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#46 checking in with a 400 g loss so now at 1.4 kg loss for the challenge feeling pleased esp as Ive had a very social week. If im not careful this week it will catch up with me so vigilance is required!
Weighing in today, but am weighing on Mondays now instead of after my 2nd fast of the week. So numbers are probably a bit skewed, hopefully will look more encouraging this time next week! My weight today is 87.6 kg.
Some very encouraging losses here... well done, gang!
#29 susbut65 :cry: :cry: :cry: My lowest ever was Sat 3rd May 60.5k
but as I had decided to aim to maintain I ceased being too obsessive in weighing and recording calories as I was generally eating the same sorts of foods.However,the weight slowly crept up Friday 9th 61.5k
Saturday 10th Family meal Chinese restuarant.Sunday tried to fast but failed miserably :doh: TODAY 62.5k :confused: Major repair required :curse: Hope everyone else is surviving better :heart:
#22 here! @susbut65 your not the only one who's gained, i've but on 3lbs! But I blame my gain on stress and comfort eating after having a crappy month and a broken wii fit board! Lets hope now my board is fixed and times are improving at home that this weight will drop off!
No 36 checking in. A flamin 1lb gain. :bugeyes: I wouldn't mind but it was one of thoses good weeks. I was even down 2lbs on Friday, but its all back on again. :shock: I did 2 good fasts and even a 18:5 window on a day of a family feast. I was really good at the party too and went for mostly salads and fruit and avoided the breads and most if the booze (just 2 glasses of red). I didnt do any running though, and only 2 runs the week before. I dont mind a gain when I have enjoyed a splurge, but these undeserved gains are really hard to take.
#7 reporting in lost just .25 lb this week.
#34 reporting...
I just had two great weeks of vacation, unfortunately that didn't do much good for my Solstice challenge. Current weight: 64.5 kg. But today back on track with a much needed fastday. Hopefully I will get that vibe again and will reach my goal in time. Fingers crossed...
Oh that's a bummer @Scubachick - but if you were down 2 on Friday, it's probably just water weight and you'll lose it quickly! Hang in there, you are doing great overall!
Well now, let me be a lesson to you all!!

Have massively gained this week.......something approaching 6lbs!

Have been away with a bunch of girlfriends & gave myself a week off fasting and it was a case of "shock horror" this morning when I jumped on the scales! I'm not saying I was expecting to get away with it.....but flip, 6lbs feels a bit stiff!!!

TOTM may also have something to do with it - we'll see next Monday. In the meantime, with the Solstice challenge in mind, I am planning a 4:3 week and a return to exercising, tee hee!!

The strange thing is, I am really looking forward to taking control back, plus I didn't enjoy feeling fuller than usual. I am sitting here typing away....and also feeling rather flat & disengaged with the world. I blame the food & lack of exercise last week for that.....there's not a lot of serotonin floating about me at the moment. Not happy with that at all......

Still, there's a while to go until June we'll just have to see how far I can get by then. All fingers are crossed......

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
#25 - checking in. Weight is not wanting to budge much under 11 stone. I seem to be stuck between 153.7lb and 154.8lb. Have been especially good this weekend, made no difference. Today's weight is 154.8lb. I expect tomorrow I'll be 153.7lb... :razz:
Belated reporting in. my libra trend says 70.0 so not much change as i only sometimes see 69 something.

Much commotion around here with kitchen refurbishment and daughter moving out to new home. Back to "normalcy" soon but that might mean i have a bigger appetite so i better watch it.
#50 checking in. Today I weigh 90,2kg so there seems to be some progress. I should have checked in last sunday (as I started on sunday).
Fasting today so I expect to se an 80's number tomorrow and hopefully I will soon see my last 90's number.
No 16 reporting in...with a gain. :frown:
I'm 10 stone 9 lb today, which is plus 1.5lb on last week.
I've had a long weekend away with girlfriends, missed a fast, and had a rather too lovely time...
Last week I put on just over 1lb from my initial weight and this week I am pleased to report that I have lost 1.8lb from my initial weigh in (so in paractice I lost 2.8lb this week) Yippee!! :like: :like:

Have decided to go the 16:8 route on a daily basis than try to do two 500 calorie fasts each week. Easier now I can eat more salads!
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