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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Well I have chilled so much I have consumed 2100 calories today.

God save us.

I can be better than this.
I general eat 1200 cals a day in the week on non fast days but have alcohol calories at the weekend which ruins it but it really isn't as low as it sounds, I don't have breakfast, never did anyway and have a 400 cal lunch 500 cal dinner and the rest is in milk and squash and I'm slowly losing weight so I don't see it as a bad thing if you want to change your eating for a week or two to see what happens. I'm considering in a few weeks time to go low carb for a week or two to shake things up a bit as I'm getting so fed up with my chipmunkcheeks and just want cheekbone cheeks :frown: I'm about 10lbs away from my face changing and I don't want to spend 3 months getting there :neutral:
Well it's still curving up, the progress line that is, but I should stop maundering on and just get on with my life probably.

Sun's out, let's get to it :0)
A better day. I ate about 1500 calories yesterday, had reasonable exercise, very few carbs and lots of fresh fruit and salad, and weighed 0.1kgs less than yesterday :0D

Keep the faith oh me of little ...

Azureblue, just a thought. My weight has gone up the last couple of weeks and I've noticed a few folk maintaining/putting on weight the last couple of weeks. The last couple of weeks have been really hot, perhaps our bodies are retaining water. Also, because it's so hot I can't be bother cooking properly so my meals are less healthy thrown together meals.
Good point well made and I agree. I'm certainly downing the water and even my ever hungry OH wants very little food :0@

Strawberries and cream notwithstanding ;0)

Just back from a delightful country fayre where I lunched on a savoury pancake with cheese and spring onion and a little fresh pepper, completely yummy. Now munching the last of yesterday's cherries, cold from the fridge :0D

Happy daze ... !
Like you, Azureblue, I am gaining (very slightly) and I am heading into my seventh week. It's infuriating especially as it is hard to be positive after you have jumped on the scales and its increasing. I don't find all 'this' a breeze,some days of liquid fasting, it is a struggle. But I am positive that this way of eating is better for my overall health so this is the reason why I am persevering.
Sometimes I read this forum and there are people with literally a few pounds to lose and there is me with at least four stone. Very easy to think 'oh I so wish' but we are all on here for different reasons. I want this to work but right now it isn't so I have started 16:8 today. I really, really want to give this my all before I give up.
Hi KathyinLondon and my heart goes out to you.

I did 16:8 for two weeks and then returned to 5:2 and, WAYHAY, the weight started to flow away. This was springtime, so a change can be as good as a rest.

Currently I am being more attentive to what I actually eat, increasing the fruit and vegetables, dropping away the bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits; sugar and carbs in short. I feel brighter for it and it's a cheaper way to eat too. No bottled drinks, unless it's still water, either.

I recommend using the forum progress chart, has helped me a lot to define what I want and how I can get it with the right TDEE eating amounts for feed and fast days.

We CAN do this, and, what's more, WE WILL! Good luck honey.

Thank you Azureblue, I am determined to give this way of eating/living a damn good try. I don't give up easily and I too have really cut down on things like crisps and bread. However, life has to be worth living in my mind and food can be a great comfort at times. Probably been too much of a comfort in the past to be honest. But yes we will get there.
I was going to wear a pretty linen embroidered top today, put it on and it all but fell off me :0@
When I pulled the side away from me I realised it was now TWICE my width.
Shame 'cos it's lovely. I've put it in the other wardrobe now, it's full of clothes too big or still too small.
Onwards dear fasters, downwards :0D
I have found Pukka cleanse tea with nettle and dandelion root which will hopefully remove some water from me. It's rather a nice, full flavour, had it with natural yogurt for breakfast and feel full up.
I quite like chatting to myself. There's no dissent!
I wonder if I can resist the urge to stand on the scales, scale it back (hahaha) to the day after a fast i.e. Tuesday and Friday? Will my mind let me do this? I want to be less mindful of all food, more mindful of my food and keeping it real.
Getting a bit woowoo land so I'll shut up and watch the end of Indiana Jones. "I'm gonna blow up the Ark, Renee!"
If you are in a heatwave situation then it could just be hidden water retention. My eldest who is following 5:2 with me had a major plateau, for 4 weeks, yet 2 days ago he lost 6lb in one fell swoop. We think he was losing fat, but it was being hidden by water retention. As soon as he acclimatised to the heat his body let all the excess water go and his true weight loss showed. Now I would be happy to just lose a pound this week to reach a mini goal.
Hey azureblue. Why is it that everything is either too big or too small? What did we wear when we were at this weight on the way up???

I'm a daily weigher, once a day, and I don't think that's excessive. Just gives me more data points for my trend line. I don't move my scales around, though I have been known to stand on one leg...
Ooh and I love pukka tea! Their "three ginger" is amazing. It's rare to find it in the States.
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