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Oh my @Hazelnut20 we hope you are ok, that sounds very nasty indeed. Do let us know how your recovery is going.

Best to you :clover:

I fell three weeks ago and smashed my cheek bone against the sharp edge of a door frame. Wow. It takes us time to recover from shock and injury.

Sending you hugs and :heart:

On Saturday I went to pick up a dress which I've had made for a special occasion just before Easter and it had to be taken in! I don't think that the dressmaker was pleased. As a result, I've decided to calm things down for a couple of weeks and aim to maintain for now.

I'm not sure how I'll go about that. I've become very relaxed about eating lately and don't want to have to get into counting anything. It actually feels a little scary to up my intake just a little. I think that I will follow the same pattern of usually just eating an evening meal, but I will allow myself slightly more to eat. I'm a little worried that I might gain. The dress clearly shows every couple of pounds gained or lost.

Perhaps I need to weigh every day to check that everything is in order. Wish me luck!
I wouldn't stop the weight loss just because of a dress....after all you're the customer paying the bill! Good luck @Bracken with whatever you decide to do. :clover:
Lizbean wrote: Oh my @Hazelnut20 we hope you are ok, that sounds very nasty indeed. Do let us know how your recovery is going.

Best to you :clover:

I fell three weeks ago and smashed my cheek bone against the sharp edge of a door frame. Wow. It takes us time to recover from shock and injury.

Sending you hugs and :heart:


Oh my @Lizbean that sounds very painful indeed I do hope you're better too! :clover: :heart:
Thanks Auriga.

I now have the dress. Final alterations were done on the day. It is not possible for me to return for further changes, so I need to stay at around the same size for two weeks until I wear it. It is a special dress for a special day, so I want it to fit properly.

I can then continue losing until I have got to the size at which I want to settle and return for final alterations.
#55 checking in! My laptop died just after my last post what seems like a lifetime ago & work internet blocks access so I''ve been floundering along. My weight is the down but only because I've had a horrible sickness bug that landed me in hospital for a few hours being rehydrated.

Need to do lots of reading to catch up with everything & everyone.
Number 8 checking in ...

I've been a bit quiet on here lately as work has been busy. Also, weight has been fluctuating mostly in the wrong direction :confused: but today it's 11 st 5.8 lbs which is close to what it was 3 weeks ago.

Will I make it to 11.3 in time for Easter??? It's anyone's guess, although at the moment I would be pleased with 11.4.

Hoping to be the right side of 11 stone in time for summer hols :grin:
Wincing about @lizbean and@hazelnut20 poor things!
and @patchworkperson hope youre better now x
Well done all on yr losses x
And @Bracken how fab about the dress needing taking in! Ignore the dressmaker being none too pleased! Thats a big achievement! :like: tell her to get trimming! :lol:
#38 checking in & delighted to say that I shed 3.5lbs last week - woo hoo!

Needless to say, I am chuffed to little bits. That's 13lbs down and 3lbs to go to hit my Easter it might just be do-able....fingers crossed!

Whatever happens, it has been great to chase a target and any amount lost is a bonus. This is the first challenge I have joined in with and I really think they are a great idea as it has kept me focused each week!

Quick shout out to @Lizbean - thanks for your kind concern re my roast dinner accident. I am much better now & have got away with just one rather noticeable burn on my forehead. Happily, I can hide it with my hair. Am very thankful that my eyes escaped the splashes. I do hope you are OK after your run in with a door......nasty!

Good luck everyone for the final Easter push......! xxx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:

Hazelnut, wow 3.5 lbs in one week! Is that a forum record? How did you manage that? Very glad to hear you are recovering from the accident, it's easy to forget how dangerous kitchens can be.

Sorry to hear Patchworkperson has been ill too.

Wondering if there should be an Accident and Emergency tent we could all gather in, as needs be :wink:

I doubt it is a record - but it was a very nice sight, I can tell you! Thank you for your kind words @Lizbean

As far as how I did it:-

1) Firstly, I was not pre-menstrual last week - that always helps! Actually, I take on water twice a month it seems, don't really understand it, but I definitely do.....

2) When I decided to take the Easter challenge, I asked myself how many pounds I needed to lose to get to a total loss of 2.5 stone since starting. Sadly, that answer was 16lbs! So, the next question was, how on earth am I going to get close to my target? Which is where the "E" word came in: I was going to have to do more than just walk twice a week! So now, I jog with a friend on Tuesdays & Fridays, walk Mondays & Wednesdays with a friend & do my very best to be active with the children at the weekend. I have even been known to throw in an extra jog on my own if I've liked what the scales say a day before my Monday weigh in! Just to ensure they will still be my friend the next day!

3) I switched to 4:3 in March as the fast days were not a problem, but the other days were! I figured if I had one less day to over eat, that had to be good news! I am 18 weeks in on this fasting journey and am absolutely loving the results and very importantly, the way I am feeling in myself. The more I lose, the less I want to sabotage my efforts by eating badly, so gradually, my bad habits are diminishing (but will probably never totally disappear!).

4) I also decided in March to try 16:8 as often as possible. No great trauma as I could never face breakfast too early in the morning anyway.....

I bless the day I decided to try out 5:2 & I bless this forum too! You are all so supportive, nice & helpful - thank you all so much! Xx

Hope I haven't bored everyone rigid! I write as I talk, as in.....lots!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Well done @Hazelnut20 That's a brilliant loss.
Wow @Hazelnut20 :heart: - that's fantastic ! Well done :victory: :victory: :victory: :heart:
You're doing very well @Hazelnut20!
@Hazelnut20 I'm just back from work, and off to sleep shortly.

That is a wonderful inspiring personal journey you share with us, thank you and congratulations to you :like:- your delight is positively infectious! A similar experience for me, slowly down 16lbs since 31st Dec, another 7 lbs and I'll reflect on where I am.

One can never talk too much on a forum, so bring it on :wink:

Skipping to bed! :sleepy:

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