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#17 a little late checking in... with a pound and a half loss this week. That brings me down to 200.0lbs. I did my best to change that to 199.9lbs, but next time fingers crossed!
:shock: Only four weeks???!!!! bugger
Plenty of time!!!
Still nowt off this week :shock:
Am I bovvered? Nope! :cool: :wink:
@spanner buddy, well done and go you 4:3 see you on Monday fast thread which @Sallyo has recently set us off, On our marks.....meanwhile happy weekend to all

Lizbean x
No weight loss, sad, just wavering around 128 and 129 lbs. Watching not only TDEE but also perhaps needing some exercise again. It's not that I sit around either.
:bugeyes: #77. Sorry I'm a bit late with my entry! I did weigh myself on Friday though and there was no change! Will be doing an additional fast this week to try and make up for all the food and drink I had last week! :clover:
Checking in #24

last week or two of recording on progress tracker below

Libra tracker at 70.6 so 600g's to go.

my goal is 69's so 69.999 on Libra.

Probably wont make it before Easter but as i say in my Nearly there tent... it don't matter

If you are "nearly there"... come and join us all in there. we have made it realllly comfortable as some of us realise the holding bay to Maintenance nirvana will be long, and maybe even infinite. lol

Sunday 23rd Mar 2014 70.90kg 11st 2.31lbs (156.31lbs) - 24.25
Saturday 22nd Mar 2014 70.20kg 11st 0.76lbs (154.76lbs) - 24.01 --
Friday 21st Mar 2014 71.30kg 11st 3.19lbs (157.19lbs) -- 24.38 --
Thursday 20th Mar 2014 70.80kg 11st 2.09lbs (156.09lbs) -- 24.21 --
Wednesday 19th Mar 2014 70.30kg 11st 0.98lbs (154.98lbs) -- 24.04 --
Tuesday 18th Mar 2014 70.50kg 11st 1.43lbs (155.43lbs) -- 24.11 --
Monday 17th Mar 2014 70.40kg 11st 1.21lbs (155.21lbs) -- 24.08 --
gorba wrote: Hello! It's been two weeks since my last check in. Two weeks ago I stated that I'm not going to fast any more 5/2 style and I'm embarking on a journey of strength training and ditching sweets for Lent. Here's how it's going for me.

1) I don't weigh myself daily any more, but has jumped on the scales today to see what it is for the sake of SMART Easter check in :) - 58.5 kg, not bad
2) I do strength training 2-3 times a week for about an hour per session
3) I do HIIT exercise 2-3 times a week, thanks to Fast Exercise book, for fat loss - 8sec/12sec version
4) I still don't fast 5/2 style, I do usually 7/17 between 12pm and 7pm, but some days I have breakfast, if I'm feeling too hungry
5) Since starting the Lent challenge I have gave in twice to dark chocolate and twice to white chocolate, about 20-30 grams each time. No cakes or biscuits, and there are plenty in our office!
6) About two weeks ago, thanks to @carorees, I stumbled upon and information on that site has changed a lot for me in terms of what I put on my plate. My diet consists now of meat (mostly beef, but also turkey and some fish), eggs, vegetables (non starchy), a little of good fats, some nuts, some potatoes. After those two weeks I am feeling the difference, believe me! I have much more energy, I sleep better and don't have post-lunch drowsiness. And I don't go hungry, even though I don't eat much. It must be the increase in fat intake and decrease in carbs intake.
7) I have lost cm around everywhere, apart from shoulders, where I have built some muscle. I'm down 1cm in waist and hips and 0.5 cm from thighs. My waist is 69 cm, which is the lowest I have ever seen.

I'm now convinced I won't see 57kg on the scales on 17th April, but that's not the point any more. The scales don't rule me any more, and I'm feeling relived and so much better for it. Recently my friend, who also is trying to lose weight and fat, told me I look very slim and asked how much I weigh these days, I said 59 kg. She couldn't believe that. That's to say that weight doesn't matter as much as body composition.

hi @Gorba

Your exercise program and eating program sound perfect

Ive been looking at BMI's of people on the board and anyway was wondering if 21.6 BMI which is your current BMI is ok for you. Are you aiming for 21.0 or lower?
Bit disappointed with my weekly weigh in today. I'm 11:4 now so I've only lost a least it's still dropping, but at this rate I don't think I'll achieve my goal...again!! Never mind, miracles do happen I guess :confused:

Bean :cry:
A bit late with my weigh-in this week as I have been away for a couple of nights with my daughter. Following this eatanddrinkathon I am not at all surprised to have put on a pound this week :oops:

As penance I have done an extra run this morning and will do a 24 hour fast today, before eating the delicious beef carbonnade my husband has prepared for dinner [doesn't feel like penance actually, damage limitation?].
@nursebean it's going down isn't it luv. Same for me a couple of good weeks, a couple of teeny weeny loss weeks, one static week. I estimate my static week will be next week. 12.11.2 for me this week. That's 600gm, :confused:
Juliana.Rivers wrote:
hi @Gorba

Your exercise program and eating program sound perfect

Ive been looking at BMI's of people on the board and anyway was wondering if 21.6 BMI which is your current BMI is ok for you. Are you aiming for 21.0 or lower?

Thanks @Juliana.Rivers :) My recent eating/exercising program is working well for me.

I'm not concerned about BMI at all and if it's 21, 21.6 or 22 I'm not bothered as long as I look good in my own eyes. And so far I like what I see in the mirror :) However, there's still room for improvement. I still have some excess fat I would be happy to get rid of. I'm hoping low-carb diet and HIIT and weight lifting will take care of it. How much time is it going to take, I don't know, but it's a lifestyle change for me, something to keep me in a good health, not just something I do to lose fat.
Haven't weighed myself this week as I am getting a bit fed up seeing the same weight on the scale however all my clothes are feeling a bit looser. So I decided to do a cull on my wardrobe of all the clothes which don't fit me any more and tried on some of the clothes I had stashed away which were too small at xmas. I was delighted the ones that hadn't fitted at xmas were fitting fine, so OH went up to the attic and got some clothes that are stashed up there in the next size down. I was absolutely ecstatic to see that some of them fitted as well - down side is I now have a load of washing and ironing to do lol.
bettyboo099 wrote: Haven't weighed myself this week as I am getting a bit fed up seeing the same weight on the scale however all my clothes are feeling a bit looser. So I decided to do a cull on my wardrobe of all the clothes which don't fit me any more and tried on some of the clothes I had stashed away which were too small at xmas. I was delighted the ones that hadn't fitted at xmas were fitting fine, so OH went up to the attic and got some clothes that are stashed up there in the next size down. I was absolutely ecstatic to see that some of them fitted as well - down side is I now have a load of washing and ironing to do lol.

It's the best isnt it when that happens. Sometimes the scales dont indicate one of the most important effect of this way of life.. reduced body fat and size of waist. Never quite understood why its not positively correlated. (i.e scales dont move and the others do).. any one ?
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