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:heart: #3 Checking in with a loss of 950 grams :heart:
Not bad considering 4 full days of refeeding.
Alas I will not make this goal but no problem I'm moving in the right direction again hopefully.
Well done @Sue.Q Glad to hear things have started to happen again for you, wish I could say as much for myself :confused: :confused: hope to post a loss tomorrow but not holding my breath
:heart: Good Luck for tomorrow @justdee :heart:
Mine was so totally unexpected but let's see how it goes next week up + down + up + down + up + down :shock: lol
No.12 reporting in still maintaining at 119lbs. Dipped below in the week but back up again today :)
no 51 reporting a 3lb loss - maybe something to do with the HIIT I finally got round to starting this week - makes a whole stone since starting so even though my Valentine target is probably out of reach at another 5lb I'm a very happy bunny (Who realises I am maybe a bit over-ambitious when it comes to targets - mental note to self before setting target for Easter!)
I'm really sorry that some of my lovely forum friends are struggling but #44 checking in with the fantastic news that I am 1lb under target today. The best news is that finally my trend line on True Weight is bang on target today for the first time. Can hardly believe it. Just have to keep maintaining now, or maybe even lose a bit more. We will see.
:frown: Back in the red this morning :frown:
I am a bit miffed about this and realise I have no hope in reaching my target.
Oh well, onward and upwards! :bugeyes:
cilla xxx
WendyDarling, well done. You've reached my goal, I've just got to get there now.
I wonder if it's psychological, perhaps I should stop making targets :shock:
No 49 checking in.

1lb lost this week. A great loss on the tape measure though!!

Well done to everyone. Keep going, one week left.

Hooray my weight is moving down again :grin: member 29 checking in!
I have lost 2 lbs. with a tantalising 4 lbs still to go to reach my challenge goal next week. My exercise bike has arrived so adding in exercise on it next week may work a miracle!
Well done everyone who has lost weight. & those of you who haven't just hang in there because it will starting moving down just as mine has :grin:
Ok so have not checked in like I should have. Well with just under 1 week to go I have 2lbs to go to meet the challenge!

I did put 1lb on this week but in all fairness I have not been strictly following :neutral: however I really want to to complete this challenge and reach and get rid of that 2lb so every effort this week.

Although I do have a little help this week if I'm honest, I have been to the house of torture (Dentist) and had some surgery done so that should slow my intake of food and help on my fast days :grin: I hope it's not classed as cheating :oops:

Any way good luck all in this last push before the Easter challenge lol
My weight has fluctuated wildly over the last week or so (think it might be something to do with TOTM and a bit of a blow-out last weekend). Anyhow the good news is that this morning I saw a new low (11 stone 6) so I am a pound away from my target. Touch and go whether I'll make it or not but happy with my progress regardless :)
No. 11 checking in @Auriga for the penultimate time with only 0.3 Kg loss. I am firmly in Plateauland and frustrated for the first time on this WOE :frown: . Will check in on THE DAY but original goal is way out of reach. Moving on to Easter challenge and see how that goes.
Apologies - have not checked in for ages!!
Sadly stuck on 60.3kg and now going skiing for a week so likely to gain weight over next 7 days!!
I have been fasting but also doing lots of exercise to try to improve fitness pre hols so I am hoping my weight plateau is a muscle gain....Although there was an incident with 4 pieces of cake...... :oops:

I'll sign up for the Easter challenge when I return. Who is running that??

Good luck everyone else :clover:
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