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My weight today is 56.1k.....still got 1.1k to go. I was not far off my Easter target of 55k and then it went back up.
Congrats to those doing really well...keep up the good work.
No 29 reporting in at 119.5lbs so up 0.5lbs. However earlier in the week that was 1.5lbs up so hopefully it is under control again. My fasts have kind of gone to pot this week though as I have a cold and an essay due so comfort eating is high on my agenda.
#88 checking in! Yesterday was a fast day, so my numbers are in the lower end of fluctuations, but I weighed in at 127.2 this morning (my lows are getting lower and my highs aren't so high, woohoo)! My "happy scale" weight is 129.2. My waist went from 31 (couple weeks ago) to 28, so stoked on that! Yesterday I did my first 8/2 run/walk interval and it went well! Determined do be able to run a whole 30 mins without walking by Easter!!
@Loulou51 - sorry you're under the weather! But I bet it's a minor setback and you've got it ;)
#78 checking in. 92.4kg today. That is +300g this week :(
TOTM probably to blame though. Trendline weight is 91.6kg and I am hoping that is more accurate.
carorees wrote: #11 reporting in. Am at target weight today for the first time. I expect I'll be up again tomorrow, but if I've seen it once I'll see it again! Hoping to get the trend line to target before Easter...500g to go and 3 weeks, so it should be possible. Libra is saying 16th April, so I should just squeak in!

I recognise the "if I've seen it once I'll see it again" - that is a great fastday quote? - for many many reasons eg week to week yo yo and like my buddy @spanner who was ill and has now bounced back with determination to get back on her journey. What a wealth of information fast day is. The analysis would do my little brain damage :confused:

Congratulations to all whatever the outcome this week, it's all about taking part and keeping in touch. I'm aiming for either maintaining or a loss next week - happy either way.
Happy weekend to all. :smile:

Lizbean :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
#44 reporting in again as I have finally seen 133 lbs on the scales this morning, 133.4 to be exact. That's 0.4 lb above my Valentine goal and within shouting distance of my final goal :lol:
No 22 here. Stayed the same this week. What a struggle, how can I possibly stay the same after 3 zero cal liquid fasts? Never mind, hoping for a good result next week.
#73 checking in again as Saturdays always seem to be better weigh in days than Fridays, despite Fridays not being fast days, weird, but have lost another kilo overnight, hooray!
I cannot remember my number but hopefully it will appear in my signature!!

300g loss for me. Not much but I am pleased to see the scales moving down. I imagine my weight loss will slow to this pace now as so close to target!

Have a good weekend all!

P.S @Lizbean we are freakishly close with our actual weights and rate of loss!! Keep up the good work buddy xxx
Hello! It's been two weeks since my last check in. Two weeks ago I stated that I'm not going to fast any more 5/2 style and I'm embarking on a journey of strength training and ditching sweets for Lent. Here's how it's going for me.

1) I don't weigh myself daily any more, but has jumped on the scales today to see what it is for the sake of SMART Easter check in :) - 58.5 kg, not bad
2) I do strength training 2-3 times a week for about an hour per session
3) I do HIIT exercise 2-3 times a week, thanks to Fast Exercise book, for fat loss - 8sec/12sec version
4) I still don't fast 5/2 style, I do usually 7/17 between 12pm and 7pm, but some days I have breakfast, if I'm feeling too hungry
5) Since starting the Lent challenge I have gave in twice to dark chocolate and twice to white chocolate, about 20-30 grams each time. No cakes or biscuits, and there are plenty in our office!
6) About two weeks ago, thanks to @carorees, I stumbled upon and information on that site has changed a lot for me in terms of what I put on my plate. My diet consists now of meat (mostly beef, but also turkey and some fish), eggs, vegetables (non starchy), a little of good fats, some nuts, some potatoes. After those two weeks I am feeling the difference, believe me! I have much more energy, I sleep better and don't have post-lunch drowsiness. And I don't go hungry, even though I don't eat much. It must be the increase in fat intake and decrease in carbs intake.
7) I have lost cm around everywhere, apart from shoulders, where I have built some muscle. I'm down 1cm in waist and hips and 0.5 cm from thighs. My waist is 69 cm, which is the lowest I have ever seen.

I'm now convinced I won't see 57kg on the scales on 17th April, but that's not the point any more. The scales don't rule me any more, and I'm feeling relived and so much better for it. Recently my friend, who also is trying to lose weight and fat, told me I look very slim and asked how much I weigh these days, I said 59 kg. She couldn't believe that. That's to say that weight doesn't matter as much as body composition.
No 4 checking in with a loss of 1/2 pound :frown: Well at least I have not gained weight & on the positive side I seem to be creeping downwards again & this is with cycling 18km this week. It's very frustrating that I am only back to what I weighed last month. My reduced goal now is that I will weigh 12 stone something by Easter! & finally to have broken the barrier of 13 stone!
Well done everyone who has continued to lose weight.
Sounds as though you're in the right zone now @gorba and have a great attitude! I won't be surprised if you meet your goal by Easter :shock:

As for me, I thought I'd just pop my head in. My weekly weigh is tomorrow when I did hope to be 11:2 but, alas, I have a feeling it'll be 11:3...which is gonna make it extremely difficult to reach my goal weight in just four weeks! Hey ho :confused:

Good luck everyone and see you all tomorrow xx

Bean :starving:
Wow! My official weigh-in day is Monday, but I thought I would weigh myself this morning, so I could check-in here. And much to my surprise I am down 2.5 lbs. since Monday (and yesterday was NOT a fast day.) I've been thinking of switching my day to Saturday, maybe this would be a good week to do it!
#66 checking in with a 400g loss taking me to 65.6kg slowly but surely!
A better loss of 2.4 lbs this week. Perhaps I'll achieve my goal after all! I imagine that I'll get there eventually anyway.
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