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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Apr 2014, 15:54
Oh it must be truly wonderful to watch them hatch. How lovely. xx

As for ebay. I'm trying to get rid of all the "tut" as Alan Sugar would say, that's lying around the house. If I can make a bit of money while I'm at it, then all the better! Actually, Ive bean inspired recently by an article I read about a woman who has made a big success of selling on Ebay. I really think this might be a possibility for me in the future. I'll have to give up nursing and working from home would be ideal. I really think I could make a go of it...when I'm more well. Watch this space.

By the way how does "Bean's Boutique" grab you? Not sure what I'd sell yet. Several different lines I think. Clothes, kids' toys, maybe stuff for dogs and definitely household items. It's great to have something to aim for. Why, I feel quite excited! Better read the entrepreneur's guide first :wink:

Now, leave those chicks's their bed time!!

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Apr 2014, 16:11
Good lord Bean I believe you're going to hit your Easter goal. :victory:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Apr 2014, 16:13
I know, I'm certainly heading in the right direction. And it's all bean so easy :shock:

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Apr 2014, 22:45
@nursebean Beany,i am in bed and your avatar is making me need to get up for a wee wee! But i am too comfy! Gahhhh! :confused:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
01 Apr 2014, 23:37
awww - I love widdle chicks - my Granma always used to have chickens and I used to spend hours watching the chicks when they came along!
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Apr 2014, 14:52
Hello my buddy and all you other wonderful friends.

I've just popped in to say that this having a little salad at lunch is working great for me at the moment. Came home and had a little bit of bread. And a cuppa to keep me going till I get home from class tonight. Will prob just have poached eggs again like Monday.

I'm not out for lunch Friday so I'm hoping this will be a great week seeing as I've lost the "cycle" or TOTM (can't really call it that anymore can I?)
But and it's a massive but........ I'm going yo mums next Thursday to Tuesday. I tried going to hers last year and I think I put on a couple of pounds. Shall eak out breakfast into brunch if I can. Either that or pretend I've had a big of toast whilst she's in the shower. Ooooh that's a plan.
My step dad has a treadmill, failing that I could go for a run first thing!

@madcatlady will you be needing help putting that lovely pic up as your avatar. Much prefer seeing peoples faces.

Chick pic.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Apr 2014, 15:02
Can't you just enjoy your break at your mum's? If there's a treadmill there that should help shouldn't it. Good luck anyway and just accept that life gets in the way of this sometimes doesn't it.

Love your little chicks. Such little innocents xx

Bean :heart:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Apr 2014, 15:14
Fitbit weekly
If I was losing weight the way I should be I'd say just that Beany, but I'm getting a tad frustrated these days.
Looking at my fitbit weekly updates. Attached, I'm burning so much. Maybe I'm not eating enough. Maybe five days of wey hey will help. Just so damned disappointing.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Apr 2014, 15:26
Oh @Carieoates I can really understand your frustration. Look at all those steps you've done. It's so weird isn't it. I don't even achieve half your daily steps. Take today, for example, I've walked 4,923 steps...and that's good for me!! Perhaps @Carorees could shed some light on your situation?

Don't'll get there!

Bean xx
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Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
02 Apr 2014, 17:40
Dr M says in his Fast Exercise book that when the machines at the gym tell you how many calories you've burned it includes the calories that you would have burned anyway if you'd say at home doing nothing, so the extra cals you've burned is much less than the gym machines would have you believe. Could this also be true of the fit it?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Apr 2014, 06:28
Thanks for that Caroline @carorees I'm not a gym bunny, I go to aerobics classes and my fitbit gives me an estimated cal burn for the day, pre exercise. Then, using my fitness pal and the monitor it works out what I've burned. I know it's a bit on the low side for the classes as the instructors use heart rate monitors and they're burning 600+ a time., I only log 479. Anyway, I exercise to tone and I'm seeing a great transformation in my tummy area. I might take a pic and upload later.

I'm not moaning ........maybe just a tad :oops: BUT.....
It's just that when you're fasting, cutting down carbs sweet treats and alcohol oh and exercising. And all this with no loss it's a bit hard to face those dissapointing numbers glaring back at you from the scales.
With Easter Hols coming up I'm mindful of the fact that this is not going to be a typical fortnight with regards to activity, fasting and my mums lovely cooking.!!!!

Today is my last day at work before my Easter break yipeeeee

So bean how's you my luv?
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Apr 2014, 09:21
Good morning Oatesy! Here I am working away on Ebay...waiting for my photos to slow! I just can't believe how much more energy I've got these days. I know I've got to learn to pace to be able to keep this up...but I'm enjoying it so much!

Anyway, I'm sure one day your weight will suddenly start shifting. The main thing is that you feel good and you certainly look lovely and slim, so don't get too het up about the scales.

I won't divulge my recent excitement until Sunday morning...then hopefully all will be revealed!

Have a great last day Oatesy!

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Apr 2014, 14:59
Afternoon Beano. So what's all the mystery then, I bloomin hate mystery, tell me, tell, me,tell me. Please. Is it hair?

I'm now done til 22nd Spril. WOOP. Kill or cure, that's all I can say. So how's the ebay queen doing, what's your dinner, and how's the CFS after all that work ?

Not sure how to attack this Easter Hols, I was hoping to be nearer to 12 stone than 13 at this stage. Going to take a pic of my one pack later. Lol :grin: :lol:

My last cute chick pic.
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
03 Apr 2014, 16:37
Oh wow! You're now on your hols...hoorah! Just enjoy your time off and don't get too het up about fasting. After all, this is for life isn't it...and we don't have many holidays a year do we. Says the Bean who's worrying about her holiday in May!!

Oh my mystery is nothing to get excited about. I don't want to tempt fate which is why I'm gonna weight until Sunday...for my weigh in! Get the hint?!

Feeling a bit grumpy at the mo. The heavy coat is back and I'm tired. It's like working in quick sand or deep frustrating when you've got a beany business to run! Anyway, I mustn't grumble because there are a lot of people with this illness who spend their days in bed.

Anyway, I don't want to leave on a low note. I want to wish you a wonderful Easter break. What on earth are you gonna do with yourself?! :shock:

Bean :starving:
Re: Bean & Oates - Mad Eaters!
04 Apr 2014, 07:20
Good morning. It's a bit cloudy and grey here this morning.

Got a but of a soar throat, which started last night so I had some Doritos. Yes I love crisps when I've got a soar throat, the scratching helps! It had better shift and not develop into a cold as I won't be able to go and see my mum otherwise. My mum cares for my step dad who has many many health issues. Artificial knee, artificial elbow, pacemaker with associated heart problems, copd and I almost forgot, liver stress, calcium deficiency and prostate cancer. So I don't /won't go near even if I've got a sniffle as he ends up on his nebuliser, on steroids and sometimes in hospital if he catches cold and they go to his chest.

So I'm of to class this morning, well it is Friday, straight to nail salon, shopping coming, then opticians at 3. I'm going to see about switching to contact lenses. V.v.v excited.

I will pop back to see how you' are doing. And I promise to weigh in on sat morning, even though I don't want to. :frown: I think that I need to get back to daily weighing, and with being off work I may remember to dash into the spare room in the mornings.

See you later
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