I fasted on Friday and Monday this week. I seem to have settled into this WOL this week and not really thought about fasting very much, even on fast days. It may just be that it's been a very busy week. The dryer broke down, the washing machine broke down and then today, the car broke down. What are the odds? A month before xmas too. That's the bad stuff, now for the good. It was my dads birthday this week. We all went out for a lovely meal on Saturday night and had birthday cake Sunday. very nice. I also hit a new low on the scales this morning. So all in all still happy. The tape measure is saying I'm losing (slowly) but my waist is stuck between 36/37. My body is starting to change shape but not how I want it to. Because I'm losing everywhere but my waist (belly button area), I think I'm starting to look a bit pregnant. That's not a good look when you're not.
Start weight 180lbs
After 11 weeks I'm 169.6lbs. That's a 1.7lb loss this week. It's nice to be below 170, this is my lowest weight for about 4 years.
10.4lbs lost in 11 weeks. 3.6lbs to mini goal.