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I'm in the middle of a foodie weekend with friends, but determinedly trying not to overeat myself. Just the one slice of sourdough and broadbean mash!
Member 88 checking in on weigh in day. I have lost 0.86kg. which in my money is 1 &1/4 lbs. it's on par with my usual slow loss but at least it's downwards. :like: :grin:
Member 72 reporting in! :razz:
After an initial loss of 3lbs last week, today shows a gain of 0.5 lbs :confused:
Not too disappointed as I've been unwell this week and indulged in too many medicinal glasses of wine :wink:
Back to it now though, fasting Monday :smile: but going to have a "sensible" weekend
5.5lbs to go!!
No 8 checking in. The slow down at the start of October has resolved with a loss of nearly 1kg this week! Now just 100g from my interim target of 73kg. It also means I've hit the 5 stone (70lb) lost point!

However, I'm jetting off for a week's holiday this afternoon, so doubt I'll lose any more this month!
Number 84 reporting in :smile: Have lost 800g since monday.Scale showed 73,8 kilo.. :like: Happy with that result :victory: . Next week will be 4:3 just before my grandchilds Christening next Saturday :heart: .
No 81 reporting back, 1lb lost since last week.

Right on track!
Member # 96 reporting my best weight loss and waist measurement in a long time. Today I am only 3 pounds from my goal and have hit my waist measurement goal! Really needed a good incentive--thanks Juliana for the inspiration. :grin:
Ate a cheese and pickle sandwich with pickled onion for lunch and now feel most peculiar. Was it the sugar in the bread and pickle, or the gluten in the bread? Don't fancy eating that again :0(
Must find something I can eat that doesn't contain sugar and gluten and see how well I do on it. Rice cakes maybe?
So I had a good label read round the breads at Sainsburys and bought a pack of organic rye bread, no sugar listed. See how this goes as my tum feels distinctly bloated right now.
Got a fish curry and spinach Dahl for dinner so that will sort me out :0O
Azureblue wrote: Ate a cheese and pickle sandwich with pickled onion for lunch and now feel most peculiar. Was it the sugar in the bread and pickle, or the gluten in the bread? Don't fancy eating that again :0(
Must find something I can eat that doesn't contain sugar and gluten and see how well I do on it. Rice cakes maybe?

@azureblue think you need a low flying fried egg sandwich - possibly without the bread :lol: :lol: :lol:
No44 checking in.
Feeling a bit in the dumps about the 7 week long standstill. Thinking of not stepping on the scales until 6th Nov which is my 6 month anniversary on his WOE. I know I will start losing again and this is my body adjusting etc etc.
New mini goal is to get under 99kg (yet again) by 6th November lol
Weighed self nearly a month after last weigh in, and a weird month it's been with lots of distractions, some missed fasts, a week's cold / throat imfection, and a week's hol, ... And still nearly 1.5 lb down :lol: only another 4.6lb till interim weight :grin:

Also had big try on at M and S the other day for something for next month's big family party - fitted mostly into size 12s - dresses, trousers and tops! Bought no dresses though, only a pair of evening trousers, silk top, and black embellished evening cardi
#gettingpicky :grin: :grin: :grin:

(Signed #14 :grin: :wink: :grin: )

PS oh and just remembered! Today been on the 5:2 six months! Nearly 10lbs shed, 6in off waist, dropped 1 size :shock: :lol: - celebrated with 4 (big!) squares of Co op ghanian milk choc and salted caramel!!!!
Brilliant! I've been away at my Mum's for a couple of days and have come back to find that the Christmas Club is up to 100 members - brilliant! Well done Juliana for drumming up the business! Will jump on the scales in the morning and see what damage's been done :wink:
Do not despair #44. Your body just needs to adjust to your new weight. It will start going down again soon. Just hold the faith.
No 22 reporting: - good week last week, scales on the downward trend again after two 36hr liquid only fasts - yeaaaah!! Not too much damage done by my mum's scrummy baking. :oops: Another 2 x 36hr liquid only fasts planned for this week - hope to see another good loss by next Saturday (my weekly weigh in day!).
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