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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I have read of one lady getting her husband to hold her tits up when on the scales to see if it would help. I haven't gone quite that far, but I have had my son hold my hair up (it reaches to my bum) to see how much it weighs (all of 6 oz about 400g) I don't think he was holding it up properly. LOL.
Julieathome wrote: If you are in a heatwave situation then it could just be hidden water retention. My eldest who is following 5:2 with me had a major plateau, for 4 weeks, yet 2 days ago he lost 6lb in one fell swoop. We think he was losing fat, but it was being hidden by water retention. As soon as he acclimatised to the heat his body let all the excess water go and his true weight loss showed. Now I would be happy to just lose a pound this week to reach a mini goal.

Cor, wouldn't mind a 6lbs weight drop either!! I'm hoping the cleanse tea will encourage some fat/water on it's way.

I haven't weighed myself today, haven't counted any calories, trying to put my life in perspective and food in it's place.

Six sparrows on the fat ball feeder just getting on with it too :0)
So I'm 11st 2lb still. Perhaps my body likes this weight? It's hung around here long enough. Cracking thunderstorms, Gromet.
Just waiting for my coconut oiled head to get to 9.30am then I can go wash it off, it does seem to be improving my hair, less is falling out now after a month of oiling. Good.
for the hair thing, I put a mixture of olive oil, yogurt and honey for 3 hours (or more) because it's very long, thick, curly and dry. The smell is terrible but it does wonders. I think I'll try another oil (not coconut I hate the smell), just in case..... :wink:

For the scale, I really think the heat is for something so try not to worry too much...
Manderley , The Body Shop have a lovely nut based 'dry' oil that I tried on my hair, it was lovely, but even more expensive than coconut oil.

I find that I am turning into my Grandmother. She used coconut oil on her skin when sunbathing, telling everyone it stopped her burning and made her skin soft. We all thought she was a bit daft, as you had to have 'proper' suntan lotion for that. Yet it turns out that coconut oil has a SPF of about 3 to 4 and it is marvelous for the skin. The kids now associate the smell of coconut with me.
So another fast day done and another pound gained :0(
Hmmmm not impressed.
This needs something rather than nothing changed now.
Any ideas good People of the Forum?
Double check your TDEE to make sure you aren't going over. If not, make sure you aren't going UNDER.
have you tried shaking it up. Have 2 fast days, 2 or 3 lowish days or 16:8, and 2 or 3 pig out days?
I'm over my 1500 calories by 251ish tonight due to a last bowl of strawberries and double cream. Had to be done as their season draws to a close, judging by the flavour.
So tomorrow I'll aim for between 700 and 1000 cals for the day, shall I?
Perhaps over the weekend you could try just one big meal a day with wine ( if you drink ) and not think about the calories. I had 2 weeks off 5:2 but on most days I would only have one big meal with booze. My weight went up then over night at the end of the 2 weeks (literally sunday morning to monday morning) I dropped 6lbs and nearly fell of the scales as I was prepared for weight gain, this is the second time this has happened to me, the first was a over night 5lb drop, very strange but I like it :smile:
Wow, interesting! May I have my morning natural yogurt as it's good for my tum, then presumably go through the day on water/herbal tea/black decaff coffee until my curry for dinner?
Yeah, give it a go as long as it doesn't set off your hunger for the day. Sunday should be good if you eat in the afternoon and you can stuff yourself enough to last all night. Worth a try, you may gain but then suddenly drop in a few days. Trail and error as they say :smile:
Oops! We were out on Dunstable Downs watching the excellent kite flying event today and a fried egg white bap strode up with my name on it. Would have been rude to turn the other cheek. So I ate it :0O
I ate 1261 calories in the end today, now downing water. Been very enjoyable though.
:like: :heart: :victory:

P.s. it wasn't a fast day as such, so a teeny tiny bag of hula hoops cried until I ate it bringing me up to about 1400 by bed time (midnight). I shall aim for the same on Sunday prior to fast day Monday.
It's 'wont' power I need ...
Being a good girl and fasting on just water until 7pm today. Phew it's hot here, went for a walk but only managed half, so glad to be drinking water all day. The scales said 71.0 kgs this morning, could I finally be getting somewhere (mustn't jinx it)?
Erm, whisper it but excellent news Azureblue - just ignore any fried egg baps you happen to come across calling your name ... :shock: :wink: :razz:

Seriously, keep going :victory: :cool: :victory: :clover: :heart:
So I stood on the scales today and the bathroom ones said 11st 1lb and the bedroom ones said 70.2 kgs so HURRAH! I measured my waist but that hasn't changed from 36" so :0(
{Thoughtfully sips cup of green chai tea}
{Ponders universe and all it contains}
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