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Group Challenges

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Please count me in. My goal is to lose 5kg. Thanks for organising this. I look forward to being part of a group effort rather than going it alone. Good luck to all involved!
Would like to sign up for this challenge but not sure how to go about it???? :heart:
Hi and welcome,good luck reaching yr goal!
If you can,pls go to link below and let us know how you got your@JanKenPonname! X

I would love to do the challenge this year. I would to lose 5 Kgs during this time.
Hey all!! I think I would like to give this a go! I am only just back into 5:2 after almost the whole year off and a whole lot ON!! I am very private about publishing my weight and will just log in losses/gains during the challenge. I would like to lose 5kg (or more) in this time and my extra challenge will be to severely reduce extra sugar!! We are on holidays for the first week of this challenge so that will be another challenge!!
Hi, I'd love to join in, my goal would be to lose 5lb in the 12 weeks.
May I say it's lovely to see @riel & @maggiee back! Welcome back girls xx

That's all - I still haven't quite decided on my goal for the Christmas currently awaiting an injection of mojo!!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Hi All
I'm a new member and I'd love to join the challenge.
I'd like to set my goal at 5 kilos but would really like to lose more.
I am seriously struggling with added sugar at the moment, so that had better be my extra thing to be aware of.
piper wrote: Hi, count me in. My goal is to weigh less than 128 lbs., which will put me at just in the normal weight zone. I know it's not much but I have quit smoking and it's been a little rough around here. Minimizing weight gain, even trying to lose a little more while staying a non-smoker is the goal.

Sorry @piper You are member 42. I did miss you on that third page of this thread. All the best .. great to see you have also quit smoking. Excellent work! I was just talking to friends that came around about the benefits of quitting.
Deirdreg wrote: Would like to sign up for this challenge but not sure how to go about it???? :heart:

@deirdreg. welcome aboard. you have signed up by just posting on this thread you are member 53,... what are your goals for the 12 weeks commencing October 1 and do you have a planned method and planned "extra"
Wow.. what activity on the weekend. More than 50 members. this is so exciting. the power of numbers..

I welcome everyone in the group to reply to posts to try to have a big of a group hug thing happening. whilst i started the challenge its great to see a group comraderie happening. and if im failing please coax me to keep going. the no cake thing is a scary thought as i made such a yummy cake on the weekend full of nuts, dried figs and honey!

New members since last listing.. welcome aboard the weight loss train...

Member 40 @carieoates
Member 41 @Maggie
Member 42: @piper
Member 43 : @bofa45
Member 44 : @skinnyli
Member 45: @peonyblue
Member 46: @Riel
Member 47: @Sarah293
Member 48 :@juliebulie10
Member 49:@devo
Member 50:@Catscratch
Member 51: @hippychoc
Member 52: @JanKenPon
Member 53: @Deirdreg
Member 54: @Mawdie
Member 55: @SoTellMe
Member 56: @lizchuter
Member 57: @Nasus999

full list here.. on post number 1 5-2-diet-chat-f6/pre-register-your-interest-now-for-the-2014-xmas-challenge-t13087.html
just another week to go before the hard but satisfying work begin! :grin: :grin: :grin:
Hi , I would like to join the Christmas Challenge.
When I first started back in March 2014, I had 70kg as my interim goal by end of December.
I am going well but in the last 2 months my loss has slowed so I would be thrilled if I could reach 73 Kg by Christmas.
I intend to keep the 5:2 regime, but throw in some 4:3 weeks where my schedule allows.
My extra challenge is to limit the amount of Christmas goodies such as home made shortbread, Christmas cake and mince pies to just the week of Christmas and not spread it all the way through Advent as I usually do!
Happy to be number 43! Aiming for the 80kg target.
Day 3 f fasting since I rejoiced so getting used to it all again.

This week will cut out sweet treats on non fast days and stick to fruit.

Have a good week everyone. X
57 members JR! Wow!
@nursebeanor @lizbean should have that number :lol:
Goal: 68kg by Christmas (5kg loss)
Method: 5:2 + low carb on non fast days

Also doing Stoptober so cutting out alcohol will deffinately be a good way to kick start weightloss.
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