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Same weight as last week - 9st 10lb, 136lb. Pleased with that :victory:
#57 -only 1lb down this week. I thought my fasting had gone really well, obviously not well enough. Still at least its down. My knee has been painful this week & the practice nurse has given me some strong painkillers. It's affecting my exercising as walking is very painful but cycling seems ok. The painkillers are 3 times a day with food so fasting is now difficult too.
Well that's actually ok PP as you will probably have inflammation to contend with as well. Sometimes it takes longer than a week for good fasts to take effect. Think of it as building up credit - you will get a result at some point, even if not this week.
No 36 here.
I didnt weigh in last week as the scales were bouncing around. They did dip below my 147lb target last Thurs morning after my 2nd fast. But my weight was up to 150lbs on my official weigh in day, the Monday before. I think my hormones/cycle are playing silly buggers! I am doing a 10k fun run tomorrow, so I hope to actually hit my target this Monday. Fingers crossed!
Touched my :sun: Solstice goal 128lbs :sun: for the FIRST time this morning! Yesterday weighed in at 129 and today at 128! When I started 5:2 I considered daily weighing as obsessive for me, but it's been key to my progress - in any week I can weigh in in a 3lb range - but know it's still a downward trend even if it seems very slow now as I approach goal - 4 lbs to go. Actually I looked back at my stats, it's not that slow - 2 lb loss in May - that 0.5 lb a week, so aiming to hit my goal around mid August.

Buddy @spanner look I made it! :cool: Thanks for all your wonderful support :like: :heart: How are you doing? I'll catch you soon, off to the walking tent that I have deserted over the last couple of weeks.

Good luck everyone :clover:
Well done @Lizbean
This morning I still weigh the same as last week at 167.2. I'm ok with that though, as I wasn't great this week. I need to lose 2 lbs. this week to make my goal. I'm going to try really hard to stay focused and do it!!
I had a really good fast day on Thursday. I was excited to weigh myself on Friday, but no loss. Lo and behold, this morning, was down .8 lbs., so I'm at 135.2!
Great job piper! Funny how sometimes our bodies take a little while to catch up!
I weighed in this morning (Sunday), my usual weigh-in day, and I have made my Solstice Challenge target a week early! :victory: I was 10 stone, three and a half (143.5) pounds! I am now three and a half pounds under my original goal weight, with a week to go until my holiday and the end of this challenge. :grin: I have lost two and a quarter pounds this week and feel a celebration is in order - but I can't quite decide what it should be. Maybe I'll save the celebration until next week, when I'm away! :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: I do love a delicious cocktail!
Woop woop, Stowie!

@PennyForthem, is there any chance that the original post for this thread could be updated to say who has reached target? Would that be a tedious pain in the neck to do? Would those who didnt quite make their target be okay with such a list?
Hi Stowie, that is fantastic, well done,

Ballerina x :heart:
@scubachick it might be a tad too far, but I shall ask everyone to record their weight loss for the challenge and whether they succeeded in their challenge. Is that OK?
Ugh, the stomach bug I picked up a while back does not want to let go. That is great for "quick weight loss" but it's certainly not fat loss.
Hey @Patchworkperson - any loss is a triumph in my book! Well done you!


Aren't you glad that's gone??!! Onwards and downwards you brilliant lady!

What can I say, @Lizbean & @StowgateResident?? Whoop whoop and huge (though gentle) pats on the back to you both! Brilliant to hear you have hit your Solstice challenge - am thrilled & vicariously enjoying your very well done!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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