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Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 09:27
No. 27 checking in and going backwards, up to 11st 3lbs today. Lawks lumme and yikes!
I'm putting it down to Famine Reaction and eating more to tell my body all is well.
Hoping for better days :0)
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 09:46
sweetenough wrote: I'm in too! It's not far away so I'll keep my goal relatively small. I'd like to lose 5lbs. This is a good reboot for me. I'm 15-20 lbs. away from my goal. Time to kick it into high gear. :)

How often do we check in?

Welcome to the club @sweetenough and you will be number 87. We are checking in on Fridays but it's not compulsory! If you'd rather leave it until the 14th February you're quite welcome...check in whenever you want to. :heart:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:00
No 24 checking in. I've lost one pound this week - the pound I put on last week. I'm not going to reach my valentines target but I'm ok with that. I have health stuff going on at the moment and my priority it to get that sorted out first. However, I must still keep my eye on the ball when it come to my weight.
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:01
Hello everyone, thank you for posting your results to date, I have my fingers crossed for everyone....congratulations to those of you doing really well I am really pleased for you.
@SianS you fair wore me out! All that exercise is amazing! You HAVE to be building muscles as well as losing weight.
@nursebean you can check in whenever you like you know! :heart:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:07
SianS wrote: 2 runs,

That's me - I put it down to the Allbran!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just done my 20 mins on treadmill - second day running (see, more runs!) and varied it between 2.8 and 3.4. Well, I have to start somewhere, don't I? Disappointingly, it only amounted to about 2,300 steps.
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:08
Checking in with a loss of 1.25lbs this week :) Feeling well and truly back on track for the year.

Well done on your progress everyone :like: :grin:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:17
Think I'm going to do it. Target was 15st 10lbs and this morning I'm 15st 12lbs & it's the TOTM. I'm not going to amend the target though, still 2lbs to go
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:18
Hope you're OK @wildmissus :heart:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:23
Checking in I have had a gain this week, but going well with the challenge.

I am currently on holidays at a beach side here in Victoria, no scales so can't weigh again until late next week,let's just hope I can keep the eating under control. Should be able to get some good walks and some winning in as well.

Good luck everybody.

Cheers maggie :smile: :smile:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:24
that was meant to read swimming.
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:47
#2 checking in with a :shock: :shock: 1kg gain :shock: :shock:
What's going on here? getting fed up now!!!

@Maggiee enjoy your holiday at least you've got a good reason to get a gain have a good time :heart:
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:48
Good morning everyone from :heart:'s Day Challenger #50. I'm happy to report that I'm down 1.2 pounds from last Friday and that's with my weight going up at the beginning of the week.Phew! This puts me at 154.8 and my goal is to crack the 140's by Valentine's Day. Not sure if that's doable but, if I can keep this momentum, then I will be close. I've been exercising - our neighborhood has a 10 week fitness challenge going. Chip in $20, do your 3 hours of exercise per week (minimum)and each Sunday there is a draw with a prize of $62. It's surprising how motivating that is! And I was very careful on my feast days this week. I was indulging too much on them in the beginning but, I've read on the forums that this is typical of newbies. Anyway - I am very happy with this week's result! Best of luck to all.
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 10:52
Maggiee wrote: Checking in I have had a gain this week, but going well with the challenge.

I am currently on holidays at a beach side here in Victoria, no scales so can't weigh again until late next week,let's just hope I can keep the eating under control. Should be able to get some good walks and some winning in as well.

Good luck everybody.

Cheers maggie :smile: :smile:

Not jealous, really @Maggiee!! Enjoy your lovely holiday x
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 13:04
Number 16 checking in. :lol:

I've had a 1lb loss at last. Now just 1lb to be at my pre Xmas and op weight.

I'm back into my routine, ie work and exercise.
Have to remind myself that 5.2 works if kept simple. How many folks here have lost loads of weight by just fasting twice a week. 16.8 just happened naturally, so I'm keeping that.

That said.....I'm not going to fix what isn't broken.
Re: Valentine's Day Challenge.
24 Jan 2014, 13:25
#37 here
Same weight as last week but will confirm it tomorrow morning as I didn't weight myself in the right conditions.
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