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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Go girl GO !!!!!!!
Well done! :victory: :clover: :like: :cool:
Well, how good is that, you must be feeling wonderful :victory: :grin: :victory:

Ballerina x :heart:
Tremendously fabulously excellent as I'm still 69.7kgs today too! Wooooohooooooo! Never managed two days low in a row before or at least not for ages.
Grandsons about to descend on me so here we go for 'a day in the kid gym' :0)
Yay! Congrats :)
Well today's good news is 69.6kgs and 35.5" waist. Not massive good news, specially after a 24 hour fast. Hmmmmmm. The vagaries of life I suppose.
Perhaps if I don't eat wheat products, drop gluten grains .....
So today I'm eating carbs and all things up to current TDEE of 1500ish then 5/2ing tomorrow. The scales scowled out a rotten 70.6kgs this morning :0(
I've been 5/2 on Mondays then alternating 17/7 days with feed days, trying to keep carbs to 50-100g. Doesn't seem to be fabulously successful as a weight loss diet but has seen off the constipation :0)
Protein intake is confusing, having read 60g a day is enough, but if you're older maybe up to 80g is ok and won't wake the cancer monster in IGF-1!
Hoping for the best as always. Onwards and downwards. There are worse ways to be.
Hi Azureblue

I am just wondering, seeing as your BMI is under 25, whether you need to lose any more weight? Obviously I have no idea what your frame size is etc, but if your body is very resistant to going any lower, perhaps you should focus on maintaining your weight now? I think that a carbtastic weekend followed by a fast on Monday with minimal carbs (under say 30g) and then 4 or 5 days of 17/7 with carbs under 100g would be a great maintenance plan. You might find that once you are trying to maintain, your weight will slowly decrease because you aren't stressing about it.

I am considering having two days in a row with very low carbs (under 50g) and 16:8 fasting, which according to the folks at paleohacks might result in ketosis if I do some HIIT as well, and then to have the rest of the week with an average carb intake of 150g and 16:8 fasting as a maintenance plan. It's the very low carb/fasting which enables insulin to fall really low and for the body to generate ketones. The ketones are the goodies that stop cancer cells from growing and repair nerves etc. Keeping carbs down to around 150g should, we hope, keep the body able to switch fuels easily and to still generate some ketones.

Also, re the BMI thing, remember in "The Men Who Made Us Thin" the presenter was saying that a BMI of 25 being a healthy weight was a recent change and not based on any rigorous scientific evidence.

Apologies if I'm out of order here!
Also, you might be encouraged by this paper in which the researchers looked at BMI from the perspective of whether BMI was stable, increasing or decreasing and compared this with risk of death in people aged 51-71. They found that overweight people with a stable BMI had the lowest risk of death, while the highest risk was, unsurprisingly, obese people with increasing BMI.

Of course, it is an observational study with a host of limitations (e.g., normal weight with downward BMI was high risk...presumably because this represents people with some illness who are not losing weight because they're dieting, but this study is not equipped to determine whether the presumption is correct). Still, encouraging for those of us who are still in the overweight long as we can prevent our previous upward trend, we are likely in pretty good shape!
You are, as ever, my Good Fairy of Sense.
I like the look of that plan. I am being vain wanting to get below 11st, was hoping for 10st 7lb, my body seems pretty determined my age and children have put a stop to that.
Good health is the best goal now.
So completed a 24 hour fast today, my evening meal being 410 calories, 29g of carbs, 40g of protein.
How those pesky grand kids mess up my eating - 149g of carbs in my 7 hour window today, drat it. But bless 'em they're worth it. (They MADE me eat chocolates :shock: )
Thursday is another opportunity to restrict carbs between 50 - 100g, protein 50 - 70g, calories to 1500 within a 7 hour window. I'm starting to get the hang of it but not on kids days !
I'm still 24 hour fast on Monday and whayhey on Sunday, 17/7 the rest of the week.
:bugeyes: :confused: :dazed: :geek: :wink:
So the grandsons gave us a lemon meringue today. Couldn't say no, it would have been rude. Only went and ate a flippin' half of it.
Good grief.
I'm hopeless at saying 'no'.
I don't think I would be able to say no to that, either! Maybe you can get him to bring vegetables or fruit next time...
MaryAnn wrote: Maybe you can get him to bring vegetables or fruit next time...


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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