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Re: Forum Fixes
24 May 2014, 21:06
Gremlins @Minumonline!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I can see everyone's how weird is that
some photos aren't visible to me and the font size is great much bigger and easier to read but I'm on a tablet most of the time. :clover:
Re: Forum Fixes
24 May 2014, 21:35
@Moogie you are a star :heart:

My android phone doesn't like the fast day site says something about a security warning. So I have concentrated my access via iPad and am patient as aware it is a big task for you guys.

Also can't view trackers
Re: Forum Fixes
25 May 2014, 13:29
I have a problem viewing the Photographers' and Snappers' Tent. On IE and Firefox, there are ads on the left column, then a huge blank space then a bit of the forum page, just wide enough to see avatars on the right. I can't scroll it across to get it in the centre. On iPad, it is properly centred but I can only see a few avatars and the rest of the message field is completely blank.
Am I the only one with this problem? Seems strange especially since it is on 3 different browsers. :?:
Re: Forum Fixes
25 May 2014, 14:18
I'm on an android tablet too and the forum page fills it. Don't know if this has been asked before (sorry if it has) but I used to have a quick link to view my posts. Can't see it now. Means I have to go into my profile. Can anyone tell me an easy way please.
Re: Forum Fixes
25 May 2014, 15:24
PennyForthem wrote: I'm on an android tablet too and the forum page fills it. Don't know if this has been asked before (sorry if it has) but I used to have a quick link to view my posts. Can't see it now. Means I have to go into my profile. Can anyone tell me an easy way please.

It's at the very bottom of the page PFT...the same menu as before.
Re: Forum Fixes
25 May 2014, 15:38
I have never seen a forum that works so quickly to fix changes & requests after a rollout. Thanks so much for the team's hard work, every day its better & better.
Re: Forum Fixes
25 May 2014, 17:52
When looking at a topic, I used to click on that little symbol to take me to "view latest post." Now, when I click on it, it does take me to the top of the last page . . but I have to search down the page for the latest post. That's okay, I guess, but it used to work so well!!!
Withdrawn due to operator malfunction- me! I'd limited the range of time that posts and topics would appear to 7 days! Duh! It "works as designed", though not as I'd expected. Now reset to the default.
Re: Forum Fixes
25 May 2014, 18:41
I can see all those posts @ADFnFuel in the plank challenge thread, both with IE and with Firefox.
It is odd that certain threads are buggy with different users. No one has replied yet about the one I reported with the Photographers Tent earlier in this thread. It seems I am the only one having trouble with that one. Very strange :?:
Re: Forum Fixes
26 May 2014, 08:55
Photographs aren't all visible to me but assume its on the to do list, however I agree with @lovemyparrot Was easier before because it took you to that post those of us on mobile its difficult, and for me when I'm not logged in and try to reply it used to take me to login page not now never done that it just goes into nomansland, personally login is still intermittent and I've just noticed hidden users online I've not been given that option, these are minor teething probs but annoying on mobile just glad I don't get my forum "fix" on my small phone.
Re: Forum Fixes
26 May 2014, 09:55
I think the PC site is more stable than the mobile one as I can see my avatar on my PC-but not every ones. Is there going to be an option to use the PC site on mobile devices?, I think I did before but I am not absolutely certain.
Re: Forum Fixes
26 May 2014, 12:21
Somebody mentioned the security warning with android devices - I have this, and it stops the address bar and tabs being allowed to scroll off the screen. It seems related to sub-threads where users can post photos etc, the https:// padlock loses its green color and a warning triangle appears. The associated message indicates that the page is no longer properly secure due to the possibility it may have been modified...
I expect android/chrome is playing it safe but the effect is to lose 10% of my vertical screen area and it is very annoying!
Re: Forum Fixes
26 May 2014, 12:48
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but could you please consider to change the light blue text for something more readable? I find it very hard to read the headers on the first Forum page. Yeah, I am turning older my eyes are not what they used to be :wink:
Re: Forum Fixes
26 May 2014, 14:20
Thank you so much @Moogie and whoever in the team got onto it! It seems that my avatar is back flying again on the iPad and laptop. Magical appearance again, and a forum that getting more familiar by the day. You have had so much to do and over a very short time too. Commendable. :like:
Re: Forum Fixes
26 May 2014, 14:28
All looking pretty good now. Just a coupe of small niggles for me. I can't see the progress charts - I think this is already on the to do list and when I have been away from the forum and come back the 'view unread posts' link doesn't work.
Kepp up the good work all!
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