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Re: Are there any runners here?
23 Mar 2014, 14:13
Congratulations @Franglaise :victory:
And you beat me by a minute on my 10k test race today - I'm running Copenhagen half marathon next weekend, I bet you'll beat my time there too in yours :wink:
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 Mar 2014, 06:29
Thanks very much @MaryAnn :oops: I think I should have done better, my legs just didn't want to go any faster at the end of the race. Usually I have more to give than I did yesterday.
@RunningOlsenGood luck in your half next weekend! I know what time I should do based on my 10km time but not sure I'll be able to keep up nearly the same pace as a 10km for over twice as long for the 21kms!
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 Mar 2014, 06:55
Good luck next weekend, @RunningOlsen!
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 Mar 2014, 07:57
Thanks @MaryAnn and @Franglaise!
About the longer runs you might find this interesting. I am going to try it Thursday.
It's quite against what we else do in "5:2'ing", but once you have reached a certain level of activity we must also realise it takes fuel.
Re: Are there any runners here?
24 Mar 2014, 13:28
I definitely felt better running the morning of a fast day than the morning after a fast day.

Also, I never fast the day of or day before a race. But I've never tried carb-loading to that extent...
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Mar 2014, 14:41
Hi all, reporting in late this week... Parkrun was at Ipswich again, a nice day for running and feeling quite well for once. Pleased to get another PB on this course at 24:38, and beat by a considerable distance the chap who pipped me last week!

MrsPete also got a local PB with 30:04, despite walking up the mid-distance hill, so for once we were both happy at the same time.

Well done Susan for you 10k PB, and good luck to both you and RunningOlsen in your halves. When I used to run properly, the half was a horrible distance as the pace was too high for too long, unlike the marathon which was more of a gentleman's event where you held yourself back (if you had any sense, that is!)...
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Mar 2014, 14:56
Congratulations on the 5K PR @CreakyPete - and for the Missus too!
I might run the half like a gentlemens event, hehe, but more likely I will try to find the limit to get wiser on marathon speed in 10 weeks. So yes, it's a long time under pressure.
Re: Are there any runners here?
25 Mar 2014, 19:11
@CreakyPeteWell done on your park run Pete and Mrs Pete! You must both be pleased.
@RunningOlsenI'm not sure I could face a carb load, I'm not used to it! I think for a marathon I would, but probably not for a half as I think it should be OK without any extra sustenance (carb loading or gels) for 21kms. The only think I will take is water. 42kms is different!
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Mar 2014, 15:10
Runners, I need your advice

I don't run high mileage, i'm coming back from an injury, my old distance was up to 10k, now its up to 5k at the moment.

I run about 2 miles 3 times a week... sometimes more, sometimes less.

Anyway, I did a 4 mile run 2 weeks back, and since then i've only managed a few short runs. My knees feel swollen, and my body feels overall achy. The injury I had has been a bit twingy, so I've not ran since last Friday, decided to take a week off!

I'm not in any pain, just aches and sore bits. So.... do I run tomorrow - just a short one! Or do I not run until I feel 100 % no aches? Sometimes I feel running helps with the aches, and relieves the stress in my shoulders from work....

It feels like an overuse injury from increasing the distance too quickly! oops.... Was feeling good so ran a mile more than my usual longest run, and I think that's what's caused it?

Any advice? Apart from listen to my own body and the RICE, etc....
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Mar 2014, 20:38
You could try walking the same distance, at a decent pace, to get the movement but not so much impact. I only run once a week now because of the aches and stiffness that result, and I use Ibuprofen sparingly as an anti-inflammatory when walking becomes painful. But then I am very old.. Walking and biking cause much less damage to me, but I miss running for fun...
Re: Are there any runners here?
27 Mar 2014, 21:04
Hello @rebelsue2
I'd say what @CreakyPete says: Don't be afraid to walk!
In my own experience you should look out for:
- Aches under the foot or the heel
- Knee pain that don't stop when you stop running
- Soreness on the inside of the shins (don't know the English term, but if the ligaments becomes inflamed it can take long to recover)

Muscle ache is good :) But running is one of those things that is fine balanced, a little too much and you're out for a time. Most important is to stay able to run next week, so if you doubt it, wait! Take a walk instead. Or even better do some exercise that strengthens your core, like some:
Or just Google core exercises till you find some that fits you in length and difficulty.
You can't imagine how much that will improve your running. A few weeks once a week and I'm sure you will get a Whauv feeling suddenly while running.

Good luck!
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Mar 2014, 00:21
swollen knees are a worry; sore muscles not so much (actually a good sign in most cases). I think lower impact exercise is good advice. Do you have access to an elliptical or a bike? Those are alternatives to walking if you really want to get your heart rate up.

Also, how good are your shoes? It probably sounds excessive, but I buy new ones about every 6 months now.

I started having trouble with my knees about 7 years ago. The thing that has helped the most is losing weight. I kept running that whole time though. I just ice my knees afterward, even now, even if they're not sore. Resistance training to strengthen muscles in the legs that stabilize the knee might be necessary, too. I saw an orthopedic doctor who did some tests and gave me advice about exercises. (I have the unusual problem that my hamstrings are stronger than my quads. This is the opposite of many runners)
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Mar 2014, 07:06
Deep water running (aqua jogging), was suggested to me when I was injured. It's actually quite good, especially on a hot day. It's gentle on the body but you can work hard & really get your heart going! I am now doing it once a week as part of my training for a half marathon.

Core strength is a good point. I don't have much of that & its resulted in aches and pains ending up everywhere else! I originally thought I'd injured my foot, but a physiotherapist traced it back to a back injury 18 months ago, which is affecting a nerve that runs down into my foot. Apparently if I had more core strength my back would be a lot better & therefore the foot pain would be better!!! So she has given me loads of exercises to do & it has made a big difference to my running. I feel a lot more stable when running - if that makes any sense, and the foot pain is pretty much gone! I never would have thought foot pain could be related to core strength!
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Mar 2014, 08:03
Thanks guys

I walk a lot as well, and I have kept walking, but even the 2 mile walk I did the other day I felt in my knees. Although they do feel better again today!

Its not muscle soreness (like you get after a good run) its like acheyness around the joints, i've never had before.

My shoes are only 5 months old and i've only ran 50 miles in them! So not that... they were fitted at a running store and are stability shoes so it cuts down my overpronation

I do core exercises and strengthing/stretching as i had to do that for years due to my injury.

I think it's just an overuse thing. I'm not running today anyway as i've managed to now pull a muscle in my neck (no idea how) and I can't move it! So i'll see how I feel on sunday!

I also ordered an ice pack and will do that in future. As well as the usual pills and pain relief gels!

thanks for the advice

I shall just continue to listen to my own aches and pains! The joys of running!
Re: Are there any runners here?
28 Mar 2014, 10:12
Good luck, hope it gets better quickly. Be prepared to see a doctor & get a blood test if it doesn't, to eliminate some of the possibilities...
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