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I'm in too. I would love to get down to 69kg!
Reading through this thread I noticed some highly ambitious goals. Valentine's Day is only six weeks away so if the average weight loss on 5:2 is 1lb or 450gr then we'd be looking at 6lb (is that half a stone?) or 2.7kg at the max. I do like a goal myself, and do better with having one, but I am worried that some people might make it too hard for themselves and drop out subsequently.
Wmr309 wrote: Reading through this thread I noticed some highly ambitious goals. Valentine's Day is only six weeks away so if the average weight loss on 5:2 is 1lb or 450gr then we'd be looking at 6lb (is that half a stone?) or 2.7kg at the max. I do like a goal myself, and do better with having one, but I am worried that some people might make it too hard for themselves and drop out subsequently.

that happened in the christmas club too. i think if some are just starting out , we all know that the first month or two is easy to lose that 450 grams a week. (or for some anyway)

once its plateau time we all know what happens. :frown:
Sorry Julianna, I have deleted my Christmas Club signature. I didn't read the whole thread and so missed where you asked people to leave them there. I'm finished with Christmas.

I am pleased to report that on my third weighing attempt this morning I got a weight of 69.7kg. I have set my goal at under 69, which might seem a pissy goal. I don't want to fail to meet it and I know that the closer I get to my overall goal - 65 kg, the slower the weight loss will be. I was surprised to get such a good weight today. Anyway, let's go! Onwards and downwards!
it's ok you have reached your target so you are free to leave the tent and focus on VDay :-)
Hi Everybody


I am guilty of perhaps striving for an unachievable goal - but I was 92kg only about five weeks ago, so I can do it again, if I set my mind to it!

With the Christmas Club I had a terrible lead up - family issues including a Wedding and then of course Christmas, I 'gave up' which was naughty of me, but now I am back and focused - even if I make close to the mark of 95kg my plan is to see the 80's in 2014 - so I will just travel along nicely with the help, support and encouragement from my friends on here.

I had a successful Fast yesterday and I am pleased with that, and for not giving in or having a binge!

Happy New Year everybody - have a good 2014

cheers Maggie :smile: :smile: :smile:
Hi WMR309

Guilty as charged! But based on my average loss to date my personal target is just about achievable, and I won't be disappointed if I don't quite make it.
I hope I didn't offend anyone! In the Christmas Club threads there were some really disappointing members, talking about failing, which worried me. Any drop in weight is good so if that means people only reach half their goal they should still be happy and not feel down. I don't like to see people dropping out, particularly newbies as it's a great WOL! Happy New Year everyone!!
I am in but with the goal to not gain weight, if I may... And to gain 2 kgs. I am still considered as "underweight" with a 18.38 BMI. Can it count as a goal ? :wink:
I am a new so hope to lose big at the start..
I weigh 20 stone today.
I will be very disappointed if I am not under 19 stone by Valentines day and I really am aiming to be down to 18 stone if possible!
Wmr309 - I don't think you offended anyone. You had a good point. I know that my goal is an ambitious one too. But, I will do my best to strive for it and if I come close I'll be happy! I'm hoping that the few holiday pounds will come off quickly. Weight is a hard thing to predict since we don't have complete control over it. But, for me the goal is to help keep me on track.
Here's a good quote..
"Aim for the moon, If you miss you may hit a star." - W. Clement Stone
I would like to join in for the Valentine Day Challenge. That is roughly seven weeks from now for me, and I weigh 13 stone 7 (189 lb) so my goal for Valentine Day Challenge will be to weigh 13 stone 0 (182 lb) which I think is achievable, although think I will need to up the exercise to ensure I attain this mini goal. Thank you for considering me.
Yesterday's fast dropped off 1.2kgs from my flubber, hurrah! Definitely onwards and downwards :0)
After yesterdays fast I jumped on the scales and they hadn't budged from pre-Christmas, which is a reason for celebration. I really did expect to have put on about 6lbs weight, but was hoping for only 2lbs. To have not put on any is whoo hoo!
Ok I'm still scaleaphobic but I HAVE put down a goal for the 14th. I think it will be a miracle, but, well...miracles do happen!!

Bean :bugeyes:
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