he made 2 chicken wraps for us. And......... I had one for lunch. I know,, excuses excuses. :oops: .... I checked the cals/carbs and counted them, but by the end of the day they were higher than I wanted them to be, 817cals and 65 carbs. Not so bad really but could do better. You'll be happy to know I have a plan. For tomorrow anyway. We're going to the water park after work. DD's going to make a salad for us and come meet me at 3. I'll tell the chef our plans for the afternoon and that we won't need him to make us any lunch. Don't know what I'll do the other days though. My dad will be here next week so I'll be bringing him lunch by the looks of it. It's very nice of him to make us lunch, but I wish it was a salad.
Anyhow, tomorrow I'm going to make sure I'm totally on plan, even if it means putting food off the chef in the bin (I hate food waste when there are so many people with not enough). I figured, if I eat the chefs food or put it in the bin the end result is the same, the food will be gone. I've just remember there is always a homeless guy outside Lidl, I usually give him a euro or 2, I think I'll start taking him lunch.

Last night I went to bed at 12 ish (early for me). I had a great sleep, almost 8 hrs. Today I feel much better for it and will be doing it again tonight.

@Shelley johns, I hope your day 1 went well. Waiting to hear how it was. Good luck for day 2, you'll be at the end of week 1 before you know it. :clover: :clover: :clover:
Thank you sweetie - really appreciate your comments xx

Hmm, that chef.....he's a bit of a feeder!! How very nice of him though. Is he single, perchance??!!

Think that re-gifting the food is an excellent idea - the homeless man will be a great recipient and it will be a win/win situation! I like your thinking....

From where I'm standing, you are on such a roll (continuing the food theme, ha ha) right now - talking of plans and so on! That and the "s" word - not one I'm too fond of myself - but I suppose salads have their place in the world!

All that...and an early night too? Amazing! Very proud of you, Dee! It's bound to make you feel a lot better - so I hope you get another good night tonight.

Enjoy the water park - sounds fun. Over here, we're wondering if summer is ever going to get going!

Will look forward to your next post...
I'm really enjoying reading all your posts and I agree with @tracieknits that if you want to start a new thread then go for it. The other thing you can do and, forgive me if you already know this, is to change the title of the thread to included all of you. You just have to go to your first post in the thread and edit the title there. Keep up the good work. I am tempted to give the BSD a try!
Wow - well done!! That's just fantastic!!!

What does the good doctor say about going on after week 9? Is there any threat of metabolism slowdown by extending it past 8 weeks? That's part of the reason I've been really switching it up day by day. I'm terrified of my metabolism slowing down. It happens when my thyroid swings into hypo and it's terrible.

@JustDee Is there any reason you can't tell the chef you're dieting? Perhaps he would be sympathetic?
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