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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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#44 reporting in @ 134.8 lbs - 0.6lb up on last week. I haven't fasted this week so I think that could be called Maintaining.
I will try and Fast next week but my Fasting mojo seems to have upped and gone.
#39 - I've stayed exactly the same which I am very pleased with! Son's birthday last weekend so cake and brownies and eating out! :oops:
#54 checking in. 300g loss this week, so heading nicely in the right direction. Good luck fellow Easter challengers, have a great weekend :heart:
#64 checking in with a 200g loss this week, now 133.8 lbs. I'm pleased with this as I think my body is in catch up mode.

@spanner buddy - good luck with your Friday fast. :clover:

Wishing you all a good fast week ahead :smile:
#73 checking in with a 1.2 kg loss this week, very pleased. Have gone down a dress size and have splashed out on a new dress to keep me motivated. Yay!!!
#40 checking in here, so after gains all last week this week I have seen new numbers on my scales. As of this morning I'm down to 97.7KG, I thought it was a fluke yesterday when I was at 97.8KG- so I'm starting to feel hopeful again that I can lose that last 2.7kg in 4 weeks! :D
#52 Susbut65 here. Absolutely thrilled to be the same as last week, following a weekend of naughty yummy fastfood and doughnuts whilst staying with my daughter and granddaughters(who generally only have fastfood and sweet treats at the weekend and only if they have been good !)

FRI 28 FEB 62.8k
FRI 7 MAR 62.5k
FRI 14 MAR 61.9 (TUE 18 MAR 63.5k)
FRI 21 MAR 61.9k

WELL CHUFFED!!! :wink:
Some very motivational post here - well done if you've lost or maintained.
I've lost an unintentional 2lbs to take me to 145lbs (must remember to update tracker)and I'm still low carbing.
#27 delighted to report that after a two pound loss this week I have now reached my target of a ten pound loss, which also handily puts me into the green. So I am really pleased with that.

While my solid two days a week of fasting has given me an average one pound loss per week, I suspect my being much more carb-aware these days has given me the extra boost of a few extra pounds lost here and there. I have read Gary Taubes' "Why we get fat" and am currently reading "Grain Brain", both of which have been a revelation. Being a long-term veggie, my diet has been carb heavy for years, and as an 'apple' all my fat is abdominal. Which means I'm quite possibly insulin resistant. So looking forward to losing all that belly fat over the coming weeks and months. :cool:

Best of luck to everyone else on the challenge. :clover:
#11 reporting in. Am at target weight today for the first time. I expect I'll be up again tomorrow, but if I've seen it once I'll see it again! Hoping to get the trend line to target before Easter...500g to go and 3 weeks, so it should be possible. Libra is saying 16th April, so I should just squeak in!
I'm a happy 11st 2lbs today which is going down - the right direction at last. I've been here before and well beyond but this year started with a rebound effect, I do hope I've knocked it on the head at last.
I have lost 2 3/4 lb this week. This means I have lost 2 stone overall since I started this WOE nearly 9 weeks ago.
Big woo hoo for you @carorees - you must be so chuffed! Fantastic!

Also to @Brand-ie - wow! There's no stopping you, is there?! You are doing so brilliantly!

I love reading these they are so inspiring!

Keep 'em coming, I say........

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Big shout out to @carorees @Brand-ie @azureblue @Tuesday et al! Proud of you all x
Going to report in tomorrow as expecting a better result after a good fast.

well done carorees.

@carorees.. my libra curve is going in the wrong direction at moment so i better do something different. i love libra cause when the trend line is facing up you know you have to fix it.
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