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Progress Diaries & Journals

Please just one thread per member here, which you can keep updated with your progress!
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Weight today 14 stone 11 lb
Weight on 2nd March 14 stone 11 lb :o(
Waist today 93cm
Waist on 2nd March 94cm

5:2 diet since mid January
Ok here goes mine:
Weight on 6th April - 100.1kg
* Waist measurement on 6th April - 111
* Change in weight since 10th March - 3.1kg
* Change in waist size since 10th March - 1cm
* Change in body fat % - don't know,
* Whether you are following a different fasting pattern than 5:2 No, I do 5:2
Happy to answer questinnaire
Im away from home atm, so will weigh when I get home, but im happy to do the questionnaire, x
* Weight on 6th April - 10.12
* Waist measurement on 6th April - 31in
* Change in weight since 2nd March (or thereabouts) - March 4th weight, 11.9 - 11lbs off!
* Change in waist size since 2nd March (or thereabouts) - March 4th waist, 36in - 5in off!
* Change in body fat % if you know it - don't know
* Whether you are following a different fasting pattern than 5:2 - I'm following 5:2, I have done 4:3 this week for the first time, but that was just a one off, plan to stick to 5:2.
* Weight on (or around) 6th April: 66.5kg
* Waist measurement on (or around) 6th April: 82 cm
* Change in weight since 2nd March (or thereabouts): -1.7 kg
* Change in waist size since 2nd March (or thereabouts): -2cm
* Change in body fat % if you know it: -0.6%
* Whether you are following a different fasting pattern than 5:2 - Nope, 5:2 all the way

Willing to fill out questionnaire, but results are rather average.
Good morning all, depending on time zones.

March 2nd
Weight = 11st 8 1/2 lbs or 162 1/2 lbs or 73.71Kg
Waist = 38" or 38 inches or 96.52cm
Bodyfat = unknown at this date.

April 6th
Weight = 11st 5.6lbs or 159.6lbs or 72.4Kg
Waist = 37 1/2" or 37.5 inches or 95.25cm
Bodyfat = 23.9%

Weight = Minus 2.9lbs or 1.3Kg
Waist = Minus 1/2" or 1.27cm
Bodyfat = Minus .8% since 16th March
Weight 06/04/2013 : 242 lbs
Weight 01/03/2013 : 246.2 lbs
Weight loss : 4.2 lbs
Waist 06/04/2013 : 46 inches
Waist 01/03/2013 : 47 inches
Waist loss : 1 inch
Started 25/01/2013: 253
Lost to date : 11 lbs
Target : 188 lbs
WOL Protocol : The last two weeks 4:3, prior to this 5:2 (in this period).
Similarly in the previous month

Activity : 30 minutes brisk lunchtime walks if in work
Cardio and fixed weights in the gym 2-4 times weekly
* Weight on 6th April = 9st 10 lbs
* Waist measurement on 6th April = 29.5 in
* Change in weight since 2nd March = lost 3 lbs
* Change in waist size since 2nd March = lost 1 in

Not a normal month for me as have been on holiday in Florida for 16 days of the month !! didn't do real fasts whilst on holiday but did have 2 days each week where I didn't eat breakfast or lunch but then had normal meal (& wine !!) in the evening. Seemed to work well as I came back the same weight as I went and still enjoyed all my holiday treats !!
* Weight on (or around) 6th April (65kg) weigh and measure done today 6 April.
* Waist measurement on (or around) 6th April (75cm)
* Change in weight since 2nd March (or thereabouts) (weight loss of 1.5kg weigh in on 6 March)
* Change in waist size since 2nd March (or thereabouts) (loss of 1cm since 6 March)
* Change in body fat % if you know it (unsure)
* Whether you are following a different fasting pattern than 5:2 (doing 5:2)

(If you didn't weigh/measure on 6th April and 2nd March respectively, please put what date you made the measurements)

Willing to participate in questionnaire.
Weight 26th Feb 57.4Kg
Weight 6th April 56.7Kg

Weight Lost 0.7Kg

Did not take waist measurement or body fat on 26th Feb

Willing to participate in questionnaire.
* Weight on 6th April = 87.2 kg
* Waist measurement on 6th April = 89cm
* Change in weight since 2nd March = lost 4.5kg
* Change in waist size since 2nd March = lost 3.7 cm
* body fat: just got new scales so will have this info next month!
Mass 06/04/13 = 137.4 lbs
Mass 01/03/13 = 142.0 lbs, loss 4.6 lbs.

No measurements, I'm afraid...

5:2 fasting, supposed to be maintaining 140 lbs by not reducing fast-day calories - but had a stomach bug on holiday which enforced extra, full, fasts and hence the weight loss (food was the last thing I wanted for a couple of days!). Ran well at parkrun today, surprisingly!

Happy to do questionnaire but I doubt I meet your criteria...
No reliable March stats.
6th April 2013:
Weight 89kg
Waist 104cm
4:3 with no food on fast days
Yes to questionnaire.
I hope you don't mind my reporting in pounds and inches. I have been doing 5:2 for a month. Thursday last was fast 8.
Weight on (or around) 6th April 153.7
* Waist measurement on (or around) 6th April 33.5 inches
* Change in weight since 2nd March (or thereabouts) -6.3 pounds
* Change in waist size since 2nd March (or thereabouts) -0.5 inches
* Change in body fat % if you know it. don't know about body fat %.
* Whether you are following a different fasting pattern than 5:2. just 5:2
Glad to do a questionaire
Redhead's Weigh In:

* Weight on 6 April: 10 stone 8 pounds.

* Haven't measured waist or body fat, but I'm two belt holes (2 inches) slimmer since starting, one of them since start of March.

* Change in weight since 2nd March:
Weight 1 March = 11 stone 4 pounds/ 71.7 kgs.
Weight 6 April = 10 stone 8 pounds/ 67.1 kgs.
Difference = 10 pounds/ 4.5 kg lost.

* Whether you are following a different fasting pattern than 5:2:
I started out doing 5:2 proper (500 cals twice a week) at the end of January 2013, but moved to two water fasts per week from about mid February. Water fasts usually last about 40 hours from evening on day before fast, throughout fast day and them until about midday the day after fast day. Usually Monday and Thursday.

I've been doing this for a little over two months and lost a bit more this month than the first. I started on 24 January and lost 8 pounds between 24 Jan and 1 March (36 days). I lost 10 pounds between 1 March and 6 April (36 days). I think this is probably because I'm eating a lot less junk food on non fast days now.

I've never dieted before (couldn't stick to anything) so this is definitely the system for me, for life. Hope to be on maintenance in another month or two. Thanks to everyone on this forum as I couldn't do it without all the support and advice here!

I'm happy to do the survey.
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