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I' m desperate for a glass of vino @rawkaren after getting a lovely smell from DDs wine glass last night..but i can live without it x maybe you could factor in some peanuts for yr protein and fat needs? X
Hello all, after 2 days of real BSDing I some how managed a loss of just over a lb and a half this week. Very pleased with this as weight has been a few lbs over last weeks weigh in all week. Quite amazing really, I wonder what I'll lose if I was to stick to it all week,,,, lets find out!!! :)

Great post Pernelle @hazelnut20. I love seeing everyone doing so well too. I knew this would happen after we started posting about how great this WOE is. Look what you've done you lovely lady, you've created an almighty power on this here forum. So many of us are doing amazingly well, big thanks to you. I love the support here, we all seem to understand about the ups and downs of this WOL. Knowing that when we're down we have our forum friends here ready to help us ride that wave, until it passes. When we're up it's our turn to help someone else who's ridding the wave. Looks like I'm up again for now, long may it last.
Well said Dee @JustDee! This forum is great at the moment. Starting to reignite!
Karen? @RawKaren? What a great attitude! You fancied those peanuts - but you didn't succomb! Well done!!
I must say, I can't wait for this week's weigh-in. Everyone seems to be 'in the zone'! Keep going!
Bean :heart:
Hi all, Candy and Beany I know I have been preaching low carb high fat for a while, but it did take me a year to decide to try it. So you got here just in time, just when YOU were ready.
Dee, sounds like you are ready. Congrats on the weight loss this week!! The ups and downs are normal and I too am glad we are all here together supporting each other. You can do it!
Hazelnut, thank you so much for starting this thread, I am so late to the party, but I am enjoying seeing how well everyone is doing. It is exciting!
Karen, great determination on skipping the peanuts and wine. Maybe you could factor in some peanuts, but I am not as up on the BSD as you all.
Wishing you all a great week! Phyl
You are so welcome on here, Phyl @mountainmyst! Your insight and encouragement for all is really lovely - please drop by whenever you can - we'd love to see you! The more the merrier...

It feels like we have a revolution on our hands...and I couldn't be happier! You can't beat women supporting other women - where weight is concerned, I'll take any advice I can get! Knowing how much our outward appearance affects our mood, not to even mention the health issues of carting around excess weight, I would always want to save other women from suffering if I could. This forum is absolutely brilliant in my opinion. I haven't defected to the BSD forum because I find it difficult to navigate...and I'm not very savvy on the techno front! The people on there seem just lovely....but I like it here! I'm so grateful that I was allowed to start this BSD thread on here...
hello @hazelnut20 's BSDers

just reading through the last couple of pages of posts. there is so much going on here.

cannot believe @candicemarie progress. yours is truly amazing. you must be on top of the world. do you think you will carry on indefinitely or just do 8 weeks then settle into your own eating plan? your body shape must have changed with this weight loss :)

hello @mountainmyst nice to have your here :)

@tracieknits how close are you now to the 1oos

Hi @rawkaren well done & huge congratulations on your weigh in. woo hoo.

@debs just seen your post about having home made pizza. heres a link to quinoa pizza base. Ive made it. wasnt bad at all ... zza-crust/

@hazelnut20 pernelle you are definitely back in the zone. that didnt take long did it ;)

@justdee dee its great to hear that you are back heading towards big losses again. brilliant :)

pernelle this thread is so popular & its members just keep growing & growing with great results. you should be so proud of it. I havent been 100% bsd lately. have had a busy few days (hence the lack of attendance here) but have still managed to lose a lb this week so must still be doing something right. & all thanks to you that Im tweaking my diet without thinking about it. I had a day last week where I had bread & biscuits & my belly felt very uncomfortable for a couple of days. this seems to be a side effect to all of us on here. who would have thought? but my tummy doesnt seem to be able to tolerate dark chocolate. perhaps I need to try lots of different brands as research ;)

anyways, this has got so long but its my checking in for the last few days so off now.

carry on with the good work. shelley xx
@johns. Shelley that quinoa pizza crust is genius. Got to make it! @debs. Looks like the perfect solution for your pizza cravings and nicer than the cauliflower version. Another day done here. Weekdays I'm very busy so not too bad. I have two dinners out Friday and Saturday so let's see what the damage is. Have a good week everyone.
@johns, many thanks for that, I shall be testing that out, although I suspect I shall be on my own in the house! So please to see everyone doing so well on this, I feel that this will really deliver the health benefits, although I already know what my real problem is. SUGAR. :curse: I am finding low sugar desserts to help me along, such as raspberries and cream and am making coconut macaroons later with a small amount of stevia. I generally avoid sweeteners but if it stops me murdering someone I feel it's s small price to pay :confused: Unsweetened coconut flour pancakes for me later with Rachel's greek yoghurt and raspberries is what's keeping me going today.
Confess I am finding it hard going though, maybe factoring a couple of spoonfuls of cream in the morning may help to get me through. the morning. I'm sitting here at 7am already contemplating dinner :cry:
The thought of more than 800 calories is bliss!!
johns - if you struggle with dark chocolate, can I suggest Whittakers 72% Ghana. Dark enough but deliciously creamy. But keep away from the peanut butter version, it will suck you in!!!
Hello lovely Shelley @johns - great to hear from you!

Snap - we both lost a pound this week! Or as I like to call it....2 packs of butter! Not to be sniffed at, is it?

Life is always getting in the way of our efforts in some way or another, but if I think back to how out of control I was before starting this WOE in May....I have turned myself around 100%. It seemed that I had no brakes! I never ever questioned what I was eating or how detrimental it would be to my health or weight. Now I'm making choices all the time, weighing up whether something is "worth it" and really questioning myself about food! Who'd have thought it?! I really honestly think that if I can do it, then anyone can - because I was so out of control. I've said it before (and at the risk of repeating myself, I'll say it again!) - nobody forces food down my neck - it's all my own work! Sooooo...only I am responsible for my choices. It's never the end of the world if we don't stick rigidly to our plans - it's all about moving on and trying again.

Last night I went to a dinner party. Because of this, I didn't eat all day...but I drank loads. When I got there, I had a strategy. Wouldn't eat any carby nibbles, wouldn't have potatoes with my dinner, would have a G&T and a glass of wine...and would have a small amount of pudding (tarte au citron, yum yum!). I did all of this discreetly - wasn't going to be a diet bore - and because I had given myself permission...I fully enjoyed my small portion of pud & berries. Would it have been as much fun without the drinkies and pud? Of course not! And why not? I don't go to many dinner parties...and this one was lovely. No way was I going to be rigid...but neither am I going to agonise about any damage today! Oh no.....I'm figuring I've done really well so far...and life is for living! I'm not going down the slippery slope, so why worry? I'm back in harness today..and looking forward to my bio full fat yoghurt and strawberries later this afternoon...and roast vegetables etc for dinner. It's a great feeling...

I'm thrilled to hear you are tweaking things round to suit you, Shelley - that's what it's all about! Isn't it funny that we get uncomfortable when we eat carby things these days? I used to have terrible issues (won't go into the gruesome details!) - which stupidly I attributed to getting older! In fact, it was a carb overdose. It really coloured every a very bad way...and limited what I could do and where I could go. Since trying the BSD, everything has improved beyond measure! That alone should be enough to keep me on the straight and narrow...but the added bonus is the amazing weight loss...and the increased self-esteem that it brings with it.

I'm so thrilled that this WOE is working for so many others too! It gives me the biggest kick to read all your posts and hear how things are going...and the results are speaking for themselves, aren't they? Whoop whoop!

Well, I think I've rambled on quite long enough! Have left the iron I ought to get back to some work!

Wishing everyone a fabulous day xxx
Over my cals today but just by 125 so better than nothing but actually I feel over full. I did a long day at work and quite hungry when I got in. Offset by a very early morning stint on the spinning bike!
Morning everyone! Phyl @MountainMyst? How lovely to see you in here. I hope you'll stick around!! :wink:
Oh I was really bad last night. I ended up having two bowls of Cheerios (with a splodge of cream in the middle!) Its that time of the month so I guess it was my body crying out for something - but I feel so annoyed with myself :cry: :cry: :cry:
I'm like you Nutty @Hazlenut20 in that I prefer it on here. Its easier to navigate. The BSD forum gets a bit hectic and muddly. I can barely keep up on here when it gets busy - over there its crazy!
So here's to a better day. Actually, I wonder if I should do a 500 cal fast today to make up for last night? Hmm I just might do that! After all, its weigh in on Friday :confused:
Hope you all have a great day today!
Bean :heart:
Hi there,
How's everyone managing? I'm enjoying reading your posts Hazelnut. How many calories are you having a day now? I confess I am struggling with 800 cals a day here, maybe it's the early start I don't know but I'm permanently hungry and obsessing with food. You would think that something like quinoa porridge would fill me up, but no. I'm drinking gallons of water so it isn't thirst either. Maybe I just have to get used to being hungry every day. I'm 100g off a 3kg loss which has slowed slightly.
Anyone got any suggestion? :heart:
hi all
have been quite good & being back at work & back into a routine is helping. my car broke 4 weeks ago just before holidays & bought another off ebay on sunday so went to pick it up yesterday. so great to be mobile again. drove myself a couple of miles away this morning so that I could run to another town & then back along the clifftop overlooking the sea & through the park. 3 mile route. I managed it in 33 minutes which I was so pleased with as I thought I was really slow & was definitely struggling as its the first run Ive done in 4 weeks. woohoo.
now that I have scales at home I have been weighing daily. this is certainly keeping me a bit more accountable. today I weighed in at 11.0.8 & was very very pleased to see that :) getting under 11stone may just be do-able before the end of @justdee s challenge.
everyone is doing so well
shelley xx
@debs. Sorry you are finding it tough. As a fellow early riser I can relate. Some ideas:
Don't go very low carb. I'm averaging around 70g but still in ketosis.
Go up 100 cals rather than throwing in the towel.
Don't intermittently fast. Eat 3 meals plus snacks if you have cals.
Take boiled eggs to work as they are better low cal snacks than nuts where it is easy to go over cal count.
Hot drinks including bouillon I prefer to water.
Gum. Some people hate it but it works for me.

I have just done a 15 hour day. Managed to get through it as I didn't have time to think about food and I had me meals planned, Took the enjoyment away from eating but it's another day ticked off.
Oh Debs @Debs I'm really sorry you're struggling. It must be so tough with your long days and early starts. I think Karen's advice is really good. I certainly agree about the carbs. I started BSD just concentrating on the calories I consumed. As the weeks go on I have become more aware of my carbs and really try to keep below 50g - but it doesn't always work! :wink:
I found out today that I've bean nominated for "Woman of the Year 2016" at Slimming World! I can't believe it! :shock: I'm going to be quite nervous in Friday me thinks :smile: :smile: :smile:
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