PennyForthem wrote: We have gone onto our new scales (old ones left at caravan!!) and they weigh me in at 155.2lbs, (11 1.2) which is 2lbs lighter than the other ones. I'm not reading too much into this, as it's the trend that counts.
However, that's 70.39kg in metric, which is quite a lot closer to 69kg!
Bring it on, I say!
I have a similar dilemma. We have had a new en suite bathroom put in. I bought an identical set of scales for the new bathroom and they weigh about 0.4 lb less than the old ones. I have put the old scales in the new bathroom for consistency but I can't help weighing myself on the new scales as well on weigh day to see what I might be

BTW @PennyForthem we have the same birthday - I don't seem to come across many others