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Fasting with Medical Conditions

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Re: fasting and CFS
05 May 2014, 16:08
Thanks Candy. We must have bean writing at the same time!

Re: fasting and CFS
05 May 2014, 22:20
Hi Beany, yes I think you and my D.D. have a lot in common. she loves hats and wants to try making them, and she wants to try making jewelry, she does some wirewrapped jewelry when she can. she also would like to make clothing for folks like us that need comfort. she will have to take lessons on sewing because I can't teach her. the last time I tried to sew it had me saying words my family didn't know I knew. :) of course that was a Sweet Adeline costume, satin and sequins. not the easiest thing to do.

oh, I've seen pictures of Padstow. I would love to live there! when I win the lottery we will all have a holiday home there. :)

Candy, I'm so glad your daughter has her hubby, but sure understand not wanting to be dependent of even someone you love. AND, I sure understand your middle of the night worries.

I hope one day you can both come visit us in the Tennessee mountains. it is really pretty and I hope we can find a good spot that is in our price range. plenty of time to look and take our time.

sending you both a big hug. and thinking of a new job for beany. Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
06 May 2014, 07:22
Oh wow! I hope one day Candy and I WILL join you up in the Tennessee mountains! Just sounds so idyllic!

Your daughter sounds lovely, Phyllis! I'm so sorry that she has this wretched illness. Her special talents are being restrained aren't they. Its good to have things to aim for, though, isn't it. I think thats what keeps you going.

I'm sitting here thinking about posting all my books. I spent yesterday photographing them, now I have to describe each one individual and download the photos. Its all pretty time-consuming...and energy consuming stuff. Hope I can get it done.

What are you two up to today then? Anything good?

Bean xx
Re: fasting and CFS
06 May 2014, 10:05
Oh wdnt that be fabBean! Thanks for the invite MM! And yes yr daughter sounds lovely Phyll x
Take yr time Bean with those books..dont get worn out
Fast day for me and the little chores that i save for fast days..a certain grim satisfaction on getting them outa the way on a fast and repair day! :lol:
Just taking a rest oil on my face, coconut oil on my feet,soothing pads on my eyes..well there will be in a mo when i stop typing! :grin:
Then a lie on the bed listening to radio 4 x x
Take care my small but select band of cfs buddies xx
Re: fasting and CFS
06 May 2014, 18:54
fast day here. went to the farmers market, got some lovely salad fixins. had a scare this morning, got a call from the doctors that my hubby need to come in today to discuss his blood work. he hadn't seen a doctor in several year due to no insurance or money. it's hard enough getting a man to go to the doctor under the best circumstances. well, we got there and the problem was his cholesterol. seems it's really high, as is mine.

we have both had higher than what they want it to be for years. we were vegetarian for 10 yrs and still had high cholesterol. however mine has jumped over the past few months. don't know if fasting is adding to the problem. we asked her to recheck in 3 months and will keep an eye on the diet and add more omega 3's and such.

Beany, sounds like a good idea to sell extra books, we have though of doing the same. our favorite trade in old books for new old books is too far away for us to drive now days. just be sure and take enough time and not wear yourself out.

Candy, sounds like a great pamper yourself day. do you use a lot of coconut oil? I've been thinking of trying it out.

really looking forward to you ladies coming for a visit. that would be so wonderful!! well, I'm off to make a huge salad. take care my fast friends. Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
06 May 2014, 19:08
Hi MM. Oh dear, your hubby's cholesterol is high? Hmm did you get advice on foods to avoid? My dad was recently told his cholesterol is high (as well as his BP). He tends to have crisps every night...I'm sure that doesn't help. Otherwise, he's pretty good, though. Life's so annoying that you can't just eat what you like and be healthy isn't it. All the good, yummy things are always bad for you. I wonder why that is?

Well I've decided to hold off with my books at the moment. My parents are going away next week and so my dad won't be around to help me. I don't want to end up letting people down. My aim is always to send stuff out immediately so people get their orders the following day (where possible!). Not sure I'm quite up to doing it all on my I'm being a sensible Bean!

Oh I did laugh to myself Candy. The thought of you sitting there, being pampered from top to toe. I guess you smell pretty coconutty at the moment, don't you :confused:

Well, the day is nearly over I guess and I've just decided to have another feast day tomorrow (in fact I'm pretty much looking forward to it already). I'll fast on Thursday and Saturday leaving me free to feast when we go out for a meal. I don't think I could've done a back to back fast just yet.

Hugs to you both xx

Bean :bugeyes:
Re: fasting and CFS
06 May 2014, 19:25
@mountainMyst we're so lucky in the uk to have the NHS
Hope yr hub is ok but i' m a bit sceptical about the high cholesterol hooha!
Ive read so much conflicting stuff re cholesterol / statins etc etc..
Theres bound to be some info on here somewhere if you put high cholesterol in Search.
I loved how you said salad fixins! Havent heard that before and it sounds so Yanky! X :like:
I've only just got into coconut oil..its a bit expensive..about £ 16 but a very big jar..not sure what that is in has a myriad of uses so i' m giving it a smells divine.
@nursebean glad youre being sensible about dem books xx
Re: fasting and CFS
06 May 2014, 19:27
You'll turn in to a coconut soon, Candy

Re: fasting and CFS
06 May 2014, 19:33
oh i love it,@nursebean
I' ll be coconut ice! :lol: .. Its a bit too sweet but its lovely!or a Bounty bar..yummers
Oh gosh i want something sweet now :razz: luckily corner shop closes at eight..not that i'd go over on a fast day :?: would i??
Our corner shop is by LIPA ..Paul McCartney's music academy..
The shop owner told me Macca came in one day and bought..a packet of cheese & onion crisps!
Nightynight x over and out for another day!
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Re: fasting and CFS
07 May 2014, 12:41
Hi friends, Beany I think holding off on the books is a good idea, having help to get them ready and shipped off is important. isn't it great that we can move our fast days around to when they fit?

Candy, yes I envy you all the NHS, even if the aren't great with M.E. We have medicare because of my disability and Dexter just turned 65 so he now qualifies. Deidre doesn't have coverage like I said. With Obamacare, she could have gotten help, but our state doesn't think everyone deserves medical care, so didn't expand Medicaid. that least several hundred thousand people uncovered. granted, seeing a doctor hasn't done much for my M.E.:)

Dexter's parents both lived into their 90's. I don't know what their cholesterol was like. Dexter has generally had higher cholesterol than I, although with my family history, mine is likely inherited. my hubby is 6'3, and weighs 160 lbs. he kinda naturally does 16/8 and has never had a weight problem. when we married, he weighed 140 lbs, over the years I've managed to put 20 lbs on him and 40 on me. something is wrong with this picture. LOL.

funny thing is , we were vegetarian for 10 yrs and still had elevated cholesterol. the first test I had after started to eat meat again, mine went down. it has started going up after I started fasting. I read somewhere an explanation of that, but can't find it now. we are going to start fish oil, I have been taking it but not consistently. increase fiber intake, I think cut carbs a bit more. I think breads and other wheat products may contribute to mine. will be interesting to see what happens.

well, I wrote a novel this morning. :)sorry about that. hope you are having a great day!! hugs Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
07 May 2014, 12:45
oh, after writing a novel I realized I forgot to say something. I'm not convinced about the hysteria of cholesterol either. we have a drug that supposedly treats it so the "safe" level is lowered and lowered until everyone "needs" them. the levels they want to lower it too, I think is too low. not good for you. but, I will try to get mine back down a bit. my ratio has always been good, but as both my parents had a coronary bypass when they were my age, it probably do need to watch it. well, bye again. Phyllis :)
Re: fasting and CFS
15 May 2014, 07:09
Hi guys @mountainMyst and @nursebean
Just sitting here with my hot water and lemon,watching the city making its way to work!
I think a lot of this level lowering is just due to the drug companies wanting to make money,Phyll....but like you said,we don't want bypasses either! I' m due bloodtests,and will be interested in how my cholesterol is,since i've gone back to full fat.
My results are usually pretty good so we'll see! But even if my cholesterol has highered i won't be accepting statins! I wish Deidre was covered for some healthcare,it seems barbaric to leave thousands of people without..our health service has its problems but at the same time,performs miracles every day.
Just realised have done 5:2 for 9 months now. Have lost weight but i can't say ive seen any real improvement from ME symptoms,tho my balance is better,more or less anyway. I know the health benefits are more about avoiding dementia and heart attack / stroke and if thats true,its great!but wdnt it be nice if just by fasting, we got better?xxxx
~ have a great day! ~ xx
Re: fasting and CFS
19 May 2014, 22:35
Hi Candy and Bean, not doing well at the moment. will try to be back tomorrow to explain. hugs Phyllis
Re: fasting and CFS
20 May 2014, 10:44
Sending hugs Phyll@MountainMyst
Beano isnt good today,i ' m having an ok ( ish) day,feel a bit battered but resting and hoping to go out late afternoon ..wish we could all just get - better! Why is that too much to ask! :confused: xxxxx
Re: fasting and CFS
20 May 2014, 17:48
Didnt make it out this avvo..the plan was a movie then a cheapo meal to splurge my 500 cals..
Ahh well,another day...and the chances of slipping over my 500 cal limit was all too real ..dont really mind being stuck at home but wish i was stuck at home feeling more well.
Thinking of my two pals @nursebean and @MountainMyst
Better days to come :like: :clover:
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