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daydreamer21 wrote: Well, I reached my Christmas target only to go and blow it and gain back my weight....So my Valentine's day challenge goal will have to be the same as my Christmas goal, dropping into a new stone category.

Hello @daydreamer21 and welcome to the Valentine Challenge, I think this is your first post on this thread because I can't find a previous one? You are number 75 and you wish to have the same target as for Christmas.
Welcome @JABEES you're number 74 and wish to lose 1 stone. A warm welcome to you.
# 37 checking in
2nd week in a row I go on a scale and those who know me and how I hate to go on that stuff know that it's a miracle :grin:

300g lost this week, which is not good as I need to go the other way. Maybe because I fasted yesterday and did a 4:3 this week, with 2 fasts back to back and most of them liquid, may need to change strategy
Thank you to every one who has posted so looks like the trend is definitely downwards....which is marvellous for those who have lost, let's hope those of us who are stuck will join you soon.
Fingers crossed for you @Manderley in your quest to put weight on. :heart:
I hope you'll be feeling better @gorba very soon too.
My weight has been very up & down this week, today it was 59.3k, so only 1.7k to go!
Woop woop! 69.9 kgs! Too good to last but hurrah anyway!
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 11:31

Can I join? Back on the wagon this week, 2nd fast day today of 2014 (but am starving :bugeyes: )
I have to wear a pair of white jodhpurs on the 16th feb (I am a horse rider) so rather than valentines day as an incentive (as I am single :razz: ) this is my incentive.
I didn't succeed with the xmas club. I find fast days fine. Its the other days I have to get to grips with. So my goal will be 7lbs by then which I think is doable.
Starting weight (after fast day on Tues) is 68.8 kg.
Goal is 65.3 by valentines day.

Good luck everyone :clover:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 11:33
niamo wrote: Hi,

Can I join? Back on the wagon this week, 2nd fast day today of 2014 (but am starving :bugeyes: )
I have to wear a pair of white jodhpurs on the 16th feb (I am a horse rider) so rather than valentines day as an incentive (as I am single :razz: ) this is my incentive.
I didn't succeed with the xmas club. I find fast days fine. Its the other days I have to get to grips with. So my goal will be 7lbs by then which I think is doable.
Starting weight (after fast day on Tues) is 68.8 kg.
Goal is 65.3 by valentines day.

Good luck everyone :clover:

Of course you can join and you're number 76! Welcome @niamo. :heart:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 11:38
Auriga wrote: Of course you can join and you're number 76! Welcome @niamo. :heart:

Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 13:02
No 30 checking in with a loss of 7.4lbs since starting on 30 December :shock: . I'd better revise my target!
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 13:13
I forget my number - I think it's 21. My Friday weight is 70.4. Ho hum, up and down, up and down. Just keep going.

Well done, patchworkperson! That's impressive!
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 13:34
#44 checking in. 3lb loss so far, unheard of for me, I think it was the over indulging at Christmas that started the loss again. Saw 9lb 1oz on the scales this morning, the lowest I have been for years. 1lb off my Valentines day target and the same off my ultimate goal. I had no idea that I could do this so I think my original goal was a bit conservative. When I get there I am going to revise it. I have no doubt that my new weight will zig zag up and down a bit but that's ok. Thank you Auriga, this challenge is keeping me focused. Keep going everyone :clover:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 13:52
Patchworkperson wrote: No 30 checking in with a loss of 7.4lbs since starting on 30 December :shock: . I'd better revise my target!

Wow! Geri you are doing well...well done! :heart:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 13:56
Good work there @Wendy Darling.....join the zig zaggers!
@Sallyo mine has been up & down too...just lucky it was more down than up today.
:clover: Good luck everyone. :clover:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 14:28
No 24 reporting in. 2lb lost this week and 1lb the week before. Had hoped to have had another lb off to take me back to my pre Christmas weight but hey ho, there is always next week.
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge
10 Jan 2014, 14:49
Its not my usual day for weighing (I normally weigh the morning after a fast) but I jumped on the scales anyway, and they are showing a loss from my last weigh in day. A dip on a non fast weigh in is a very good sign that my post fast weigh in will be showing good results.
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