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Weight today 7th April 142 lbs

Weight 2nd March 142 lbs - change 0!

Have lost and gained a couple of lbs in the month but overall have lost 8 lbs by doing 5:2.

Not great at calorie counting on any day - fast days are an estimated 500-700 calories.

Happy to do a questionnaire if it helps.
* Weight on (or around) 6th April 76kg

* Waist measurement on (or around) 6th April 95cm

* Change in weight since 2nd March (or thereabouts) 2kg loss

* Change in waist size since 2nd March (or thereabouts) 2 cm loss

* Change in body fat % if you know it Don't know

* Whether you are following a different fasting pattern than 5:2 Following 5:2

Yes, I'm happy to answer the questionnaire.
Weight today, 7th April, 147 lbs
weight for previous weigh in, 145 lbs
A gain of 2lbs.
Waist measurement today, 34 ins
previous measurement 33.5, an increase of .5 ins
However, I was in France for 2 weeks not fasting at all, and normally I would see a gain of at least 7lbs from all the red wine and cheese I eat when I'm there, so I can't complain.
My normal week is 5:2, have done that this week and will be from now on.

I would be very happy to fill in a questionnaire, I am a very slow loser.

I have used my old scales for this weigh in, but I have bought some new ones that give fat readings, and according to them, my body fat is 39.3, visceral fat 9.
Weight on 7th April = 11st 0.25lb
Waist measurement on 7th April = 36"
Change in weight since 3rd March = 5.25lb
Change in waist size since 3nd March - 2cm (approx)
Change in body fat = not known
Whether you are following a different fasting pattern than 5:2 = No.

Total loss since 27th January = 1st 2lb

I don't count calories on any day but I do have years of calorie counting experience(!) so I do have a good idea of calorific values of the various foods that I tend to eat. I don't use ready meals - unless you count fish and chips! Happy to complete questionnaire if it helps.
My weight today: 79.83kg
Waist measurement: 104cm
Body fat: not known

Weight on 3 March: 83.01kg
Waist measurement on 3 March: 108cm

Change in weight since 3 March: - 3kg
Change in waist measurement since 3 March: -4cm (but +1cm from last week :frown:)

Following 5:2 fasting pattern.
Happy to complete questionnaire if asked.

I don't count calories on non-fast days.
I think that this week's figures are due to Easter chocolate and having eaten a large amount of DD's birthday cake. But coming to the conculsion that I should take notice of TDEE and work on the balance in general.
Weight on 7th April 9st 9.5lbs
Waist measurement on 7th April 29"
Change in weight since 4th March 4lb less
Change in waist size since 4th March 1.5" less

Following 5:2 pattern (breakfast and dinner)

Willing to complete questionnaire.

Weight 60.6kg
Waist 28.5cm
Weight loss 0.5kg
Waist reduction 0.5cm
Body fat unchanged
Following 5:2, except this last week when I've only managed a couple of 12-15 hour fasts, due to holidays.
More than willing to complete questionnaire, but expect my results aren't striking enough!
Thanks for all you're doing here, Caroline&Moogie x
Here are my stats:

* Weight on 6th April - 153.5 lbs
* Waist measurement on 6th April - 32 inches
* Change in weight since 11th March - 3.5 lbs
* Change in waist size since 11th March - 2 inches
* Change in body fat % - unknown
* Following 5:2

Edited to say: happy to complete any questionnaires :smile:
Moira145 wrote: My weight today: 79.83kg
Waist measurement: 104cm
Body fat: not known

Weight on 3 March: 83.01kg
Waist measurement on 3 March: 108cm

Change in weight since 3 March: - 3kg
Change in waist measurement since 3 March: -4cm (but +1cm from last week :frown:)

Following 5:2 fasting pattern.
Happy to complete questionnaire if asked.

I don't count calories on non-fast days.
I think that this week's figures are due to Easter chocolate and having eaten a large amount of DD's birthday cake. But coming to the conculsion that I should take notice of TDEE and work on the balance in general.

Why the unhappiness? 3 kilos is way beyond average and tummy cm aren't going to be accurage to the cm, particularly after choccie cake. :cool:
Weight as at 04/03 - 12 stone 7lb 2oz(i weigh in on a Monday)
Weight as of 07/04 - 12 stone 1 lb exactly (weighed in a day early as not here tomorrow)
Weight lost in above period 6lb 2oz
Waist size as of 07/04 35" (did not measure until today so no previous figures to go off)
Following 5:2
Would gladly take part in research questionnaire.
Body fat - my scales dont show this so no idea
FIRST March 2013
Weight = 10 St 11 lbs
Waist = 31"
Fat % = 36.2
BMI = 25.78

6 April 2013

Weight = 10 St 8 lbs
Waist = 30.5"
Fat % = 33%
BMI = 25.25

Weight = -3 lbs
Waist = -0.5"
Fat % = -3.2%
BMI = -0.53

I am normally doing 5:2 (with one 36 hour fast and one 24 hour + 300 cals [ish] ) but over the Easter fortnight I just did 6:1 (36 hour fasts). I don't calorie count.

I would be happy to compete a questionnaire but my overall weight loss is slow/small.
Weight on 6th April 139lbs
Weight loss since 2nd March 4 lbs
Following 5:2
Sorry no waist or fat measurements
Hi Caroline
Don't know if you can use my figures as I wasn't a member last month but I started 5:2 on 6th Feb. I'll give you the lot and you can sort what you can use.

6th Feb
Wt 78.2kg
Waist 29.5ins

2nd March
Wt 76.4
Waist 29ins

6th April
Wt 78.2
Waist 29ins

I'm doing 5:2 with the occasional day when I just stick to an 8hour eating window.

Weight disappointing after excellent start. It actually went up even higher but its on its way back down again now that I have realised that I'll never be able to eat the carbs I'd so much like to eat. Incidentally my BG started to rise too with the increase in carb so that was a good incentive to sort my brain out and accept my limitations! Not going back to my pre-diabetic days. :frown: I had also noticed that as my BG was creeping back up I had started to get tingling and numbness in my toes but that has gone again. I don't think people realise how quickly a raised sugar can cause nerve problems.

Any questionnaires you might want to send are OK by me. Happy to be a guinea pig for trying new approaches. :smile:

* Weight on (or around) 6th April = 70.9kg (7 April)
* Waist measurement on (or around) 6th April = 88cm (7 April)
* Change in weight since 2nd March: - 6.66kg :like:
* Change in waist size since 2nd March: - 0.9cm
* Change in body fat % = was 40% on 2 March, is now 37.3% (7 April) :like:
* Fasting pattern than 5:2 - I am following 4:3.

Happy to fill in a questionnaire if it helps.
Have been on the program for 5 weeks since March 4th, but trying to maintain for the last 2 weeks so 1 week of 6:1 and one of 5:2 with 1 day of 1000 and one 500, lost 800 g in this last week of maintenance and a total of 1.8 Kg since March 4th but not sure that I am a good candidate for your statistical analysis. my current BMI is 20.3, my weight is 51.2 Kg Height 5.2 and I'm 45 years old.
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