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I'll sign up for the Easter challenge when I return. Who is running that??

@PennyForthem is running the Easter Challenge @spanner :heart:
Final week now everyone.....good luck and thank you for posting! :heart:
No 30 with a late check in (again! :bugeyes: ) 291lbs.

So I'm down 10lbs but not sure I'll make another 2 lbs this week.

Thank you Auriga for this challenge. I have no doubt it has helped me on my adventure to get myself healthy.

Looking forward to sign up for the Easter Challenge too.

Have a good week all.
Great work @Patchworkperson - I would also like to thank @Auringa for this challenge.

After putting on weight before, during and after Christmas, this challenge came at the right time, and I was and am in a better place.

cheers Maggie. :smile: :smile: :heart: :heart:
Challenge member number 28 checking in.

I am very embarrassed to admit that I have out on another 200 grams this week, taking me to 67.9kg :oops: . I know exactly what is going wrong, which is a good thing because it means I can fix the problem. This week and last week, my fasts have been half hearted and badly planned. So instead of changing things up, I have just made excuses for myself, thinking that it would be fine anyway. In my defence, it has been a stressful time with work pressures, my daughter packing up to leave home for Uni and me trying to finish my last assignment before a break from my own Uni journey for 3 months. So I am not beating myself up, but I'm still bound and determined to reach my Valentines Day goal of 67 kg.

So the plan this week, is 3 fasts, today, Tuesday and Thursday. I have planned today carefully and have a chicken defrosting to roast for dinner. So far today, I have stuck to water and peppermint tea and am planning some chicken and veggies for dinner. That way we can have a family dinner ( the second last one with my daughter at home) without anyone feeling left out.

I've actually found it easy to fast at home, as long as I keep myself busy, but with an assignment due, that is quite easy. At work, because we serve the children food every 2-3 hours, there is always food all around me, and since it is our practice to eat with the children (role modelling, etc) it gets tricky avoiding the food.

So, onwards and downwards, hoping to see 67 on the scales on Friday :clover:
#52 checking in with no change from last week! Drats. Started at 167, went up during the challenge to 169, been down to 165 on two Tuesdays in a row but when I weigh on Friday back up to 167. And I even used the treadmill this week since the weather was so bad. Guessing I won't make my goal, but hoping for a last week drop of something.
I am bowing out of this particular challenge as I am nowhere near my target and shan't be by next Friday :frown:
I have hit a plateau/famine reaction/set point, whatever you want to call it and I am going to have a week off next week and see if I can reset things.

Good luck to the rest of you and congratulations to those who have already got there!
Debs wrote: I am bowing out of this particular challenge as I am nowhere near my target and shan't be by next Friday :frown:
I have hit a plateau/famine reaction/set point, whatever you want to call it and I am going to have a week off next week and see if I can reset things.

Good luck to the rest of you and congratulations to those who have already got there!

Dont go yet. Even if you cant make your target fully you can keep going strong. you never know.. the grams may come off and you will feel good on Feb 14.

Based on the progress tracker purple line you were 62.3 trend weight on Dec 1 and now you are 61.0. Thats 1.3kg in 2 months and a bit and thats with Christmas/New year thrown in. Reckon another solid week of what you are doing and it might go to 60.5 or lower. Just 500g to your target.
Thank you for your encouragement but I can't see me losing 1kg before next Friday, as much as I'd like to. I'm going to refeed myself and get back to IF when I get back to work with renewed vigour!
On the sugar front did you see reviews for the sugar book by Cassie Platt, talking about dodgy research into fructose? It came out late last year. You can't wi ncan you?!
Debs wrote: Thank you for your encouragement but I can't see me losing 1kg before next Friday, as much as I'd like to. I'm going to refeed myself and get back to IF when I get back to work with renewed vigour!
On the sugar front did you see reviews for the sugar book by Cassie Platt, talking about dodgy research into fructose? It came out late last year. You can't wi ncan you?!

is this anything to do with the Radio National program. i heard today resources-links-f3/is-sugar-innocent-radio-rn-s-background-briefing-episode-t11245.html

Hey Debs.. i just got an idea. Fasting buddies.

So many here and sometimes you lose track as to who is making their targets and who isnt.. we kind of "pair up" with someone like minded. Im desparate to get to 69 and your desparate (it seems) to get to 60k and we can share notes.. so as well as reporting back to our fellow club or special tent members we try to egg each other on.

im happy to try it with you Debs. Not sure the "forum" i guess just a thread on this main forum. What do you think. Of course have your break if you need to but when you come back to ill be around
No, I don't think so, I saw your thread, but different person. I would love to know who funded the research, I'll have to listen as it contradicts every other country!!
Could be worth a try you know!! I am on R&R next week so I will be taking the opportunity to sample some lovely Tassie food, but when I come back I'll be givinbg it a red hot go again!
Debs wrote: No, I don't think so, I saw your thread, but different person. I would love to know who funded the research, I'll have to listen as it contradicts every other country!!
Could be worth a try you know!! I am on R&R next week so I will be taking the opportunity to sample some lovely Tassie food, but when I come back I'll be givinbg it a red hot go again!

No worries. Enjoy Tassie food! Dont worry about the weight thing and enjoy
Debs wrote: I am bowing out of this particular challenge as I am nowhere near my target and shan't be by next Friday :frown:
I have hit a plateau/famine reaction/set point, whatever you want to call it and I am going to have a week off next week and see if I can reset things.

Good luck to the rest of you and congratulations to those who have already got there!

Good luck to you @Debs and I am sorry you've hit a plateau and need a break and thank you@Juliana.Rivers for trying to help Debs with your 'Pal''s a good idea to find a weight loss pal I think. @Rawkaren and I were about the same and challenged each other but since she went to America I am not on when she is. I have been egging her on via messages to buy some scales for the weigh in on Friday.
Enough from me for now and good luck everyone! :heart:
No change again for me this week either! Lost 2lb since 1 January, currently on 10st 1lb for about 3 weeks! Never mind, been here before, just a matter of being patient ...
Debs wrote: I am bowing out of this particular challenge as I am nowhere near my target and shan't be by next Friday :frown:
I have hit a plateau/famine reaction/set point, whatever you want to call it and I am going to have a week off next week and see if I can reset things.

Good luck to the rest of you and congratulations to those who have already got there!

@Debs My target certainly won't get met either but I'm leaving it there to remind me of my xmas target not met.
:heart: However as you may remember I posted I was taking a break to refeed my body because I didn't know what else to try to kickstart my weightloss again I only managed 4 days at 3 meals a day then made the rest 18:6 because I couldn't take any more lol well it seemed to do the trick because on my normal Fri weigh-in I'd lost almost a kilo!!! but still no got back to my early December lower yet but now living in hope that it doesn't yo yo back up as the previous 4 weeks have done and as I've plenty more to lose maybe that helps me, my point being I do think the refeed is a good idea as it creates confusion to our bodies but your ADF should have done that in my opinion and so completely demoralising when you've worked so hard and not got the reward you so deserve. :heart:
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